Chapter 8

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"You don't have to study here just because you feel sorry for me, y'know?" Harry's voiced rumbled. "Writing your name on the project isn't that hard... That's what normally happens anyway."

His innocent eyes fell onto mine as I studied his gorgeous face. "Aw Harry, I wouldn't ever do that, don't be silly." I placed my hand on the surface of Harry's large knee sympathetically.

"Anyway, I'm sure you're not that much of a nerd." I giggled, lifting my comfort from his leg as I stood in front of Harry, who was taller than me even when I was standing and he was sat down.

Harry chuckled slightly, dimples making an appearance. Looking down, Harry fiddled with the silver ring that adorned his left hand middle finger. Niall interrupted as he let out a quick, loud snore, making both of our heads snap towards him. He fidgeted around, nestling his face into the soft couch. Niall let out a heavy, sleepy sigh and before I could react, Harry stood up from in front of me, growing even taller as he commented, "I'm not sure that this studying thing is going too great", he looked me in the eyes, "if you get too bored, make yourself at home."

He furrowed his eyebrows as he nodded and took three long strides over to the stack of science books on the coffee table. Running one long finger down the spines of the stacked books, he picked one out and flicked through the heavy text led in his arms. Scanning his eyes through the words on the pages, he hummed the tune of a song quietly, so quietly in fact that I was unable to recognise the tune that his voice crooned.

He placed the book opened upside down onto the table after finding a certain page he must have been looking for, muscles contracting whilst he bent down to pick up what looked like a cup of tea that had been left for a while, which had probably been made just before Harry had picked me up.

Straightening up his long back, the quite large mug was made to look tiny whilst in Harry's hold as he licked his blushed pink lips after taking another gulp of the half cold beverage. "Do you want one... A cup of tea?" Harry questioned, pointing with his thumb in the direction of the kitchen. "Milk and two sugars." I smiled as Harry set down his mug and strode into the kitchen, I followed.

As I stood at the doorway patiently, the assortment of eating utensils clattered as Harry dug around inside the drawer. Pulling out a small teaspoon, he stirred the hot liquid inside the mug, the spoon clanging against the sides of the ceramic material as he stirred.

He walked from around the corner, holding a striped, black and white mug in his left hand. Jolting back, Harry seemed surprised for me to be waiting where I was. Smiling at Harry's actions, he let out an amused sigh at his own reaction, dimples plastered deep into his cheeks. "Sorry." Harry smiled, handing me the fresh mug of tea. "Don't apologise, I was the one who made you jump." I replied to Harry's apology as I turned around and took a quick sip of the boiling drink, the way I like it.

Looking up from my steaming cup, my eyes widened to find both of the large sofas completely empty of a sleeping young man. With the couch cushions sprawled out all over the floor, I walked further into the living room to find a cool breeze from the hallway door hitting my body.

Harry followed with his reaction, stopping dead in his tracks, Harry exclaimed. "Shit." He leant around the living room door to find the house door had been flung open, the wind making the wooden frame swing slightly.

Harry raced to poke his head out of the door as I followed. Harry twisted his head of curls left to right as he scanned the long street at the front of his house.

Across the street, Harry had obviously spotted something, taking a sigh of relief. Laughing at the sight of Niall sleep walking on Harry's neighbours' lawn, from across the street, opposite Harry's house.

Niall's sleeping, energetic, drunken mind eventually slowed down as he was gradually began lowering towards the ground and finally, slumping onto his knees and flopping straight forward, face planting the mowed grass.

Hurrying over to the blonde, Harry and I still chuckling to ourselves and whilst running his hand through his hair, Harry stated. "He's a sleep walker if you couldn't tell, this happens quite often." Once we finally got to Niall, he was already snoring as Harry flipped his friend onto his back, strands of grass stuck to Niall's forehead.

Led like a starfish on some strangers' lawn, Niall still slept heavily. Placing my dainty hand onto Niall's hard chest and shaking him slightly, I commented his name and in a failed attempt, Harry took over.

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