Chapter 11

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Walking into the hall with Harry, he slid his warm jacket off of his broad shoulders slowly, turning away from me and towards the coat rack, revealing the transparent mesh of the back of his shirt.

The visible muscles in his large back contracted as he moved his arms up to hang his coat along with the selection of other jackets.

"That uh..." My eyes wandered, "That shirt looks good on you." I looked down at my feet, shuffling my shoes on the hard, wood flooring of the hallway.

"Thanks love." My heart fluttered at his gentle words as he gave me a small, genuine smile. Why was I feeling this way towards Harry? I couldn't help it.

My ears pricked up and my heartbeat rose unexpectedly at the sound of a familiar, slurred voice which sparked up from behind me. Closing my eyes with worry, Harry looked at me with utter confusion on his face.

"Thea!" I jumped, resistant to turn around, tears welling up inside of me as I recognised the drunken voice straight away. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I turned to face the man I had easily erased from my life. Adam.

"Oh my gosh! Who would have thought we'd bump into each other... Of all places!" His movements were wobbly and exaggerated and his words were spoken harshly and slurred, probably not even noticing Harry standing beside me.


"Come here baby." Adam pinned my struggling body against the hard wall of his dull, cold bedroom. The potent stench of alcohol travelled into my nose as he got closer. "Stop!" I cried, pushing his tipsy body off of mine. "Oh come on! You loved it last night." He shouted.

A large tear fell onto my cheek as I pushed my back against the wall as far from this man as possible. "You..." I slumped my back down the wall and held my head in my hands. I began to sob. "You forced me." I cried loudly into my palms.

Hearing Adam's heavy footsteps plod towards me, I suddenly straighten up with fear and hatred in my eyes. "It was your first time baby, it was a good time." He lied. "It definitely wasn't!" My body shook, raising my voice, attempting to erase the memory of last night from my head.

Adam then got uncomfortably close, his voice becoming a whisper, his nose basically touching mine. "You liked it. Don't lie to me Thea. We love each other so much baby, don't leave." His face faked an innocence.

I never loved him. He wanted me to, but in reality, it was never going to happen and he knew that. It's not like he cared about me and my wellbeing, it wasn't his first time that was ruined, I'm positive that he used so many other unfortunate girls before me. We dated and he took it too far.

"I'm going." I said, trying to walk away. "You're staying!" Adam shouted out, grabbing me tightly by the throat, locked in his hold against the wall once again.

As I tried to free myself with my desperate hands, he took a firm grasp on them, but before he had the chance to react to the fact my right hand had come loose from his clasp, I hit him in the face with unbelievable force.

He fell backwards, rubbing his red cheek as I grabbed any random object I could get a hold of (in this instance, it ended up being a mini clock that was placed on his bed side table) and threw it straight at his head. Perfect shot.

I dashed for the door, clambering over many beer bottles that were scattered on his stained bedroom carpet, looking behind me swiftly to find an unsteady alcoholic trying to find his balance.

As I got downstairs, I quickly jumped into my shoes, grabbed my belongings and slammed the front door after me. All I could do was run.


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