Chapter 2

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As I swiftly sat onto the dirty science stool located in the space assigned to me, I glanced to my left to see the sight of a boy cleaning the large lenses of his glasses on the hem of his shirt. The school nerd, Harry Styles.

As I watched, Harry placed his large glasses back onto his face and slid the frame up his nose with his index finger. My eyes flickered around the classroom from student to student and finally put my focus back onto the teacher.

"Okay class," the female teacher clapped her hands together once and kept them in the position they landed in. "Thankfully, everyone is present and on time today so I would just like to mention that we have a science project coming up and I will be pairing you up with your partner myself." The teacher voiced to the class.

Quiet muttering echoed around the classroom about the partner situation, but the teacher began to show students the their pairs from a single piece of white paper.

The loud voice of Miss Collins reverberated around the now silent room as she walked around the class, handing each student a small slip of paper. "This paper will tell you all what you need to do. Your partners' names are also on that paper so you can go and sit with them. Go." She flailed her hands in the air, indicating us to move from our current positions to find the other whom we must work with on the project.

I took the small paper into my hands and looked down at the name hand written onto it. 'Harry Styles'.

My eyebrows raised but I looked up at the tall boy placed next to me. His broad shoulders naturally slumped but was still a lot taller than me even with that. I picked at what was left of my week-old nail polish as I felt Harry quickly glance at me but flick his head back to a resting position straight away. The thought lingered in my mind of being paired up with someone I hadn't ever talked to, it was a strange feeling but wasn't too bad as he seemed quite timid.

Harry has always been a student to blend in with any crowd even though his six foot height looms over basically every student in (English) College.

Nerd || H.SOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant