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The moment the words slip out, regret wraps its claws around Cora's throat, closing out any chance of breath. 

Her heart bursts like it's on fire, her nails stabbing into palms as if the only way to deal with her pain is to draw out her pain physically, and her entire body freezes. 

Flames slowly burn at her tongue, some sort of warning. If Cora says anything else, she'll regret it for sure. Swallowing, Cora raises her eyes, watching Asher's reaction. 

His face gives away nothing. It's completely emotionless. "Well, if that's what you feel, I won't stop you." His voice is like velvet, a deceptive cape thrown to hide what he's really feeling. "If you hate me, I don't blame you." 

He's furious, Cora realizes. Asher's green eyes burn brighter than usual, the golden flecks blazing. No. He's more than furious. He's pissed off. 

That statement is confirmed when Asher chuckles darkly, running a hand over his jaw. "You know, I thought we were getting along." He smirks, and that motion is so un-Asher, it makes Cora uneasy. "I played the part as a sweet and nice devil who seemed human-like because I thought I could avoid this very situation." 

He slides a mournful look in Cora's direction. "Though I suppose that was all for nothing." Asher shrugs, a full-bodied motion. "I guess once a devil, with Hell and evil and punishment in my blood, always a devil. I couldn't even make a human like me." 

He spits out the word "human" like it's a disease. Cora glares back, anger swirling through her body. "So, everything we had was an act?" she dares to ask. "It was all pretend, since you wanted — oh, I don't know — a stupid little human to like you?" 

Asher cocks his head to the side. "An act? No. I genuinely like eating sweet things, looking incredibly stupid in front of everyone, and talking to you. But"—he taps a finger against Cora's forehead. "—you let your guard down." 

When Cora looks confused, Asher smiles sadly. "Angel, let me ask you a question. When you first met me, what did you think? You were intimated, yeah? You thought I was scary and scarily attractive too, yet your fear was taking over your senses. But after getting to know me, you've been lulled into a state where you think I'll support everything you say, where I'll bring ice cream and comfort you whenever you cry, and make you laugh because I like making you laugh. That's not true." 

Cora's pupils dilate when she sees a shadow emerge from behind Asher. It's only for a moment, but seeing his shadow — shaped as something monstrous, with a wicked grin — she feels fear. 

"You forget that I'm a devil." Asher's expression darkens, lashes lowering. "You forget that I'm made to seduce people into trusting them, that I'll do whatever to get their soul. You forget that I'm made of evil and sin, that corrupting people is in my blood, that I got my position as a devil because I made sacrifices." 

She steps back, trying to regain herself. "So, what?" Cora challenges. "Are you saying I should find Harper by myself? That I should cut ties with you?" 

He considers that, before shaking his head. "Smart choice would be doing the second thing," he murmurs, sending goosebumps over Cora's skin. "But since I'm partially the reason Harper's in Hell, we'll still be in this partnership. Until we find your sister, I'll help you however I can." 

This conversation, where Asher's trying to scare Cora into thinking he's dangerous. Part of Cora doesn't believe that he is, that he's still the sweet person who gave her ice cream a few minutes ago. Yet she can't deny that he's right: he is plenty dangerous, even though he's not actively trying to be. 

"We need boundaries." Asher finishes the sentence decisively as if they should've talked about  this earlier. "Our boundary line was already thin and vague, since it was basically just a 'you let me live in your house and I'll help you fall in love' kind of thing. I don't want to hurt you, so my boundary line will be this: we can't get personal with anything. I won't be your friend anymore. I'll only be your partner, who's helping you find your sister." 

It stings, him putting out boundaries. It's like he hates her and that's why he's punishing Cora by saying these words. 

Cora's heart squeezes, before she steels herself. Whatever, she thinks, trying to be dismissive. If he just wants to be my partner, whatever. I shouldn't care what we are and I don't even care at all. 

"Fine," she says tightly. "I guess we're purely a partnership now." 

It's awkward and Cora exhales, pretending to be unaffected. She turns towards the door. "I'm going to get some air." 

Asher nods in acknowledgment. "Ten minutes," he tells her. 

The moment the door swings shut, and she is no longer in Asher's sight, Cora's heartstrings tug at her heart. Her cheeks feel like it's flaming up and she starts to run — somewhere, anywhere, nowhere in particular — until she finds herself outside of the hospital. 

Cora sits on a stone bench, releasing a groan. "What the hell did I do?" she whispers up to the twinkling stars. 

Her stomach tenses, when her mind wanders back to how hurt Asher looked. The moment Cora said those cruel words, it was like Asher had been slapped — and then it seemed like a flip switched in his face. From hurt, to indifference. From betrayal, to coldness. From wounded, to no emotions at all. 

"I think he hates me." 

"Well, that's a pity," a low voice says, amused and slightly entertained. "But honestly, no one cares." 

Cora's head whips to the side, where there's a boy standing there, lips curved into a mischievous smile. 

The first thing that comes to mind is that he's gorgeous, white hair drooping into long pale lashes, which cover up eyes that pooling amber liquid and dark chocolate. Just looking at this boy makes Cora's heart thump softly, like his delicacy hurts too much to stare at. 

"Do continue, though." The boy slides next to Cora with surprising deftness. He grins wider. "Your little boy problem seems quite interesting." 

Author Note: 

ok um what do you think of the new character? what kind of personality do you think he'll display? 

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