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Time seems to slew into a halt, as Cora locks eyes with Asher. Everything starts going blurry: people's voices going disoriented, colors bleeding off tents, the sugary aroma from a vendor suddenly turning disgustingly sweet — even as she rushes towards Asher, her movements feel too slow and sloppy. 

The only thing that's not blurry is her feelings. Panic stabs at her stomach, a rush of overwhelming emotions that's a sickening shade of gold. As Cora kneels beside him, her throat goes dry with fear.  

If there's anything Cora thought she'd never see, it is this: Asher on the ground, fear tracing every inch of his skin, his gaze unseeing and terrified. 

"Asher?" No response. She tries again, tapping on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" 

Are you stupid? Cora curses herself, wishing she knew how to properly comfort someone. Of course he's not okay, so stop asking dumb questions. 

She changes tactics, raising her eyes upwards. 

"What happened?" Cora demands, staring at the vendor. "Why is he like that?" 

The most noticeable thing about the girl is her hair. A glittering mix of silver, sea-foam green, and lavender-purple — it swishes to her shoulders, pin-straight. Her pink mouth twists defensively, as she frowns. 

"Because of the deal we made," the girl says, a hint of protest in her voice. "I gave him something in exchange for something he gave me." 

"But a teleportation potion shouldn't cost this much." Cora gestures at Asher, who's melting into himself. "I saw the cost and all you have to pay is bread — and I'm pretty sure bread doesn't equal him... on the ground like that." 

Surprise lights in the girl's eyes, before she smiles softly. "Oh, you stupid little girl." Her lips pucker in a seductive move. "You're so clueless." 

Something about calling Cora "stupid" sets her blood aflame. Even if that's true, the vendor doesn't have to be so scornful about that. 

"What are you talking about?" she asks sharply. 

"By doing that"—the girl points at Asher. "—I did a big favor for you, sweetheart, yet you're too stupid to realize." 

Letting out a scornful tsk, the girl shoves two bottles into Cora's arms. "You should be wary of that one," she says. "I'm sure he's warned you already, but you didn't take his word seriously. Well, now I'm a stranger who's telling you this: that thing is far more dangerous than you'd ever think, so be careful. He's not who you think he is." 

Cora's eyes narrow slightly, but she says nothing. 

"Anyhoo, good luck." The girl laughs, the sound like spun silk. "You should probably get him somewhere safe before he dies." 


Chills burst free, as Cora whirls towards Kai, who's currently slapping Asher's face to see if he awakes. "Kai, is she serious?" Cora hisses. "Asher can't die—" 

Kai isn't listening. "Wake up." He slaps Asher again, leaving a red mark. "Yo, are you an idiot or something? You've been living in Hell all your life, so you should know that this place plays tricks on your mind." Slap. "So wake up or I swear, I'll slap—" 

She grabs Kai's hand. "Stop hitting him!" sputters Cora. "He's going to get hurt." 

Kai sulks. "Okay, jeez, I won't hit him. You're looking like your precious boyfriend is going to, like, disappear off the face of the world." 

"First, he's not my boyfriend, so stop implying that. Second, that lady literally said he was going to die if we don't get him somewhere safe, and I don't even know if she's joking or not." 

"She's half-joking," Kai says simply, now resorting to poking Asher's cheeks. "He won't die, per se, but if we leave him as he is... then he's going to be feeling excruciating pain. Imagine feeling this. Every few seconds that's passing, extremely sharp nails are ripping through your body and trying to tear your heart away — not only that, everywhere you see are your greatest nightmares. So, basically, a tad bit worse than death." 

Cora looks at Asher, who suddenly jerks as if being electrocuted. "Asher?" she murmurs, watching as his green eyes focus on her. "You can see me, right?" 

He grabs her arm, hands clammy. "Leticia?" Asher rasps out, the word unclear and mumbled. "It's you." 


That name sounds vaguely familiar, yet Cora can't quite put her finger on where she's heard it. "Who's Leticia?" 

The moment that question exits Cora's lips, she knows exactly who it is. "Lettuce person," realizes Cora. 

It's the very question Asher avoided weeks ago. Cora swallows, another question firing in her brain: just what did this Leticia person do to become Asher's greatest nightmare? 

"You left me," Asher says, pointing an accusing finger in an almost drunken-like manner. "I hate you so much." 

Sending a helpless look at Kai, who merely shrugs, she hesitates. "I'm sorry for leaving you, but we need to bring you somewhere safe." Cora carefully hoists Asher to his feet. The sooner they find help, the less pain Asher would be in. "Can you walk?" 

Asher twists away, slicing a hurt look in her direction. "Oh, so now you decide to help me? When I feel like I'm dying?" He lets out a broken laugh, nearly falling on his face. Luckily, Kai catches him. "You're so mean, Leticia." 

Kai grunts. "Seriously, stop your blabbering," he grumbles, attempting to carry Asher bridal style, before giving up and dragging the devil by his shirt. "It's hard enough carrying you, but now I have to listen to you mistaking Cora for another lady?" 

The devil makes a pained noise. 

"You're so lucky there's a fancy hotel nearby, or else I would've actually killed you for real." Kai scoffs, pointing straight ahead. "Bestie, does it look like I'm dragging a dead body to a deep dark alley?" 

Cora jolts, still entranced by the imploring look Asher's giving her. The look sends waves of despair through Cora, a mouthwatering feeling that makes her suddenly want to help erase his pain. 

The next thing Asher says makes her blood go cold. "I love you, you know," he mumbles, before his head slacks to the side and he falls asleep. 

Author Note: 

okay uh- *cricket chirping* guesses who this "leticia" person is? 

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