hide and seek {2}

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"whats this!?" ray asked sounding concerned. "cocaine" i said nonchalantly, everyone started laughing.


its been about four hours, we decided that we would focus on the instrumental first then put something together, we have just the intro, this is gonna be a long ass project.

saturday, (4 days later).

i woke up too early and saw a text from gee

hey sugar

what do you want
it is 11in the fuckimh

im coming over
get dressed


i just went back to sleep not thinking he would come, until i heard several rocks hit my window "what the fuck" i opened my window confused when and how gerard climbed into my window. gerard looked me up and down and said "i um told you to get dressed" he said as his pale face went red then i realized not only did i have shitty faded eyeliner and fucked up hair but i was only in only a black bra and short black shorts. i felt my blood rise to my cheeks. "you look good, sugar" that sent chills down my spine and gave me goosebumps "thanks, as do you"

we sat on my bed and started writing the lyrics for the music project. we eventually decided to call it 'skylines and turnstiles'.


we came up with the chorus, one verse and random bits and pieces

this broken city sky
like butane on my skin
and stolen from my eyes
hello angel, tell me
where are you?
tell me where we go from here.

scorched and black
it reaches in and tears your flesh apart
as ice cold hands rip into your heart
that's if youve still got one that's left
inside that cave you call a chest.

we walk in single file
we light our rails and our time
ride escalators colder than a cell.

gerards pov x

we were still working until i got a text from mikey


are you not at wokr

this is important
meet up at y/n's
house now

im already here

ew did you guys
you know what
i don't want to fucking

no we didn't...

whatever me, ray, matt and frank are on our way

"the boys are coming over here right now, get dressed" "no" "THEYRE GONNA THINK WE FUCKED" "well we didn't" i sighed in response, there was no point in trying.

your pov x

me and gerard fucked around with the song some more until my bedroom door flung open. "oh my god you guys fucked its only been 4 days, pay up bitch" blush crept onto my face "no we didn't.." "so why are you in your bra and shorts" ray chimed in "he just came over when i was sleeping" mikeys face washed over with disgust, he probably imagined his own brother having sex i feel so bad. "mhm.. anyway, mikey why did you drag us all here" frank said as he sat on my bed beside me and gerard while side eyeing us. matt picked up a random misfits shirt i had laying on the floor and tossed it to me, i smelt it and it definitely wasn't clean but its fine i guess, so i put it on.
"i was at work then i saw a book" "dude you fucking work at barnes and noble you see books all the time" gerard said sassily "gee shut up, it was called ecstasy: three tales of chemical romance, i was thinking that chemical romance could be our band name" "dude that's so good" ray said "i know im surprised someone hadnt used it for a band" "what if we made it my chemical romance?" everyone praised mikey, and me for a little.
we spent the next two hours just being excited for our band and giggling

"what if we get that record deal?" gerard asked laying on his back with his head in my lap "i don't know- i hope we do tho" ray said. everyone agreed with ray "we should go to the mall" i suggested. everyone said yes so i started to get dressed (above) i could feel gerard looking at my body.. i brushed it off, once i was finished we left outside to gerards car that mikey drove over here. "get in losers were going shopping" gerard said as he sat in the drivers seat and we took our normal spots.

once we got to the mall, we decided to meet up in an hour in and 30 minutes at the entrance to play hide n seek. we all pretty much bolted to hot topic
i got a few band tees, a new studded belt and new snakebite jewelry. i spent about 35 minutes in hot topic, i left and went to claires. i decided that i wanted to get my earhole stretched and i got a few hairbows, that took like 30 minutes. i have about 25 minutes, i decided what i wanted to do with the rest of my time and that was get those soft pretzels oh my god. when i walked over to the pretzels thing i saw gerard "hi sugar" he said stuffing his face with pretzels "hey gee" i said before turning to the lady at the stand and ordering what i wanted. once she gave me my pretzels i turned back to gee who had just finished "whaddya wanna do" "hmm i don't know" i said.

me and gee talked about random nothingness until it was time to meet up with the boys.

"wheres mikey?" i asked "i don't kn-" ray was cut off my mikey running with a big stuffed unicorn "guys sorry, im here" he said out of breath from running. we all started laughing.
"the only rules are don't leave the mall and don't cheat"
we did rock, paper scissors shoot to see who would be the seeker, it was frank. we all ran off when he started counting. i immediately ran the opposite direction of hot topic since he would look there first, i ended up in jc pennys and bought a red tie after the cashier handed me my bag i left again, i couldn't be in one spot for too long

i ran into bath and body works where ray was smelling lotion, i giggled at the cute sight. i bought cherry smelling perfume then i left and went into a comic store where gee was reading a comic, i walked up to him and touched his hand "gee you're gonna get caught" i said as i looked into his beautiful deep hazel eyes that i could easily get lost into. this moment felt so special, us just looking into eachothers eyes, my body felt so warm inside, gerard moved his face down to mines, his lips slightly parted, our faces an inch away. we were about to kiss when frank screamed "GOT YOU WHORES" me and gerard were still startled "that's what you guys get for stopping for a fuck" "we didn't stop for a fuck" gerard said as his cheeks went to a light shade of pink. "lame" frank said disappointed.

frank dropped us off at the entrance benches so he could find the others a little after he left i asked "what the fuck was that gee?" "what" "us almost kissing" "ooh nothing" "why" "you're just too damn cute y/n" "thanks i guess, you are pretty fucking cute too gerard" i said trying not to show that i was internally screaming or that my stomach was doing backflips. we were interrupted by frank and the boys, them laughing after seeing how me and gerard were looking at eachother. "oh fuck off" i said which made them laugh even harder.

eventually we dropped all the boys off and it was just me, gerard and mikey we said our goodbyes as he pulled into my driveway, i got out and went up to my room then looked out the window and watched them drive away. i felt a little sad, i missed him already. my mom came into my room and saw me looking sadly out of my window "you like him don't you?" "no.. i mean we just met 4 days ago.." "mhm" i she hummed then left probably to do some work related shit.
do i like him?

three cheers for self destruction. (gerard way x reader)Where stories live. Discover now