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Everything about this place screams creepy. The see-through glass columns that tower all the way up to the dome-like ceiling, which is painted in a creamy grey texture, like nightmares and shadows painted as abstract art.  The white marble floor that has an extra echo, as if every step they take is a step closer to death. The huge stairway made of onyx and gold that leads up and up, like it'll take an eternity to walk. 

"It looks like a frigging cult in here," Asher notes with a frown. "Like, a cult hideout or something." 

His gaze lingers on a row of candles, which just cooled, smoke rising seductively through the heavy air. "Definitely a cult by the looks of those candles," he quips. "They should really learn how to decorate without all this... doom and gloom." 

Something's nudging at Cora, like she's missed something. That feeling is finally answered, when she blurts out a question. "Have you ever been here before?" Cora asks, eyeing him suspiciously. "You're talking like this is your first time here." 

"Second, actually." Asher corrects her with a bitter smile, as if this place gives him bad memories. "I only got the Official Scripted Tour so yeah, I'm basically as lost as you are." 

Cora grimaces. If Asher's out of his element here, then they'll have a hard time navigating this place. 

"Well, did the Official Scripted Tour give you anything useful?" she asks. Everything is so vast and worst of all, there are no doors in sight. "Like, hidden trap doors or rooms with weapons—" 

"They showed me where the bathroom was," Asher offers helpfully. "But honestly, I wasn't paying attention. You know, since the whole situation with my life being on the line, getting killed or banned, blah blah blah." 

She looks disappointed. Asher catches that look with a guilty smile. "Okay, well, even though we're totally out of it... without weapons or a well-thought plan or frankly any clue where we're going—" 

"Asher, are you trying to point out that we're basically charging into a demon's lair in an extremely unsafe way?" Cora asks wryly. 

"Exactly!" Asher beams brightly. Then his smile disappears. "I mean. No. Definitely not. What kind of idiot would do that? Anyhow, we've been wandering for a few minutes and according to my gut feeling, we're not going to get caught—" 

An elevator, camouflaged against the marble walls, swings open with a soft ding and in walks a devastatingly attractive boy. Whiskey-brown curls, with gold dyed on the ends, expertly drip into too-bright blue eyes. A white suit that perfectly accents his supple figure. His bee-stung lips open in surprise, as he takes in the two intruders. He looks like an angel, like he shouldn't be kept in Hell. 

"Damn," Asher murmurs, dragging his gaze upwards. When Cora elbows him, he shoots her a glare. "Ow.

The boy's eyes narrow suspiciously and he strides towards them. "Who the bloody hell are you two?" he asks icily. He takes in Cora's outfit, which vaguely represents a burglar. Then he stares at Asher, whose shirt has "I would tell a pizza joke, but it's too cheesy" written in white. "Is this supposed to be a joke of some sort?" 

Asher coughs. "The shirt is, yes." He lowers his voice. "Angel, when I count to three, we're going to run." He starts backing away in a very obvious manner. "Three... two—" 

Cora feels a hand on her shoulder and she swallows, heart dropping. "Hi?" she says weakly, slowly turning towards brilliant blue eyes. "Uh, do you need something?" 

Right at the same time, Asher blurts out: "What kind of drink is bitter and sweet? Reality." Cora whips around, giving him an what the hell are you doing? glare. He mouths I don't know in apparent panic, raising both hands in a defensive gesture. 

The boy stares harder at them both, his gaze becoming hotter. It feels like any second, Cora will burst into flames, already dripping with nervous sweat. Then the boy snaps, realization dawning on his face. 

Cora swallows. Has he realized they're intruders? "I know who you are," he declares. Tension begins to slowly crawl on her skin, fear dipping her stomach downwards. "You're the entertainers for our VIP guests, aren't you?" 

There's stunned silence, before Asher clears his throat, dusting off  his shirt in irritation. "Of course we're the entertainers for the VIP guests," Asher says, pretending to be disgruntled. "How dare you treat your entertainers this way, boy? Who the hell are you supposed to be anyway?" 

He sneered arrogantly, until Cora elbows him again. Tone it down, her gesture seems to say. Apparently, though, Asher's little performance works. With a little miffed expression, the boy bows. 

"I'm Dalton." His voice is cool and emotionless. "I apologize for my earlier behavior. Today is an extremely important day for me." Even though his tone is completely indifferent, two pink spots appear on his cheeks. "We have guests coming today, so I want today's celebration to be perfect. Now come along, you two are twenty minutes off schedule." 

Dalton presses his hand against the marble wall and for a moment, nothing happens. Then the door spreads open and something slides through. Upon closer look, the elevator isn't an elevator at all. 

A modern-like metro train slows, its glass doors opening. It's all white walls and glass windows, a sign that has golden moving letters spelling out "Welcome to Hell — we hope you enjoy your stay" on the monitor, and a map of different routes with different colors. Handlebars dangle from the top of the ceiling, as the train hums with energy. Inside the metro train is a complete contrast from the overall demeanor of the building. 

Cora's mouth hangs open and she doesn't realize she's gaping until Dalton laughs softly, dimples flashing out. "We get that expression a lot," he explains, before nodding towards the train. "Let's go. Party starts in two hours and we have VIPs to impress." 

Author Note: 

ok so we're about halfway into this book so i wanted to ask a few questions: 1) how's the pacing? 2) is there anything you're confused about? 3) is there anything i can improve on? (writing style-wise, emotion-wise, grammar, etc.) 


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