ChaerJi : Amnesia

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Plot: In which Chaeryeong is suffering from amnesia after getting into a car accident so Yeji takes her time in helping restore her wife's memories.


Yeji thanked the heavens as she finally set foot in the front door, struggling to walk in as she was holding the many bags that were for Chaeryeong's nights in hospital.

"Lord" She grunted and plopped them on the side, soon noticing that her wife wasn't behind her. "Chaeryeong?"

She turned around and saw the younger girl standing by the mailbox with her arms crossed and pouting. "Chaeryeong can you come inside please?"





"I said no!"

The older girl shook her head and started to approach her wife, only for her to get yelled at again.

"Don't take another step! Or else I will scream!"

This was the main thing Yeji hated about Chaeryeong's amnesia. She was aggressive and annoyingly stubborn. It was much worse when she tried dragging her wife out the hospital without it looking like an attempted kidnapping.

"Honey, please come inside. It's summer and I don't want you to die from a heart stroke" Yeji spoke but Chaeryeong sent a 'hmph!' And turned her head away.

"I'd rather get a heatstroke than go with a stranger!"

"For the millionth time, WE. ARE. MARRIED!"

"Well I don't remember so we aren't!"

"Hwang Chaeryeong, you get inside this house or I will throw your clothes outside and you can be homeless!" Yeji yelled this time, making her wife flinch.

"Now I definitely don't want to since you're yelling at me!"

"You were yelling at me first!" The older girl was very close to ripping her hair out.

"I'm not going inside!"

Having enough, Yeji stomped towards her stubborn wife and carried her bridal style.

"Y-Yah! Do you wanna die?!" Chaeryeong screamed.

"I don't see you fighting me off" Yeji smirked at her before walking inside their shared house and closing the front door.

"Put me down!"

"Whatever the Princess wants" Yeji smiled cockily and just dropped the younger girl on the ground with a heavy thud.

"Ow! You're terribly mean for my so called wife!"

Rolling her eyes, Yeji took the many bags and dumped them upstairs in the laundry room, Chaeryeong hesitantly following her.

"You had a long week, are you tired?" The older asked.

"Kind of"

Yeji held her wrist and softly took her to their bedroom. "Sleep then, my love. If it makes you feel better, I'll sleep in the other room until you're comfortable. I need to make a phone call so just yell out if you need me"

Chaeryeong nodded and walked inside, sitting on the edge of the bed as Yeji returned downstairs. The younger admired the aesthetically pleasing bedroom and her eyes landed on a photo album by their night stand. She took it and flipped to the first page which was many pictures of her and Yeji's wedding day. Yeji was wearing a black and white suit and she was wearing a beautiful long white gown, her veil being pulled over her head.

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