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Is This True?


"I'm not...twice...leave...Aether...else..." you hear Ajax's voice from the distance as you awoke.

"I don't like fainting," you mumbled to yourself as you get out of bed. You went to the kitchen and poured yourself a glass of water as you stumbled with a fuming Ajax coming in.

"Anna! My love, you're awake!" he approached you with a hug. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. Anyways, I heard someone named Aether. Do you mind inviting him in?" you asked as he flinched. You were half-sure that the Aether guy was someone important and Ajax's reaction made you certain he is. He laughed it off as he prepared you a meal. "You're not answering me, Ajax."

"But my love, can't I spend time with you alone?" he pleaded as he rested his head on your shoulder.

"You'll be able to spend time with me sooner if you would invite him as soon as possible. I promise," you said as you pat his head, making him whine. You giggled as he stood up and walked out the door. "Be safe!"

"I'll be back soon."

As soon as he left, you finished the food and went to find Aether and his companion yourself. It's not that you didn't trust your lover, you just wanted to have alone time since you were sure Ajax would be against talking about your lost memories.

"You got this. Just like what you saw in your memories," you thought as you began casting a spell. Ajax didn't tell you anything about you having a vision, making you curious so you didn't tell him.


"Paimon hopes Alma's ok. That harbinger hogged her all to himself! He even- AAAAHHH AETHER A GHOST!!!" 

"Relax Paimon, it's just Diana- DIANA?! I mean, ANNA?!"

"Oh dear Gods I am regretting this. Shut up, both of you," you said as you snapped your fingers. They turned to you as their horrified looks calmed down. "Good. Now, take me to the Wangsheng director."

"We're just about to go there to meet up with Mr. Zhongli!"  Aether exclaimed as he motioned you to follow them. "Anna? Is there a reason you met up with us?"

You weren't sure of your memories yet so you were hesitant in telling them. But high risk, high reward. "I apologize about Ajax. He's been protective of me ever since my accident. I figure you know me before. Can you explain?"

They started from how they met you by the beach and travelled together from Mondstadt to Liyue. They also mentioned how you were actually a powerful unknown God and the Fatui were targeting you.

"That makes no sense then! Ajax is good! And me? A God? How come I've never heard of this?" Your widened jaw was an enough response for them to know that something wasn't right. You forgot about them, but not Venti, Hu Tao, or anyone whom you've met for a fair amount of time. "I'm not a mind reader but something tells me there's something on you minds?"

"Well, Paimon thinks someone definitely messed up with your memories. How about you share what you know and we can talk about it on the way."


"No no no, you must be lying. Tartaglia and Ajax are not the same. And Venti didn't participate in harming Ajax? What do you- no! T-That's not how it goes! I don't believe you! He would never do anything to harm me!" you burst out as Paimon tried to calm you down. Aether, though, was staring at you throwing a tantrum emotionlessly.

"Then, tell us, Anna. How is it possible that Childe was the first person you see? Why did he not explain things to you and instead left you to recall false memories, making you suffer? Were you not confused as to why the people of Mondstadt know you even if you don't know them? Why people are calling you a different name? I don't think you should leave misunderstandings aside."

You were speechless. He had a point. You should be wondering why your memories are so inaccurate with reality. He had a point about Ajax and everything about him. Why did you trust him so easily?

Just as you were about to reply, a white light blinded you. Actually, it wasn't blinding you, it was just so bright you can feel it rushing in your veins.


"Ms. Diana."

"He's the lover of Lady Ningguang."




"Paimon can't believe you just suddenly left Paimon like that! Why are you suddenly in a rush anyways?" the floating child said as she panted.

"You guys were right. I am Goddess Alma, the Unknown God wielding the spirit energy. That still doesn't mean I trust you both. I've only regained memories of Khaenri'ah days. Please take me to Morax and I will explain everything. Hopefully I am not too late to express what I feel as well," you said as you cleared your throat. Meanwhile, your two companions turned to each other.

"Y-You're in love with Morax?! But isn't Morax Mr. Zhongli? And he's Ningguang's lover now?" the boy said as you slowed down.

"I don't know who this Ningguang is, but certainly I can still confess without expecting a reciprocation of feelings. My feelings deserve to be known. After that, the decision is up to him," you said confidently, but Aether wasn't pleased.

"You sure are confident. But wouldn't that put pressure on him? As far as I know, Zhongli was grieving for a God before being Ningguang's lover."


"Come to think of it, how did you become Ningguang's lover?" the blonde boy asked, making Zhongli almost spit his drink.

"Actually, we're in a contractual relationship. You see, she's Guizhong's reincarnation. In return of having to control the God of Contracts, I will be using what Guizhong had left her to find Alma." Aether was too stunned to speak. All this time, Zhongli was Morax, the God that Diana was looking out for, and Diana was the person Zhongli was finding all along.

"I'm sure you've been suspecting of Diana, but you should stop. Alma is gone."


"I did say that to Zhongli, but we left afterwards before we even got a reply. How should I fix this?" Aether thought as you were nearing Liyue Harbour. "Slow down, Alma."

You slowly spread your unique energy around you, trying to find the familiarity you're looking for. "Why am I this weak? What happened when I was out of it?"

"You drained your energy from a large fight. But Paimon bets you'll recover in no time! You're powerful after all!" Paimon cheered you up as you sighed, displeased.

Meanwhile, Hu Tao and Zhongli were having a peaceful day checking the documents when the Consultant felt your energy almost immediately. He bolted out the door, hitting someone with the door on the way. 

"For Celestia's sake, why is Morax in a place like this?" you said, rubbing the sore arm from the door. He turned to you with the once emotionless gaze, now full of affection and emotion.



I figured it's about time I post something since I don't want to be away for too long. Although I'm not sure when I'll be actually be active. Projects have been piling up one after the other and my creativity is basically running on sheer willpower.

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