The diary..of kayla castiel.

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October 11th 2014

This is my first ever pretty bad at this kind of thing but the way things in my life are headed,
i figured it would be a good thing to do so here goes.ill just write what comes into my head.i guess thats what you do with a diary right?

I have always been curious about my dad. I only met him when i was very small.
Dont really remember much about him,except he had really kind eyes and he lit up the room when he smiled.
Trying to get anything out of mom was like pullin teeth..with rubber pliers. Completly imposible. Id given up years ago,she was never going to tell me so there was just no point asking.

Ive always wondered why he left seemed like he loved us from what i remember.
Never seemed sad or unhappy to be there,but what do i know i was like maybe two years old.
Guess its just one of the many things in my life that will always confuse and baffle me.
For example...i find myself quite child like in my looks.i have what alot of people have said is a baby face.
They also say ill be glad of it when im older and ill always look younger than i actually am.
"who the hell wants to look like a kid all their lives? I certainly dont!"
Now,this is not what confuses me about my looks..i look like my mom and im told (by mom after alot of tantrums as a kid) that i have my fathers eyes.
What confuses me is the way guys (and quite a few girls) react to me and the way i look..its like they are half drunk and half in love when they look at me..its really disconserting.
How? Try having the sixty year old librarian leer at you lustily over her coke bottle lenses.
Point made.
I try my best to put it out of my mind and focus on what im doing. Im an archeology student with our local college..actually im the T.A. and im taking part in a really exciting dig with the professor and his collegues.
They have found references to an ancient text that depicts all the angels of heaven and the names,ranks and jobs of each one.
If they/we find it then it could actually prove that angels really do or did excist! I am so excited as you can probably tell.we start flight leaves early so im cutting this entry short.bye fa now.

October 12th 2014

Its four a.m.! Im sooo tired,i could hardly sleep last night.too excited i guess.
now im really nervous..what if im useless at this? Or what if i hate it and im stuck in the middle if nowhere for the next three months, bored and alone. well i cant back out now. Im getting on that plane and im starting my life.
Mum still hasnt come around.since the day i told her about the dig shes been really weird with me.
She even outright forbid me to go! That was a really big fight we had that night. But i refused to back down..thats one of my reasons for not backing out now.
I wont let her say "i told you so" .
its my life,im eighteen already and im not a kid! anyway gotta will be here soon.eeeek!!

October 12th 2014

Im on a crowded plane flying over a jungle. I thought we were going to just outside the city in mexico,but this is way way far out of any city infact the last sign of life i saw was over an hour ago.think i may have a little panic attack now. bye

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2015 ⏰

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