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Asher's expression remains unchanged, which makes disappointment flood through Cora. She expects at least a tendril of surprise to chase on his face — but there are none. 

If Leticia is his greatest fear, then he is damn good at hiding it. 

Biting her bottom lip, Cora feels a feverish slew of desire needling at her stomach, fiery and out of control. She needs to know who this Leticia person is, even if she doesn't know why she feels the need to know. 

"You told me Leticia left you," Cora continues, undeterred by his lack of response. "You also said she was cruel for playing around with you." 

That's a lie because Cora isn't even sure if their relationship was that kind of relationship. But when Asher merely says "Is that so?" in a bored kind of voice, Cora grits her teeth. 

I need to know, she thinks, that desire spilling over the surface like hot gold overflowing out of a can. Who is Leticia to Asher? 

"Oh yeah, and you said one last thing." Cora rolls her eyes to the ceiling, pretending to think. In reality, her palms are sweating, heart thumping loudly. Don't say it, Cora, don't you dare say it unless you want to die because it's none of your business— "Right. You said you still love Leticia." 

Asher flinches. Bingo.

The tension releases out of Cora's muscles and she lets out a shaky exhale. What the hell did you just do? Slowly raising her eyes, she gauges Asher's face again: dread. 

"Yeah," says Asher. 

That's it? Just a casual "yeah" to his fear and love of his life? Cora can't even tell if that's a good or bad sign. "So where is she now?" Cora asks, uncontrollable words pouring out. "What happened to her?" 

This time, his expression isn't of indifference. No, it's a shield of blankness. "And why do you want to know, Angel?" Asher asks coolly, leaning towards her in an almost intimate gesture. "Are you perhaps..." 

Cora swallows, every inch of her burning up as his gaze sweeps across her face. Then Asher glances away and she's finally able to breathe. 

"You're not usually curious about my private business." He lets out a careless laugh. "When did you suddenly get interested in me?" 

She flushes pink. "Interested? In you?" Cora tries to match Asher's careless I-don't-care laugh, but her laugh sounds too high-pitched and incredulous. "Please, don't make me laugh." 

Asher's eyebrow lifts slightly. "You know, I was kidding when I said you were interested — but after hearing your response, maybe you do like me," Asher says, sounding amused. 

Cora is so flustered, she can barely stammer out words. Asher is waiting for an answer, but all she can manage is a pathetic sound. Finally, after a few seconds, Cora whirls on her heel. 

"I don't like you, you idiot!" she retorts, able to speak without Asher's intimidating stare. "So don't even think about it." 

When Cora stomps out of the living room, she hears a low chuckle that sends goosebumps rippling across her skin. And it isn't that she's finally reached the kitchen that she realizes Asher managed to avoid the topic about Leticia completely. 

The next morning, the sun kisses Cora's skin in a honey-like glistening sheen. It drenches her head-to-toe until it's too bright and warm to stay asleep. 

Half-awake, Cora gazes out the window. Unlike yesterday night, she can see the city more clearly. Towering skyscrapers pierce at dark clouds as a high-speed train disappears through a twisted path. People file through an underground railroad, red and gold tail lights soaking the highway. The clouds are turning slightly ashy as if it's going to rain — and that the only hope of it not raining is the brief rays of sunlight that rushes through. 

Cora quenches the feeling of unease. Today is when they're going to rescue Harper, so after they leave this place, Cora will stop feeling so nervous. 


Kai's head pops up beside Cora's bed and she releases a startled shriek. He lets out a maniacal cackle and she glares, feeling her pulse rising. "Don't scare me so early in the morning," Cora grouses. 

He smiles innocently, showing glistening sharp teeth. "So I can scare you later in the afternoon?" 

"No." Cora scowls. "Don't scare me today, tomorrow, or any time—" 

"In his sleep, Asher said he loved you!" Kai calls out, and Cora's heart turns to ice when she realizes that Asher is a few feet away, making sandwiches. 

A towel is whapped at Kai's face. "If you keep telling lies, I'm not going to make your sandwich," Asher threatens mildly. "Then on the way to find Cora's sister, you'll be hungry." 

Kai grumbles, mumbling something about how mean demons can be. Cora, though, is more tangled in the thought that Asher heard what Kai said. 

This is embarrassing. 

Cora goes down the stairs, cheeks burning. She hates this feeling — this kind of uncertainty, not knowing what Asher is thinking. 

He certainly looks calm, Cora notes, as she navigates towards the kitchen. He's probably so self-assured right now, not even Kai's words can sway him. 

She sighs, a slightly bitter noise. Unlike the calm and composed demon, Cora's thoughts are writhing around like shadows clawing at her mind. All her thoughts seem to be amplified, a rush of bitterness and embarrassment: What is he thinking? Is he even fazed by Kai's words? Are his thoughts overreacting like mine is? 

Asher turns slightly and that's when the sunlight hits his face. All the air rushes out of Cora's lips, watching as he bathes in the glittering sunlight. He sees her and then sends a dazzling smile in her direction. Cora's stomach plunges for a second, before she snaps out of it. 

"So we have the potion, right?" Cora asks, snatching a bottle off the table. Then a frown marred her features. "Wait, this doesn't look the same..." 

The teleportation potion earlier was caramel-colored with sugar and cinnamon flaking into the liquid — but this is the color of blood that pools through the clear-looking glass. It's so dark, Cora isn't sure if the color is dark red or black. 

"I bought another potion," Asher explains, before handing her the right bottle. Giving her an encouraging nod, Asher points at the bottle. "Drink it and imagine every detail about the hospital." 

Cora grips the bottle tighter and takes a deep breath. Uncapping the drink, she takes a tiny sip — only to buckle, choking in panic. 

It tastes sweet, butter and cinnamon lingering through her tongue, but as seconds trickle by, it no longer tastes the right amount of sweetness. Instead, it's an alarming mix of sweetness and bitterness, gripping Cora with its taste. 

It is too cloying, a sickening feeling snatching at her body. Pain seems to consume her into flames, until Cora can't handle it anymore, falling to the ground— 

When Cora opens her eyes, she is no longer in a hotel room. She's in a shadowy hall that seems to stretch forever, with green vines that wrap around the white walls, sizzling liquid splattering to the ground. 

Author Note: 

um lips red as blood just got featured by StoriesUndiscovered so *panics slightly* - anyways, i definitely wouldn't have gotten this far without my readers! thank you so much for taking time to read lrab! <3 also, on a completely unrelated note, has anyone watched hotel del luna by any chance? 

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