Yuna x You : Sad Giant Baby

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Plot: It was Valentine's Day and Yuna had planned on gifting you a promise ring but due to her clumsiness, it fell into the sink and she has all the impossible outcomes of the situation playing in her mind


"Psst Chaeryeong Unnie" Yuna whispered from the door, only her head being seen.

Chaeryeong looked up from her dishes and smiled. "Hi Yuna-"



"Is y/n here?" Yuna continued to whisper, eyes scanning the kitchen.

"Nope. She went out to see her mum at some cafe. Why?" Chaeryeong questioned, placing the last plate onto the dish rack before wiping her hands.

"Oh good. I just bought a promise ring for her and since it's Valentine's Day, I wanna surprise her when she comes home" Yuna explained excitedly, making her way to Chaeryeong.

The youngest had already taken the ring out of the box to show Chaeryeong but one of the shopping bags fell by her feet, causing her to stumble. The expensive metal flew out of her fingers and right into the sink where it had disappeared down the drain.

Yuna screamed and looked at it wide eyes whereas Chaeryeong gasped, both hands to her mouth. The eldest slowly looked at Yuna and reached out to pat her back.



"There there Yuna-yah, I'm sure we can try and dig it out" Lia softly spoke in her ear.

Yuna was face down on the couch, sobbing away and drowning the material in her tears. Yeji appeared with all of Yuna's favourite snacks and even a photo frame of you but it just made her cry even more.

"She's gonna break up with me cuz I'm so clumsy!" Yuna dramatically cried.

Ryujin walked in and froze upon seeing the youngest in such a miserable state. "Yuna why do you smell like that?"

"Like what?" Yuna sniffled and looked at the older Shin.

"Like a wet depressed little bitch"

It was supposed to be a joke, knowing how Ryujin was but everyone's eyes widened when they saw Yuna's lower lip tremble and she let out another loud cry.

The eldest Shin scratched her nape and whined when her girlfriend slapped her shoulder.

"Why would you say that?!" Lia scolded, throwing both hands on her hips.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think she was so fragile today. What happened?" The boyish member asked, crouching down by Yuna's head and kissing her head, caressing it after.

"She bought y/n a promise ring as a surprise but she kind of dropped it in the sink drain" Chaeryeong explained, feeling guilty for no reason.

"Awe Yuna, let's not overthink the outcomes of this situation. Y/n is not a materialistic person so I'm sure she wouldn't just walk out on you for a ring" Ryujin spoke again.

"The ring has our initials and our anniversary date on it, Ryujin!" Yuna lashed out which had shocked her members since the youngest didn't call her Unnie.

Yuna covered her own mouth out of shock. "Oh my gosh I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you. IM A HORRIBLE MONSTER!"

Everyone but Yuna froze when they heard the front door open and close. Your presence appearing, becoming confused as ever when you found your members surrounding your...crying girlfriend?

Yuna was too busy crying to hear your footsteps.

"Um what are you doing to my girlfriend and why is she crying?" You finally asked.

Yuna jumped off the couch and looked at you with tears. You could've sworn your heart broke into pieces from the terrible sight. "Babe, what's wrong-"

"Don't come near me y/n! Im a terrible person!"

"What? Can someone explain to me what is happening please?"

"No one tell her!" Yuna yelled and hid under a pile of pillows.

Yeji sighed and turned to you. "She got you a promise ring but it fell in the drain. Now she thinks you're gonna break up with her"

"Eh? That's it? Babe it's just a piece of metal, you really think I'd leave you for that?!" You walked to your hiding lover and pulled her out of the cushions.

You sat in her lap and cupped her cheeks. "Love, look at me please"

Yuna had no choice but to listen, her big puppy eyes gazing into yours.

"I love you so much and thank you for buying me a promise ring but you know I'm not the type of person to do that to you. What kind of girlfriend would you take me for?"

Yuna sniffled and hid her face into your shoulder. "I just wanted it to be so perfect"

"You're perfect enough for me. We can get a promise ring together when our next pay comes alright?"

"Okay...I love you" She muttered.

"I love you more. Give me kiss?" You pouted and Yuna smiled a little, happily giving you what you wanted.

"Ok now that's over, wanna grab" You asked, only to find that the rest of the members had disappeared.

There was a little sticky note on the table that you picked up, trying not to get distracted with the way Yuna danced her fingers up and down your hips.

Dear Y/n and Yuna,


With love and barf,

Ryujin <3

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