snow princess. {1}

79 3 16

beep beep beeeeep

"KILL YOURSELF HOLY FUCK" i screamed as i threw my alarm clock at my foam covered walls. today was my first day of school, i fucking hate going to a new school in the middle of the year but my mom got a job offer in new jersey so we dropped everything and left my home state.

im your typical emo slut with a coke addiction, it started when i was about 14. i get ready (above) then run to the bathroom, make sure to wipe my nose before i leave and then i grab my phone and shit. i run down the stairs and to the kitchen where my mom was, she was humming some song i didnt recognize. she handed me a plate with eggs, sausage and bacon, i thank her and eat it. "have fun at school darling" "mhm fun" i replied as i grabbed my backpack from beside me on the floor then i looked up the directions to my new school. i said my last goodbye and see you later to my mom then went out the door. i started blasting my favourite fall out boy song into my ears.

i stopped at a gas station to get lunch, i grabbed a bag of pretzels and a pepsi, paid, then left.

i finally arrived at the school, i made my way to the principals office to get my schedule and locker number.

once i was finished putting my things in my locker and was about to close it i was startled by a short emo boy with black hair and hazel eyes "dude you're faded as fuck" "i have to be to sit through this bullshit everyday" "i feel you" i just realized im going to have to find a new dealer "do you um know anyone that has snow" "yeah, let's not talk about this in a school hallway, ill give you my number eh?" "yeah" i said as i handed him my phone, he gave it back, i read the contact. frnk. 🖤

"talk to you later frank" i said as i closed my locker and looked at my schedule to see what was my first class, it was english.


alright class we have a new student" i didn't say anything back "please introduce yourself to the class. "hi my name is y/n, im an addict" the look on the teachers face was priceless. i giggled in my head as i sat in the back beside a very attractive boy with gorgeous eyes, i couldn't stop myself from staring, the more you look at them the prettier they get. he noticed me staring, i didn't care to look away since i was ya' know high out of my mind, he looked at me with a puzzling expression. "do you want my sunglasses?" he whispered "yes please holy shit" i said in my normal voice not being able to think "ms. l/n watch your mouth" i heard the angry teacher shout, i rolled my eyes in response. the boy tapped on my shoulder and handed me his sunglasses with a note that says
im gerard, and drugs r bad
i giggle at the note and thank him.

gerards pov x

i was sitting in my regular seat fidgeting with my pencil waiting for class to start when a girl with very pretty hair (above & for my fellow curly headed girlies it can be a wig or straightened, you pick!) that i didnt recognize came into class.

"alright class we have a new student, please introduce yourself to the class." "hi my name is y/n, im an addict" holy fuck that motherfucker is bold as shit, i couldn't say that even if i was out of my mind. the teachers face was a mix of angry and shocked. y/n made their way to the empty seat beside me, i continued to mess around with my pencil. i felt them staring at me so i looked at them, i noticed their bloodshot eyes and dilated pupils. i felt bad for them and i didn't want them to get in trouble for being fucking HIGH at school so i asked "do you want my sunglasses?" "yes please holy shit" mrs. richards heard them and screamed, y/n rolled their eyes which pissed her off even more, i mentally chuckled. i finished writing the note then i reached into my desk and grabbed my sunglasses and handed them to y/n. she giggled at my note and thanked me. fuck, her laugh is so cute.

your pov x

class was finally fucking over, i thanked gerard once again for the sunglasses then left to my next class which was science, nothing really happened the teacher made me introduce myself, i did what i was supposed to.

then next was math, i was completely fucking lost so i asked the boy beside me what to do and he didn't know either, fuck my life.
when class was over i got a text from frank

"hey snow princess, ur sitting with me and my friends during lunch"



went to my locker and got the stuff i got at the store then met frank at the cafeteria entrance and he asked if i needed to get lunch or if i packed i told him i packed then he told me which tables belonged to which clique.
over there are the slutty barbies.
unfriendly black hotties.
girls who eat their feelings.
the girls who don't eat anything.
the preps.
varsity jocks.
desperate wannabes.
and the greatest faggots you'll ever meet. he said pointing to a table with gerard, the boy from math class and another boy i didn't recognize.

this is gerard, this is ray. he said pointing to the boy in math class. this is mikey, gerards little brother. "hi y/n" gerard said. my name sounds so perfect when it comes from his mouth, y/n i know damn well you aren't falling for someone you met not even four hours ago. "you guys know each other?" frank asked "yeah we have english together" i replied, frank nodded and i introduced myself to the boys.
they complimented my style, asked me what bands i liked, my favourite colour all the basics.
"how old are you" "17, how about you guys?" "17, mikey 16, gerard and ray 18" frank said. (i know frank is the youngest shhh)

once lunch was over we all had band class together which was awesome, im surprised nobody else knew i was high as shit and that nobody noticed me dozing off every now and then.

we all got to band and that shit was chaotic as fuck, i came at the perfect time because we just started a group project where we had to pick a group of people to start a band with and create a song, and the band with the best song will win a record deal with eyeball records. gerard asked me what can i do "play guitar and sing" he nodded and we decided that it would be me, frank, ray, him, mikey and we just need to find a drummer. we eventually found a boy named matthew. "okay guys we can practice after school in my room, i have soundproof foam" all the boys nodded as i pulled out my phone to tell my mom.
the rest of band class was just them getting to know me and matt more and joking plus laughing.
(okay so you know how frank does like background vocals, you will do that but sometimes have verses frank and ray will just play guitar and mikey bass, matt drums!)

nothing else happened, i went to all of my classes.

it was finally the end of the day, me and the boys met up at the entrance. we walked to gerards car, ray sat in the passenger seat beside gerard since he was the biggest, me and frank were squished in the middle since we were the smallest, mikey was behind gerard and matt was behind ray. first we stopped at everyone's house to grab their instruments, then gerard made me put my address in the gps.

when we got to my house the boys greeted my mom and then i showed them to my room, i sat on my bed and started playing subway surfers until ray found a empty little baggy and asked what was it

three cheers for self destruction. (gerard way x reader)Where stories live. Discover now