penis {5}

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it was time for our last practice before the concert thing, i threw on a random band tee i found laying in the pile on clothes on my floor and yanked up some black skinny jeans with my high top converses. i decided to go cook for my maybe future bandmates, i grabbed 6 bowls out of the cabinet and grabbed the cereal and 6 spoons then the milk.

just as i was finished pouring the milk in all of the bowls i heard a knock at my door and i opened it to find my favourite losers staring in my face with their equipment, i helped them carry it to my room then we went back downstairs to eat our now soggy cereal.

after we finished we went up to my room, plugged in the boys' equipment and me and gees microphone then matt put his drumset in the same spot we usually do when we practice

once we finished we all highfived eachother, we were ready to fucking win this record deal. we decided to reward ourselves with a day out, while the boys were doing something on their phones i touched up my eyeliner (it always looks like above) and reteased my hair with hairspray and a brush once i was satisfied with how i looked we got into gerards car in the say order we always did and went to this cute little icecream shop.

we pulled into the parking lot and then got out and entered. "what do you guys want, im paying" "mint chocolate chip" "ew what the fuck" frank spoke up "chocolate" ray said earning a look of disgust from me and frank "strawberry" frank said and got looks from all of us "vanilla" mikey said. everyone except gee left to find a table with enough seats for all of us, we eventually found a booth, ray sat to the left of me, frank across from me, mikey to the right of frank and matt to the left. soon after we got seated gerard came and sat in the only open seat which i think was done on purpose. i decided to play flappy bird which i am very ass at until the icecream came which wasn't over 5 minutes. we all ate our icecream whilst gushing over how good our song is and how were gonna win and shit.

next we went to the park and unintentionally scared little children off the playgroud with our emo selves. ray was too tall to even do anything so he sat on the bench and played a barbie dress up game?? we didn't question it too much. me and frank bolted to the swings, i called gerard to come push me and he did but TOO FUCKING MUCH, i was about to flip around the thing "YOU ASS" "you told me to push you" gerard replied with sass "YEAH BUT NOT FUCKING KILL ME" gerard let out the cutest giggle,, the kind of giggle that'll make your heart melt. i stopped kicking my feet so i would go lower and when it got to a level i was comfortable with i started kicking my feet up and down at a steady pace. i scanned the playground for the three other boys, matt was on the monkey bars and mikey was pushing gee down the slide,, not the cute way but the 'im gonna fucking kill you way'

i eventually jumped off of the swings and picked up a ball that some kid left and threw it at gerards head "what was that for?" "sweet motherfucking revenge" he grinned wide as bent over and grabbed a handful of dirt soon i felt something hit the side of my face. i picked up the ball again and threw it once more just for it to be thrown back at me "y'all are such children" matt said and we just giggled.
soon we started chasing each other around the playground, gerard tackled me and i was on my back, our noses were basically touching, i could feel his hot breath on my lips.. i closed my eyes because i didn't know what the fuck to do, my heart was pounding, blood had risen to my cheeks. i felt a soothing pressure on my lips, i quickly kissed back, it felt amazing like i was waiting for it my whole life. i soon gave gerard access to my mouth, our tongues danced in a perfect rhythm. we were snapped out of our trance when we heard a bunch of giggling over top of us

who thought our first kiss would be in dirt at a playground. when me and gerard got up we saw the boys giggling at a picture on franks phone "fuck off" gerard said. we noticed it was starting to get dark so we left.

omce gerard got to my house, he walked me to my door. "goodbye sugar, i would love to do that again somet-" i cut him off with a kiss on his lips that turned into a full on make out sesh. we heard mikey probably disgusted honk the horn "goodbye gee" i said.

the next morning x

i got up around 10 since we didn't have anymore class until the thing. me and the boys decided to all match, red, black and white, so i put together an okay outfit (above). im so fucking nervous, you could probably hear my heart beating. i got a text from gerard telling me that he's 5 minutes away, i got a cereal bar and sat on my couch to wait. very soon i got another text from gerard, i made my way to the car to be greeted by my favourite american idiots, i took my place in the middle with frank and we drove to the school.

we finally arrived to our destination, we were all about to get out when gerard said "guys, we got this, were gonna win this shit" "what if we don't" frank said "ill let you all hit me like a piñata" we all nodded and left.

we walked to the auditorium to meet the three other bands and our teacher who were setting up for one of the bands.

when we sat down backstage my mind went wondering, what if i fall and fuck it up? what if everyone is better than us? oh my god what if we get booed off the stage? i started crying messing up my eyeliner, i soon felt a pair of comforting arms wrap around my waist "sugar its going to be okay" "no it isn't i-" i was cut off by my thoughts coming at me at a rapid speed "im gonna fuck it up, i just know it" "i promise you its gonna be okay, okay?" "okay" i replied hesitantly
i ran to the bathroom to fix my makeup but i didnt fucking bring makeup, i groaned and left. i was greeted by my favourite queers telling me its okay.

soon it was our turn to set up the stage, we had an hour. we sat matts drumset in the back center of the stage that gerard painted my harry houdini on. frank was on the center left, ray the right and mikey the middle. me and gerard stood in the front with a little space between us so you could see mikey. after about 10 minutes vincent and alex sat in the empty auditorium, gerard gave me a comforting look.

italic is you, bold is gee, this is the both of you.

matt started playing the drums like we practiced, then ray and frank soon mikey.
you're not in this alone
let me break this awkward silence
let me go!
go on record
be the first to say im sorry
hear me out!
and if you take me down
or would you lay me out?
and if the world needs something better
let's give one more reason n-n-now!
we walk in single file
we light our rails and punch our time
ride escalators colder than a cell
this broken city sky
like butane on my skin
stolen from my eyes
hello angel tell me where are you
tell me where we go from here!
this broken city sky
like butane on my skin
stolen from my eyes
hello angel tell me where are you
tell me we go from here
tell me we go from...
and in the moment we can't close the lids
on burning eyes
our memories blanket us with friends we know
like fallout vapor
steel corpses stretch towards an ending sun
scorched and black
it reaches in and tears your flesh apart
as ice cold hands rip into your heart
that's if you still got one that's left inside that cave you call a chest
and after seeing what we saw can we still reclaim our innocence?
and if the world needs something better let's give them one more reason now!
this broken city sky
like butane on my skin
stolen from my eyes
hello angel tell me where are you
tell me where we go from here!
this broken city sky
like butane on my skin
stolen from my eyes
hello angel tell me where are you
tell me we go from here
tell me we go from...
i was a little startled at the end when we heard the loud sound of frank smashing his guitar.

we soon ran into a group hug "guys that was amazing" gerard cheered. maybe we might win, im not being bias but i would vote for us.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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