4/5 Chaeryeong x You : Apologies and Kisses

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Plot: You and Chaeryeong got into an argument, resulting in her bringing up her ex


You slowly opened your eyes upon hearing some noises from downstair so you switched on the lamp and found Chaeri and Chaeso sleeping peacefully by your legs. You smiled and patted them both. "Sorry to wake you up darlings"

The two pups jumped up as the noises continued to grow louder, making them bark repeatedly. You shushed them as you stood up and walked downstairs. "Who's there?"

It was silent at first but then a familiar voice warmed your heart. "Babe?" Chaeryeong whispered.

You opened the living room lights and the dogs stopped barking as Chaeryeong came into view. "Chaer? Why are you here—why haven't you replied to me in the past 3 days. Do you know how worried I was?!"

"I'm sorry, I've been busy you know that right"

"Yeah I know you're famous, I know you got a big schedule but you can't even just update me a little on what you're doing? I made dinner for us three times but you never showed up" You scoffed with crossed arms.

"Y/n, I don't want to hear it right now, can we please go to sleep?" She reached out to hug you but you stepped back, glaring at her.

"See, you're doing it again"

"Doing what?"

"Avoiding the issue. We need to sort this out like a proper couple, Ryeong. I'm so lonely and I haven't been able to be in your arms for a while. Hell, I had to text the girls to see how you've been!"

"You were texting the girls?" Chaeryeong asked with a hint of jealousy.

"Oh don't get jealous now, I needed to find a way to see if you were okay. Please, let's sit down and talk-"

"I don't wanna talk!!" She suddenly yelled, crushing her empty water bottle in her hand and throwing it to the side with a loud thud.

You flinched as the dogs whimpered and ran upstairs to hide. "Honey, please calm down-"

"I finally come back from a shit load of work only to get yelled at you. Not a hi, not a hug, not even a kiss. Why are you yelling at me when you know I'm tired huh?! Stop being like my ex just stop!!"

You flinched again but not from her tone. You slowly raised your head and looked at her with hurt. "I'm being like your ex? Remind you, the ex that cheated on you, that said you were worthless, that said you were nothing?!"

Chaeryeong gulped and started to panic. "No no, baby I didn't mean to say that. I got too angry and frustrated, I would never actually say that to you"

"Why would I greet you as if you haven't been ignoring my texts? You think I'd sleep peacefully and wake up the next day like it's nothing?!"

The taller girl gripped her hair and started to tear up. "Y/n, I didn't mean it, I swear I didn't mean it, please forgive me"

You couldn't help but let your own tears fall as the hurtful words continued to echo in your head. You faced your back towards her and sobbed quietly, hugging yourself. "I can't believe you..."

Chaeryeong hugged you from behind, peppering kisses from your nape to the back of your head. "Baby, I'm really sorry. I love you so damn much, I don't wanna lose you. I cant lose you. You saved me from my ex and you continued to save me from my worst"

Ignoring her words, you just sniffled.

"Please look at me, honey" She whispered, turning you around by the waist.

Your head remained down, too hurt to look into her glossy eyes.

"Honey...Look at me?"

Curse her sweet voice. You looked up at her and Chaeryeong's heart skipped a beat. She was always taken aback with your beauty even when you were upset. "There's my pretty girl"

Sighing, you wrapped your arms around her neck. "I know couples fight but I'd rather have us avoid it. I want us to be okay. Don't you want that too?"

"Of course I want that. I want you and only you. You're my number one fan and what type of person would I be to lose that?"

"Am I really like your ex?"

"Oh god no, why did I even say that! I'm so stupid, I'm sorry baby. I promise to make time to see you, let alone text you, okay? You have my word"

"I trust you, love" You whispered, going on your tippy toes to capture those sweet lips you've been missing.

You felt her smile into the kiss and pull you closer. You squeaked when she lifted you up and wrap your legs around her waist. "Sometimes I forget you have the strength of superman" You chuckled against her lips.

"I love being your hero. Can I save you once more to our bed?" She smirked, sucking your neck.

You had to bite back a moan. "A-As much as I'd love that, we have kids"

"Who Chaeri and Chaeso? They can sleep in the garage—Ow!"

You pulled at her cheek. "Those are our babies, Ryeong"

"Can they are least stay in the living room? I want you all to myself"

You rolled your eyes playfully and swiped your tongue across her lower lip. "Whatever hero, have it your way"

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