Chapter 5: Riley Matthews, you can do this

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Lucas's POV

I'd never think Josh would have the guts to go up to Maya and kiss her RIGHT IN FRONT of Samantha. I'll admit, I feel proud of him, like some father would feel when his son wins a national baseball game. I wonder what's next for Josh and Maya.

I was having a great time with Riley, she was a perfect first date. Sure there was a food fight, and a ton awkward moments, and a huge milestone in Maya's life, but overall, it was perfect. As we were both laughing I noticed Maya leave the diner really upset.

I know it's usually Riley's job to go after Maya, but she was facing me, and not the door. Plus, I felt really bad. Ice cream doesn't get off of your hair easily. "Hey Riley? I'll be right back." "Where are you going?" She asked, her eyes lighting up. "Don't worry, I'll be back soon." I said to her as I left the diner. I caught up to Maya as she was about to cross the street. "Wait up!" She turned to me and made a confused face.

"Lucas? What happened? I thought you were on a date with Riley." She asked. I looked down. "Well, you're my friend, and I just wanted to say, I feel really bad for you-" "Well you shouldn't, I'm not Riley." I gave her a weird look. "What does that have to do with anything? So what you're not Riley, you're still my friend." She sighed, looking sad. "You don't get it."

"You realize the only girl you care about is Riley, right? She's the only girl you check up on if she's ok. She's the only girl you stare at. She's the only girl think about non-stop in your head. Her life is already perfect, why does it need to be more perfect than it already is??" She yelled.

I looked down. I never realized Maya felt like that. She was right, Riley is the only girl I care about. I glanced at her. She looked like nothing but one thing, broken. I walked up to her, sighing. We made eye contact, starring at them for a long time. I then looked at her like I've never had. It was at that moment where I leaned in her face, she looked dead at me.

"I care about you Maya, I really do." She looked down, still upset. I glanced at her again. Ignoring all of her flaws, scars, and imperfections.(Like she really had any) Maya was actually very beautiful, her dirty blonde hair really looked good in the wind. Her eyes were still down, but I could still imagine them looking straight at me. "Prove it." she finally said. "Prove it to me that I'm worth something, prove it to me that I have a purpose in this world, prove it to me that I-" I cut her off. We both stopped talking, stopped moving, and were shocked at what I just did. I did the unimaginable.

I kissed Maya.

It wasn't awkward, like I'd imagine any first kiss to be. It was......just happening. No words to describe what I'm feeling. I then remembered something I couldn't believe I'd forget. Something I thought it would be impossible to leave behind. Something- actually someone, who means everything to me.


Riley's POV

I was waiting for Lucas to come back. What was taking so long? I've waited for 10 minutes with no sign of him. I decided to wait a couple more minutes, but nothing. I decided I might as well go try and find him. "Hey Josh?" I asked him. "What's up?" He said. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go find Lucas." I said as I Left the diner. I looked around, once again, nothing. I started to walk down the street more until I stopped. My heart dropped just like my jaw. I covered my mouth to make sure nothing came out.

I can't believe him.

My "best friend" was kissing my "crush", right in front of my eyes.

I ran back to the diner, with watery eyes. I spotted Josh, paying for our meal. I rushed to him, bursting in tears, he looked at me. Instead of asking questions, he just leaned in and hugged me tight. I was practically sobbing, right in his chest.

I want to leave this world.

I couldn't look up, I don't want to look up. I'm weak. And that never happens. I feel...betrayed, confused, shocked, and unbelievable. The 2 people I thought would never hurt me, just did. I thought best friends were supposed to help you get your crush, not help her self.

Josh finally let go. "You're gonna eventually tell me what happen, so you might as well tell me now." We sat down, as he wiped away a tear. I can't even speak. I feel so weak, like I can barely even breathe. I thought he liked me, I thought he said he'd never hurt me. I thought she was my best friend. I thought she said she'd never treat me badly. I finally sniffed in my nose and took a deep breath.

"I saw Maya and Lucas kissing outside." Huh, that's something I thought I'd never say. His face fell as I finished my sentence. I noticed he spaced out, that's weird, I thought he was gonna comfort me, but I guess the universe doesn't like me at the moment.

I grabbed my jacket and walked outside, praying that they're gone.
At least the universe did me that favor. I walked back home, still wiping tears off of my face to make me see more clearly.I don't know what is gonna happen. How will this change my life, if it will be good, or bad. If I'll still be friends with them. If I'm still gonna have Farkle there for me. I knew this was a mistake. My dad was right, once he finds out-oh no. He CAN'T find out. I promise myself I'd NEVER speak -or think- of this again.

As I was outside my door, I paused. I took a deep breath. "Riley Matthews, you can do this." I walked inside, with a little bit of confidence. "Hi honey!" said my mom. We hugged and smiled at each other, well I faked smiled. I can't picture smiling at this moment.

"How was it?" She asked, like she was waiting for me the whole night. "Tiring, I think I'm gonna go to bed. I'll tell you everything tomorrow." I lied. She nodded and kissed my forehead. "I'm proud of you Riley, I really am." I'm proud of myself too, I STILL can't believe I haven't burst into tears yet. I fake smiled again and went to my room.

I should've known I was getting off the hook easy. I entered my room, but as I turned on the lights, I saw the 2 people I hated the most (at the moment) sitting on my bay window. Lucas stood up. He walked over to me and dragged me to the window.

"We need to talk."

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