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Every step Cora takes is excruciating: rain drips down her face, water sloshing everywhere, the liquid pouring harder than ever. Worse of all, her socks are wet. 

"I bet those VIP guests are having so much fun watching us walk through this stupid storm," Cora mutters furiously, wiping rain out of her eyes. "You know, I initially thought an entertainer was supposed to — oh, I don't know — go onstage and sing 'Happy Birthday' while someone dances. Not walk a mile during a storm while wearing heels and socks and find stupid items." 

"I haven't sung in a long time," Asher muses, completely missing her point. "I would probably be the one who sings, while you dance. Wait, you can dance, right?" 

"No!" Cora frowns. "First of all, I'm glad we're not on stage with you singing and me dancing because that would be such an embarrassing disaster. Second, that wasn't the point I was trying to make, Asher. What I'm saying is that whoever planned this 'entertainment' is an asshole for letting us prance around in the rain. Soaked and freezing. In the dark, while other people are trying to murder us." 

A tiny mechanism with helicopter wings whizzes through the rain, spraying Cora with water. "You suck!" Cora shouts, glaring at the mini helicopter that's probably tracking her every movement. For a moment, the camera seems to zoom onto her, before buzzing away. "I swear to God..." 

Asher bursts out laughing and Cora whirls on him. "I guess you find my suffering amusing," she says icily, as Asher shakes his head, trying to wipe away that infuriating smile. 

"I mean, yes." 

Asher points at his soaked hair, where strands of wet locks cling onto his skin. Even though it's practically pouring, Asher still manages to look good in the rain. 

He looks like he should be in a men's perfume ad, Cora thinks, absolutely tantalized. A perfume that smells like pine forests and rain. 

"But you also looked hilarious getting mad at the helicopter," Asher says with a cheeky grin. "One thing I notice is that unless it's an extreme situation, you try not to reveal your emotions. So with you getting mad at that helicopter..." He hums thoughtfully, leaning forward. "It means that you might be changing just a little bit. Just like your feelings for me, right?" 

Cora's mouth drops open as she stares at him in disbelief. He's serious. Or at least, serious enough to look unashamed by that question. 

"Did that helicopter hit you along the way?" Cora barks. "Did you slip on the mud and hit the ground, breaking your skull? If not, don't be ridiculous." 

Asher levels her with an unreadable gaze. "I was talking about our friendship. You're trusting me more now." An eyebrow raises. "And what were you referring to, Angel?" 

She bites the insides of her cheek. Of course he isn't talking about... liking anyone. Because that would be ridiculous. Not only does she see Asher only as leverage, but Cora also has no time for romance. 

Especially in a situation where people were getting kidnapped, murdered, or trying to chase Cora. 

"Nothing," Cora says, remembering Kai. His blank stare and bloodied face haunt her mind. That's right, she thinks, steeling herself. There's never a time for romance, especially not here. "Wait. There are no more lanterns." 

The soothing lights of the lanterns mysteriously disappear, leaving nothing but mist and rain and darkness. "Well, this isn't creepy at all." Asher laughs nervously, glancing back at the comfort of the other lanterns— 

There's nothing there, either. It's pitch-black and Cora swallows, fear caving a deep pit in her stomach. "I can't see anything," Cora mumbles, voice wobbling slightly. 

If there's anything she absolutely hates, it would be a dark place. A completely pitch-black place, with no light or warmth to offer any hope. 

Her breath starts to shallow, as fear slips through her blood, anxiety tunneling through her vision. Cora's lungs start to tighten and she starts to feel the familiar ache in her chest. It's painful to breathe and when she does, it's shaky. 

With each impending second, it feels like Cora's entire body will cave. She can't feel anything — not her legs or arms or hair or lashes. Just darkness, one that brushes against her skin in a forceful caress. It feels like nothingness, except for fear that trickles down her spine. 

Just when Cora can't take it anymore, Asher releases a slew of colorful curses. "Ow!" Asher groans and she can detect movement, to her right. "I think I hit a branch." 

"Are you okay?" Cora asks. 

"Not really. A branch just smacked my face and I think I'm bleeding. No, wait. That's not blood. It's rain." 

Cora rolls her eyes at his idiocy, but she's slightly grateful for the distraction. "Since it's too dark to see, do you want to hold hands?" Asher continues casually and when there's only silence, he explains. "You know. So we won't end up separate." 

"Sure. Whatever." She fumbles in the darkness, grasping someone's hand. Earlier, Asher's hands felt freezing, but now it's warm. Amidst the darkness, his warmth is comforting and colors flush through Cora. "Thanks." 

"What?" Asher sounds confused. "Wait, I can't find your hand." 

"I'm already holding your hand, idiot—" 

"No, you're not." 

"Then whose hand am I holding, if it's not yours? It is clearly yours because there's no one in this forest other than us—" 

Blinding light sends ripples through the darkness and finally, Cora can see. She releases a bloody scream, dropping the hand she was touching. 

"Oh my freaking God, what the hell is that?" Cora gasps out, heart racing. 

Even Asher looks horrified at the sight of a dead body in the middle of a forest. Laying on the forest floor, he rests peacefully, pale mouth curving into a smile. Eyes closed, flesh decaying, clothing ripped. 

Cora retches, sick to her stomach. "I touched his hand," she says, before another thought occurs. "If he's dead... then how is his hand still warm?" 

"Maybe because of that." Asher eyes something on the ground — an object pulses with energy, a key that's rusting, a ruby glittering on the key. "I think we found our first object." 

Author Note: 

yes, i was thinking about zombies when i wrote this- 

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