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A lot of things happened in my life when I was writing this book. Starting from the beginning, way before this story, I was stuck in a place where I could barely type a story without deleting anything. Then "Lips Red As Blood" popped into my life and before I knew it, this book stayed into my life for about nine months. In these nine months, so many events have happened, both bad and good and neutral. Honestly, when I first started writing again, I couldn't imagine that I would see through to the end of this book. 

There are definitely a lot of people who helped me see to the end of "Lips Red As Blood" so I just wanted to thank them. First and foremost, thank you CJ for being one of my best friends and an amazing sister. If I could throw a thousand hearts in your direction, I would. Sadly, that's not possible unless I have a thousand hearts near me, but oh well. You've been someone who's read my first stories and have stuck around to see my latest one as well. Thank you so much for being you and for being in my life. 

Secondly, I'd like to thank my two friends, Blossom and Somi. Okay, you're both such talented writers and it's a huge honor being friends with you two. Blossom, you are a wonderful amazing lovely friend (insert other words that describes your amazingness) and you inspire me a lot, both in writing and in my life. Somi, I can't believe it's been two years and four months since we've met! Everyday we talk is a blessing and I'm extremely glad I've met someone as wonderful as you. Also, mentally sending you Oreos right now. 

Tony and William: I initially started this book based on you both and although you're probably not going to see this, I'm really glad we met. We've been through a lot together and without you two, this story probably wouldn't have been the same. 

Philo, my favorite best friend, thank you for staying with me all this time. You're fantastic and you lift up my mood a lot. Also, thanks for giving me the best advice and for answering all my questions, even if they are dumb ones. 

Alexis, Mel, Celeste — it's been a while. You three are people I look up to, both writing and as a person. Thank you for being one of my readers, as well as my friend. 

Thank you to Eliana, Emily, Sarah H. and Sarah T., Lily, Li-Yen, Nikila, Sean, Sharanya, Tanya — when I see you everyday, I feel the most happiest. Thank you all for being super awesome. 

Finally, I'd like to thank my parents. I know this year hasn't been the easiest for you, yet you've provided me with so many new opportunities to try new things. Thank you for that. 

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