Chapter 18

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The previous night felt like hours of endless talking but now this gorgeous boy was led adjacent to me in my large double bed.

Nothing happened last night but he was very sleepy and I offered for him to come to bed but he fought the urges to close his eyes for longer than a blink.

Whilst we attempted to watch some uninteresting show on Netflix, he drifted off into an unsettled slumber. I lightly chucked my fluffiest blanket over his limp body as I admired his rosy cheeks and cosy appearance whilst heavily breathing in his dreaming condition.

I headed up to my bedroom and jumped into my purposely oversized shirt and whipped my uncomfortable bra off in the meantime.

I peeled back my freshly washed covers and dunked my head into the lovely scent of my pillow, falling asleep on the instant.

A few hours that felt like a few moments had passed when heavy, sleepy footsteps plodded up the stairs.

I was stirring in my sleep at this moment and didn't really pay much attention to what was happening around me but I suddenly felt part of the bed next to me dip down with the weight of another body.

A large sigh was huffed lightly into my ear and a limp arm was flung around my waist as I faced away from the cuddly boy passing through my dreams.

I seemed to then again, fall straight to sleep after lethargically realising who had thoughtfully climbed into my bed.


I blinked multiple times as I gradually opened my eyes as they were introduced to the newfound morning daylight glowing through my beige curtains.

I gave myself a couple of minutes to adjust to being awake as I performed a full body stretch and rolled over from facing the wall to find Harry asleep, turned away from me on the right side of the bed, closest to the door.

His curls sprawled out from the back of his head and onto the clean pillow, soft and wavy - Harry in the morning was definitely a sight for sore eyes.

I can't believe I was sharing a bed with a guy I had only just kissed but it didn't feel weird at all, I have no idea what my mum would say (and wouldn't like to know). If she wasn't doing a stay-at-home hospital visit for work and saw me like this, I'd like think she'd be understanding.

I look at Harry as he unconsciously rolled onto his back. His eyes were gorgeously puffy from sleep and his long eyelashes shadowed onto the tops of his cheeks, his full, pink lips were puckered and pursed from dreaming and his large arms were crossed over his chest as though he was trying to hold someone as close to him as possible.

He straightened up his back and moved his long legs around in the sheets, stretching and now stirring in his sleep yet with his eyes still shut.

A deep, morning grumble passed his lips as his blurry sight was cut up my multiple, sleepy blinks and finally, his light eyes were unveiled as he rolled his head to his left side to greet me.

"Thea!" He expressed almost surprised and ecstatic at the same time, a possibility that his voice would have gone much higher in tone if he hadn't just woken up and had a gorgeously raspy morning voice.

His bare torso was facing me as he flung his inked limbs around the back of my neck, my face cozying into his chest as I inhaled his heavenly scent with every sleepy breath.

He peeled his body slightly off of mine and looked at me admiringly, licking his lips, he planted a lazy but lovely kiss on my lips.

Butterflies lifted my mood and flew throughout my entire body at the sheer sight of him.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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