(1/5) Yeji x You : Apologies and Kisses

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Plot: You and Yeji get into an argument, resulting in her bringing up her ex.


"Yeji you promised me last time, how could you break it again?" You said as calm as possible even though the argument had already escalated by the time the topic was brought up.

Your older girlfriend promised you the past week about finally spending quality time after her busy schedules but each time seemed to have a different excuse. You let it slide at first but it started to get out of hand when Yeji avoided to continue the conversation after a not so genuine apology.

"Y/n please I'm exhausted, can we not talk about this?" The itzy leader groaned, slowly walking towards the stairs but you quickly stood in front of her, not caring that you were shorter than her by many centimetres.

"No Yeji! We cant keep ignoring this. What's the point in you making a promise you cant keep huh? How many times did you promise to come back home and give me cuddles? Let alone speak to me about your day?"

"Y/n, I wanna sleep"

You scoffed at her ridiculousness, crossing your arms over your chest. "Baby, please can we talk about this like proper adults? I don't want to keep fighting"

"Then get out of my face!" She huffed, pushing past you with annoyance.

"Yeji I want to work this out! I understand you have a busy schedule but I need you too. Do you know how long I stay up every night just to receive a simple text?"

"God, why are you like my ex?! I don't want you nagging me over what I do in my life! If I'm busy, I'm busy!"

You flinched not only at her tone but by the mention of her ex. How dare she compare you both. One, you weren't a cheater, two you weren't manipulative, and three you always respected her as an idol!

"What...What did you say?" Your voice trembled, tears prickling your eyes.

Yeji's eyes widened as she realised what she had said. She walked closer to you with her arms opening out to grab your hand but you snatched it away, the look of disbelief and hurt still in your eyes.

"How could you say that, Yeji...Does I look like the type of person to bring some stranger home for my own satisfaction?! Yes, I'm lonely Yeji but never ever would I fucking cheat on you! Don't you ever compare me to your ex!" You cried, tears uncontrollably wetting your face.

"Baby, I'm sorry I-I don't know why I said that. I-I was so frustrated with all the yelling a-and..."

"Yeji I'm just looking out for our relationship. You were the one who initiated that we could work out despite your famous life yet here you are getting mad at me for caring. Do you not want me to care anymore?"

Yeji cursed under her breath as she pulled you into her arms, letting your rest your face into her collarbones, sobbing away. She ran her fingers through your hair and swayed you both slightly. "No baby no, shhhh. Don't say that. Of course I want you to keep caring, I'm so sorry. Im sorry I broke my promise, I'm sorry for making you feel lonely, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" She muttered into your hair, not forgetting to kiss it.

"Yeji...I don't want us to end" You choked on your tears.

"And we'll never end. You'll always be mine forever, baby"

"...am i really like your ex?"

"God baby no. Not one bit. I'm sorry I even brought them up, I just got so mad and all the yelling just reminded me of them. I trust you so much to not cheat on me nor hurt me. I know you soooooo goddamn well, okay?" Yeji slightly pushed away to cup your face.

"Please make time for us Yeji. We both need it. I don't want to fight like this ever again"

She kissed your forehead before kissing your pout. "Youre probably sick of hearing this but I full on promise to make up every time I missed with you. Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a chopstick in Ryujin's thigh"

You couldn't help but snort at the lame saying. "A chopstick in Ryujin's thigh? First of all, those aren't the words, second of all, since when did you result to violence. Especially against your own member?"

Yeji smiled and pulled you in by the waist. "I just love being a dork"

"You're my dork"

"Always and forever" She whispered, leaning down to capture your lips in a slow passionate kiss.

You tugged her impossibly closer by the neck, humming in content when she swiped her tongue across your lower lip. She was the first to pull away while staring at you with a hint of desire. "Why don't I make up for lost times right now?"

"In what way, Hwang?" You tilted your head, knowing what she had in mind.

"Let's go to the bedroom and I'll show you"

You chuckled as she picked you up bridle style and took you to your shared bedroom, finishing a long night of making love. It wasn't rough but Yeji ensured you felt all the promises she made.

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