Chapter 7: You're an entirely different person to me now

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Hai guys! Before this chapter starts, i just wants to give credits to gmw and I own absolutely nothing about them but this account. This chapter/ chapters are inspired by the new gmw episode coming up, girl meets semi-formal. Hope you enjoy!

One week later

Riley's POV

I still can't believe Maya's got a date with Josh, does he even know what happened a week ago? I walked into history and sat in my usual spot next to Maya. Lucas walked in the room and smiled at me. I did end up forgiving him, but we decided it's best we stay friends for now.

"Hey Riley, you going to the dance tonight?" Asked Charlie. Charlie is a new kid that came to John Quincy a few days ago. He joined our group and is a good friend. I smiled at him. "Of course, are you?" I asked, giggling. "Yep, I'm pretty excited." He said smiling.

After class we went to lunch, I was sitting in my usual spot next to Maya. "I wish you didn't have to miss the dance for a date." I said. She looked at me. "Riley, your uncle boing asked me. How could I say no to that?" Lucas and Farkle joined us as Maya stated her question. "I get it, but out of all nights, you chose tonight?" I said looking away. She grabbed my chin and turned my head to her.

"You'll be fine, plus, you have Farkle and Lucas to keep you company." I turned to them. "I know, but it won't be the same." We smiled at each other we stared at the guys. "Don't worry Riley, at least I won't have to break Maya's heart as I dance on the floor with you." Farkle said. We all looked at him and shook our heads as we laughed.

"So, uh Riley?" Asked Lucas. I glanced at him. "Yeah?" I said. We haven't actually talked much since last week. I mean yeah we're still friends but it just isn't the same. I'll be honest, I miss Lucas. I miss our pointless conversations, I miss how he use to stare at me in class, I miss him in my life.

"I know this is a long shot, and I know we haven't been on good talking terms, but I was thinking-" "Miss Riley Matthews." Someone said behind me. I turned to see who. It was Charlie, kneeling down on one knee, holding a rose. "Charlie?" I asked confused.

"I've known you for less than a week, but I already know, that I really, really like you. It would mean the world to me, if you would do the honors of going to the dance with me." He said. My eyes widened,Maya's face turned to a grin, Farkle's froze, and from the corner of my eyes, I saw Lucas's face fall.

I looked back at him. His dirty-blonde hair, his greenish-bluish eyes, and his disappointed face. Oh my gosh, he still likes me. He still has feelings for me. I turned up to Charlie. His brown hair, his green eyes, and his confident face. As he said himself, he really likes me. And clearly has feeling for me.

I took one last look at Lucas and stood up. "Charlie..... I'm so flattered, but I ca-" I stopped at mid sentence. Wait a minute. Lucas wasn't even gonna ask me. We're still friends, only friends. I don't see what the big deal is on going with Charlie, I mean, look at him. He looks so happy and innocent, I can't let him down like that. "What were you saying?" He asked.

I took one big deep breath. "I'm saying yes! I'd love to go to the dance with you!" I said, grinning. The entire cafeteria cheered. He stood up and hugged me tightly. I hugged back, taking the rose. As I leaned back. I saw my friends. A smiling Maya, a confused Farkle, and a missing Lucas.

Charlie's POV

"I'm saying yes! I'd love to go to the dance with you!" Oh my gosh. Did she just say yes? It sounded like she was saying no at first, I got scared. As we hugged in the middle of a cheering cafeteria, I saw Lucas leave, looking so upset. I leaned back and faced Riley. "I'll be right back." I said to her. She looked upset for a second, but nodded.

"Hey, Lucas!" I yelled in the hallway. He turned to face me, then turned his back towards me. What's his problem? I'm trying to see what's wrong. I ran in front of him as he was going to his locker. "What's wrong Lucas? I saw you leave pretty upset." I said. He rolled his eyes. "Why do you care? Why don't you just go talk to Riley about what color your ties gonna be so you 2 will be matching?!" He yelled as the school bell rang.

"What's your problem? I did nothing wrong!" I yelled back. He glares at me, disgusted. "You did nothing wrong? I was in the middle of asking Riley to the dance until you came! Thanks a lot." He shoved he away from him. I got in his way again. "She told me how you 2 aren't really that much of friends since you kissed Maya. What type of guy would kiss the girls best friends in a middle of a date? Plus, I'm no genius, but I'm pretty sure she would've said no to you. Face it Lucas, she's moved on. And if you think she hasn't, why in the world would she say yes to me? You lost your turn Lucas, she's mine now."

I regret saying those words, because at that moment, he threw a fist at me. Luckily, I caught it. But then I saw his other fist come straight to my eye. And since the bell rang, people started to come and crowd in a circle, and as embarrassing as that sounds, we were stuck in the middle.

I've never been in a fight, so I'm nervous. I know Lucas had some experience back in Texas, so once again, I'm nervous. I threw a kick at him and made him hold his stomach for a bit. At that I took his arm and pulled it behind his back. With that, he took me down to the floor. Ok, that hurt. As I looked up, he kicked me in the face, well, more my eye.

"Charlie!" Yelled Riley. She ran to me as she helped me up. "Are you ok?" She said, holding my face in her hands. Honestly, NO. I feel my eye swelling, and tearing up. But I can't cry. "I-I'm fine" I said. She turned to Lucas.

"Lucas, how could you do that to him?" She yelled. Everyone turned to him. "Did you hear what he said to me? I had to!" He yelled back. "You know what?" All you've done is hurt me, hurt my heart, and now my date. I don't know who you are, but you're not Lucas. The Lucas I know would never hurt me. And when I would be going out with someone who isn't you, you'd still be smiling, because all you want is for me to be happy."

She started tearing up. "Riley I-" "No, Lucas, don't talk to me. You're an entirely different person to me now. Maybe I did forgive you for kissing Maya, but I don't think I can ever forgive you for this." She faced me and put her head of my chest, crying. I hugged her, closing my eyes.

"What's going on here?" Asked Mr. Matthews, aside to Maya and Farkle, who I assume told him. "Lucas was beating Charlie up for taking me to the dance." Riley said sniffing. Cory turned to Lucas. Shocked. "Mr. Friar, is this true?" He looked at us. I put my arm around Riley as she put her head of my shoulder. He looked down.

"Yes, it's true." He said. Cory turned to me and Riley, face filled with surprise. "I-I'm sorry Lucas, but you'll have to be suspended for 2 weeks." Cory said, upset. "What about the dance?" Farkle asked. Lucas looked up. "Please Mr. Matthews, I'll do anything, I'll clean your classroom, I'll help Harvey sweep the floors, I'll do anything! Please." He asked. Cory stole one last glance at Riley and I.

"Fine, Mr. Friar, you may go to the dance."

Hello again! Hope you liked that intense chapter, I'll sometimes talk at the end of chapters, sometimes won't. But I'm here to say I'll be on vacation in a couple of days. So I might not post recently, that's why I posted today! Leave a letter in the comments if you want to control what happens next! Do you:
A: want another fight at the dance
B: make Maya and Josh come to the dance
C: have smackle make an appearance so Farkle won't be lonely
Or D: let me surprise you!
Let me know what you think below!

Xoxo~ Andrea

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