Chapter 3

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Harry and I had arranged to meet at his house to discuss the project. If I had walked to his house it would have taken about thirty minutes, so I took the bus.

After arriving at his street, I looked for number 34 on one of the doors and once I had found the house he had told me he lived in, I approached it. He told me he lives alone and had moved away from his parents some time last year.

I knocked on the door gently and waited for someone to answer. I heard heavy footsteps approach the door, followed by the sound of the large wooden door being unlocked.

Remembering the geek I know from school, I expected some sort of frumpy vest over a shirt, slicked back hair and glasses.

The door vigorously swung open, revealing Harry stood straight in front of me, only his right arm was hidden behind the wooden frame. "Shit." I held under my breath, luckily, he didn't hear my quiet exclamation.

His light brown fluffy hair looked slightly dampened and a white towel hung loosely around his waist. Shocked, my expression told everything. Tattoos. Beautiful tattoos littered all over his toned body.

"Hi, sorry I kind of lost track of time and just got out of the shower." His raspy voice rumbled.

"O-oh it's fine, um.." I stammered.
"You wanna come in a sec?" Harry asked. "Yeah sure." I answered with, as I stepped into his large house and shut the door behind me.

"I'll be one sec." Harry said as he raced up the stairs.

My eyes widened for a second, bewildered at what I just saw. 'Harry looks really fucking hot', I thought to myself as I heard Harry's thudding footsteps treading back down the stairs.

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