Chapter 2: Lucas? My dad? Alone? Oh boy.

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Riley's POV

I stopped breathing, did Lucas just ask me out? Right in front of my dad? He stood there as speechless as I was. I turned to Maya, terrified. She nodded her head smiling. I stood up to face Lucas.

"I'd love to." I said smiling.
His smile grew huge and so did mine.
"Uh excuse me?" Asked my dad. Oh boy, don't embarrass me. He walked up to Lucas with an angry face. "Did you just asked her out?" He said pointing to me. He nodded. "Sir, in all respect, I hope that it is ok if I take Riley out on at least one date. He turned to me. "Riley? Do you really think this is a good idea?" My dad asked concerned. I looked at Lucas. I have to! I've dream of this moment since I've seen him in the subway. The way how he almost kissed me in the school play, the way he catched me when I fell down a subway train, and you could never forget the way he called me a princess. I faced my dad.

"Yes daddy, I really do. Remember, I'm still working on taking responsibility." I said. His face softened. "Yeah I know, I just forgot that you're growing up." He said under his breath. I turned to Maya. "Ya happy Riles?" She said in a happy little tune. "All my idea, you'll thank me later 😌." I giggled and hugged hug. "Thank you." I said in a whisper. "She then turned to me. "Anytime."

"You stole my woman!" Yelled Farkle. Oh boy. "Farkle, she was never your woman." Lucas stated as he sat down in his seat. Farkle gasped the most dramatic gasp of all time. He would. "Farkle, you still got Maya." I said grinning. "Sorry he has what?" Asked Maya. "Ooh Farkle time?" Asked daddy. "You bet." Said Farkle.
He walks to the front of the classroom, and flips my dads name tag to Farkle.

"As you all know i've been madly in love with Riley and Maya since the first grade. I never expected a day to come when one of them - he started doing a weird flappy movement with his hands- would leave the nest." He finished. "Really, because that's going to happen to both of us no matter what you do. " Said Maya. "SSSHHHH" He said, putting his finger on her mouth. "Move it or lose it. "She said as he put his finger down. "The point is," he slammed his hands on Lucas's desk making him lean back. "If you dare hurt Riley, it will be last thing you will ever, ever do." Farkle said trying to be all scary.

Lucas raise an eyebrow to Farkle. "Farkle, if you actually think I would hurt Riley, then you might as well think think a pig will be falling from the sky any second. "He said smiling at me. I felt a little blush as I turned towards the front.
"GGRRRRRR." Growled my dad. Making me hide my face. "Tell me when it's over." I told Maya. The bell rang for lunch and I jumped out of my seat. "Now it's over." She said. We walked to our lockers and walked to the cafeteria.

"So, Riley, how does it feel like to finally have a boyfriend?" She said teasing me. I gave her a serious look. "Maya, Lucas is not my boyfriend-" "yet!" She interrupted. "He's not your boyfriend yet." she said :-) "The point is he isn't now and we're just going on a date. "I said as we sat down at the lunch table. "But Riley, think about this if things work out great you could turn out to be his girlfriend. "I started to think. Be Lucas's girlfriend? In my dreams, a lot of girls I know I have a crush on Lucas. But I'm lucky he just asked me out. I started grinning from ear to ear. "Where do you think he'll take me?" I asked smiling. She shrugged. "All depends what your dad will say." I gave her a confused look. "what do you mean what my dad will say?" She raised both of her eyebrows. "You didn't notice how when we all left class your dad called Lucas and said he wanted to tell him something?" She asked weirdly. My eyes widened. Lucas? My dad? Alone? Oh boy. That can't end well.

Lucas's POV

"Mr. Friar!" Yelled Mr. Matthews. "Can I see you for a moment?" I stopped moving and turned to him. "Sir, if you don't want me to date your daughter I completely-" "Sorry I'm late! I got your text and ran as fast as I could." Said Josh who ran into the classroom. "Aren't you supposed to be at school?" I asked. " aren't you supposed to be in Texas? " He asked. Wow. Haven't been that burned since I've last tried to cook hot dog.

"Look Lucas, it's not that I don't trust you it's just that I don't trust you. Although you can gain my trust if we do this. You'll take Riley out to the Nighthawk diner. There will be Josh and a date he'll bring. I'm not saying it will be a double date but what I am saying is that he will supervise you and Riley. Look it seems unfair now but if I gain your trust the supervision thing that'll happen will just be in the past, do you understand?"

Wow seems pretty complicated but it will do. I'll pretty much do anything to go on a date with Riley even if Josh is watching us. So what if he is? Wait a minute, what about Maya? I thought he had a thing with her. Maybe it's all in my head. "Sounds like a good deal to me. But just so you know I would never do anything to upset Riley. I wouldn't ever even think of hurting her, and like Farkle said if I do hurt her it would absolutely be the last thing I would ever do. "Josh turned to Cory. "I understand that you want to protect Riley and all but don't you trust the guy? "Cory studied me. His dark brown eyes glared at me with confusion. "Not just yet, but something tells me that I will. "And with that he left the room.

I then turned to Josh. "Whatever happened between you and Maya?" He cringed when I said her name. "Nothing has or ever will happen between us." He said very firmly. "Except for that girl you're taking on date. "Ha, Point me. He faced me. "Look cowboy, she's way too young for me by the time she graduates I'll be an adult. It can't work out." I then started to think of something unimaginable. "But what if she was your age? " His eyes widened and looked at mine. "Ive never even thought of that. But she's not and it's already too late. Just do me one big favor. All I want." I nodded. "What is it?" I could tell he was struggling to say something. "Whatever you do, just don't tell Maya that I am going out with someone else. Do you understand me? "I nodded again. "Of course I-" "no, this is serious this isn't one of Cory's little trust things. You have to swear on your life to not tell her, please." I looked at him.

"I promise." I said. He looked and smiled. "Good, and don't worry it's not gonna be a double date. Just saying. Later, gotta go." And with that he took off. Then it was just me. Wow. Riley's officially my date. This is exciting! But how come I have a weird feeling inside me telling somethings wrong? I shook it off and left the room.

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