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"Am I...alive?" you opened your eyes as you rest on a sandy shore. You held your hand up to block the blinding sun in front of you.

"So...bright," you stated as you sat down and looked around. There was a large mountain and a vast ocean and a boy who just woke up like you. He was with a flying little girl who called herself Paimon and introduced the world as if she knows it like a God.

As they were about to leave, the boy looked around and met your eyes. You tried to look through his soul when Paimon called out to you.

"Heyyy!!! Who are you?" she asked, which made you gulp. You didn't know how to introduce yourself so you looked around, pretending to not hear her calls.

"You with the black hair and blue eyes, Paimon is talking to you and Paimon knows you can hear! Let's go closer, Aether," she said as she flew towards you with the boy called Aether followed.

"Black hair? Me? Have I..." you fixed you hair and realized you have long black hair, "...reincarnated?"

"But I've never heard of  reincarnated God," you thought as you stood up and get rid of the sand on your outfit. You thought of whatever random name you could think of and spoke.

"Diana. My name is Diana. Do you mind having another travel companion?" you asked, making your voice as friendly as possible. You turned to the boy, making him turn to his companion. An awkward silence made the three of you wait for each other to talk when Aether nodded.

"Not much of a talker, are we?" you commented as he turned around and started walking away. Paimon called out for you and encouraged you to follow so you ran towards them and talked a bit more.

A few minutes passed and you encountered a statue with a person looking a lot like the Anemo Archon, Barbatos, on top. The floating guide then explained that is was a Statue of the Seven of Mondstadt, the land of the free, with Barbatos as their God and Archon.

"Do you know how old is Barbatos?" you suddenly ask. Paimon shrugged and explained that no one really knows his age. His estimated age though is 2,600, which you now realized that the war was over for at least 2,000 years ago.

As you pondered about the date, the boy then touched the statue and a good amount of elemental energy travelled through him which made you dumbstruck. He didn't have a Vision, so how did he do it?

Before you could even ask him, you felt a familiar energy coming from the trees nearby. You left them and immediately pursued where the elemental energy is coming from.

"Don't be afraid. It's alright now, I'm back," a young boy sounding-like spoke, as you hid behind a tree.

"Could it be?" you thought when a voice spoke from behind you.

"Is he talking...to a dragon?" Paimon said, which you immediately panicked. You tried to shove them away but it was too late. The elemental energy Aether just absorbed is unstable so it flickered, which made the dragon hostile. They both radiated the same type of energy so it was to be expected, but the boy then disappeared as the dragon flew away.

"Go on without me! Let's just meet at that city over there," you shouted as you ran after the boy, not waiting for your companions' replies.

You roamed around, trying to pick up the same energy when you stumbled upon the city where you're supposed to meet. You entered and a welcoming breeze brushed by you. It was indeed the land of the God of Freedom, the Anemo Archon.

"You seem to be lost for someone who fits in here in Mondstadt," the boy reappeared and your eyes widened. "You followed me here, didn't you? Who are you?"

You kept your mouth shut as you walked straight, trying to avoid him.

"Hey! I'm still talking! You're pretty talented," he continued as he followed you from behind. After that sudden praise, he didn't talk anymore until you both reached the plaza where a large statue of the Anemo Archon stood.

"Who are you?" you finally asked, facing him. He had innocence plastered on his face.

"I'm Venti the Bard. The most famous bard around!" he proudly says as you crossed your arms, dissatisfied on his answer.

He motioned for you to follow him and introduced you to the so-called "Acting Grand Master" Jean.

"W-what brings you here?" the woman with blonde hair questioned, obviously flustered of the bard's sudden visit. Before he could propose what he had in mind, a familiar voice entered the room.

"Aether! Paimon!"

"Thanks a bunch for leaving us, Diana," Paimon huffed as she floated towards you. You asked for forgiveness as another person walked in from behind them.

"Master Jean! I found these travelers by Springvale. They seem new so I wondering if you have a place for them here," the girl with a bunny headband said as you turned back to face Jean. She made a thinking face while the bard entertained the three of you.

"Why don't you join the Knights of Favonius as a duo? Since, apparently, Outride Amber and Bar- Bard has already approved of you. What do you say?"


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