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All the performers are waiting with fierce scowls, prepared to tear other competitions to pieces, but all Cora can think about is her wig. 

It's cotton-candy pink, with the tiniest hints of gold threading through the silky strands. Three flowers burrow through the wig, its petals glistening under the paper lanterns: pink, pinker, and pinkest. The light pink hair slides down into an elegant braid, several strands aesthetically falling loose. Even if it's beautiful, all Cora thinks about is how the wig is trapping her downwards, its weight a reminder of what happens if she doesn't get to Harper in time. 

Everything that surrounds Cora is venomously gorgeous, so stunning that it scares her. Everywhere she looks is bright, glistening, and alluring — and most of the beauty is basked in her costume. She can feel everyone's hungry gaze pressing against her, determined to knock her out before Cora becomes a threat. 

The dress is made of tulle and silk, gauzy fabric that trails from ocean-grey before exploding to creamy pink and peach. Water droplets cling onto every fold, glittering under the lights. A creamy ribbon tantalizingly wraps around her waist, barely visible flowers splashing on the fabric. The dress looks like it's made of tragic rainy days and ethereal sunrises. 

Cora grimaces. While the clothing is gorgeous and feels like a soft waterfall of fabric, she feels strangely self-conscious in it. But then again, her self-consciousness is reasonable, with everyone sneaking peeks at her. 

They should be looking at Asher, she thinks, trying to smother her fear. All around her, demons rearing to destroy the competition. He looks better. 

Dressed in a grey double-breasted tailcoat, gold buttons glint seductively as Asher scratches at his pink wig ("Couple's hairstyle!" he declared smugly, before his gleeful smile disappeared after he realized the pink wig was itchy as hell). Everything about him is immaculate and fitting: from his pressed tailcoat to his ironed pants and polished shoes, to the cool smile that lingers on his lips — as if he's confident they can win when in reality, their chances are slim to none. 

"One more extremely important rule," Dalton says, so sharply that Cora flinches out of her thoughts. He looks serious. Grim, even, as if he's strongly against the rule. "Killing is allowed.

Cora whirls towards Asher, aghast. "What do we do?" she hisses. "I can't even punch Brielle properly, so how am I supposed to defend myself against those... bloodthirsty creatures?" 

The said bloodthirsty creatures murmur in anticipation, the soft calculating curl of their lips letting Cora know that she's doomed. Absolutely, completely, a hundred percent doomed. 

"It'll be fine," Asher says confidently. "I can single-handedly fight them myself." 

Cora sends him a dubious look. "Excuse me, sir, for being a little more than skeptical." Cora tries to hide her panic, but it still cracks in her voice. "One, I've never even seen you fight properly. Ever. Two, you tripped over a rock when you were up against William." 

Asher coughs, glancing away. "Well, that was because of the rock," he argues. "I've murdered countless people, so how's that?" 

She frowns. 

"I really don't think that's something you should be bragging about. Besides, you could've had other elements on your side, like surprise or fear. Or manipulating someone into calmness. Or those devil godly powers you processed." 

Asher chews on his lower lip, in a seductive move that sends heat roiling through the field. "Also true," admits Asher. "But don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you." 

Before Cora can get another chance to argue, Dalton's voice rings out. "Good luck, everyone." His gaze seems to linger especially on Cora and Asher, giving them a subtle nod. "The games start now.

Blinding light washes throughout the field and Cora raises her hands to block out the light— 

Cora's body falls from the sky before smashing to the ground, face planted on the soft grass. Something wet trickles down her neck and then she rolls over, eyes scanning the place. 

They've somehow teleported someplace else, away from everybody, as well. "I hate teleportation," Asher mumbles from the floor. "I hate everything about this." 

Rain splashes downwards, soaking Cora's wig and outfit. She releases a sigh. "Same," she says, as the smell of freshly soaked grass snakes upwards. "They should've given us an umbrella. So, where to?" 

Asher stares at the lighted paper lanterns, pink and orange paper that nestles comfortably on the grass. The lanterns seem to be leading towards a forest, where white birches intertwine together protectively. 

"I also hate dark and scary forests that look like death traps," Asher adds, before giving the forest a determined look. "We should probably hurry in case the other demons catch up." 

The other demons are randomly teleported to different areas as well, but the uneasiness of not knowing where they land makes Cora's stomach pitch nervously. Not only that, they're all fighting for the same prize. 

"Hey." Asher's fingers intertwine through Cora's, as he gives her hand a reassuring squeeze. His fingers are freezing, despite his warm gaze. "There are multiple duplications of each item, so if you're worried about not getting the items in time, don't be." 

Cora flushes, yanking her hand away. She clears her throat, feeling heat rise up her cheeks. "That's not what I'm worried about—" 

"Angel." His irises grow brighter and Cora swallows, overwhelmed by the level of intensity in his stare. "We'll win, okay? We'll find all the items and we'll find the key and we'll find Harper and rescue her so you can get back to your normal life — and most of all, we'll get out in one piece." 

"You sound so sure of yourself." 

"Of course." He shoots her such a devastatingly dazzling grin, it almost makes Cora's heart stop. 
"We make a great team, so nothing will happen as long as we're together." 

Cora raises an eyebrow. "Is that so?" Whirling on her heel, she starts following the lanterns, Asher following closely. "You say that every time, yet there's always something trying to kill us. Let's see what your jinx gives us now." 

Author Note: 

two random questions: 1) how do you know if you have a crush on someone 2) what are some things you get worried about in a relationship? 

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