harry houdini {4}

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we finally finished the song and even came up with the album name if we win, we have a little less than a week to practice. today is our first practice with everything done, im going to start getting ready (above & yes her fringe is the wrong way shh pretend its not).

the boys finally got here, we plugged in all the stuff we needed, matt sat his drums in the corner of my room.

you're not in this alone
let me break this awkward silence
let me go!
go on record
be the first to say im sorry
hear me out
and if you take me down
or would you lay me out?
and if the world needs something better
let's give them one more reason now

we walk in single file
we light our rails and punch our time

ride escalators colder than a cell

this broken city sky
like butane on my skin
stolen from my eyes
hello angel, tell me
where are you?
tell me, where we go from here
this broken city sky
like butane on my skin
stolen from my eyes
hello angel, tell me
where are you?

tell me where we go from here
tell me we go from...

and in this moment we can't close the lids
on burning eyes
our memories blanket us with friends we know
like fallout vapor
steel corpses stretch out towards an ending sun

scorched and black
it reaches in and tears your flesh apart
as ice cold hands rip into your heart

that's if you've still got one that's left
inside that cave you call a chest

and after seeing what we saw
can we still reclaim our innocence?
and if the world needs something better
let's give them one more reason now

this broken city sky
like butane on my skin
and stolen from my eyes
hello angel, tell me
where are you?
tell me, where we go from here
this broken city sky
like butane on my skin
stolen from my eyes
hello angel, tell me
where are you?
tell me where we go from here
tell me where we go from here...

i still can't get over how fucking beautiful his voice is, i melt every time i hear it. "guys that was fucking amazing holy shit" i said as i flipped my fringe out of my face "i have a feeling" gerard spoke up "-a feeling that were gonna become something big" "i sure hope so, that would be fucking amazing" everyone agreed with me.

the next day x

i was watching porn until i heard my phone buzz

hey sugar whatcha up to?

im watching porn
what do you want

to see you

im rolljpng my eyes rn

ofc you are
jm coming over
and you better be dressed
or not ;)

i learned my lesson from last time i put on black skinny jeans and the same misfits shirt matt handed me i wont comment on whether or not it was washed. i sat on my bed to wait for gerard and decided to sketch something.

i knew he came about 10 minutes later when i heard eight rocks hit my window loudly. i opened it for him and he came tumbling in as always "aww you decided to get dressed, im hurt" he said pouting which caused me to giggle, we both sat on my bed and gerard noticed my sketch "dude is that harry houdini hanging upsidedown?" he said with a big smile on his face, i nodded "i love harry houdini" "me too!" "can i paint it" "of course,, im shit at painting anyways" "okay, okay, we can drive to the store for supplies" gerard said enthusiastically sounding like a child on christmas day, i nodded in response. we sat and talked and laughed for about ten minutes before we decided to leave.

we skipped out of my front door still giggling at the joke he made before we left, we decided bring my sketch with us so we could go back to his. once we got into the car we sat in comfortable silence while david bowies beautiful voice played in the background.

once we got to the store gerard got out of the car first then opened my door, took my hand and we skipped in and around the store not caring if people were looking, it must've been a weird sighting; a pale emo boy skipping, hand in hand with an emo girl with obnoxious hair and eyeliner.
we skipped our way to the art supplies section and we picked up some cheap watercolour paint, we then skipped to the register earning more judgefilled looks

once we checked out we left and got into gerards car, the ride home was the same as the ride there except we were accompanied by billie joe armstrongs vocals

we arrived at gerards house, i greeted donna and mikey,, mikey side eyed us as we went down to the basement. "when was the last time you washed your blankets and shit holy fuck" "four months,, you?" we both started laughing knowing it was just as bad as gerard. gerard told me to wait whilst he got more supplies from the kitchen, i took this time to take in my surroundings. i looked at the star wars comforter under me and giggled, he's so fucking cute. next i looked at the various posters upon his walls in awe "you like what you see sugar" i nodded. he sat the supplies he got and layed them out on his little desk

watercolour, borax and plastic wrap.

"this is gonna be sick as fuck" i said, he nodded.

"ya' know n/n i feel like we don't know eachohther enough, what's your favourite number" he asked while delicately painting on my sketch "seven" (sorry if that's not yours, its important) "mines is eight" "oh that's why you always throw eight rocks" "yes now ask me a question, were playing 21 questions by the way"
"what's your middle name?" "arthur, you?" "m/n"
"your favourite food?" "pretzels deffo" (sorry again, also fuck you pretzels are good as fuck)
"why do you call me sugar?"
before he could answer my question his phone started ringing, he soon hung up

i was scrolling on twitter when something wet hit my face, i looked up to see gerard laughing with a paintbrush soaked with orange watercolour. "oh its on" i said as i grabbed one of his paint brushes that were recently dipped into a disgusting brown water and i flung the shit coloured water onto his face and we both started giggling.

time skip x

by the time gerard finished the painting i was getting sleepy and gerard noticed and suggested that we could cuddle and watch a tim burton movie, i agreed. we chose edward scissorands, the part where edward met kim is when i felt my eyes start to get heavy. i slowly drifted asleep in the arms of the most handsome boy ive ever met

i hope that was okay, sorry it was shorter <3

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