Chapter 4

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Kristopher was settled into the leather couch furthest from the stairway that overlooked the DJ table. Beside him was the adjoining couch, and a dark oak coffee table settled between the two couches for drinks. Liam was sitting beside Kristopher on the opposite side of the couch. Liam's brown hair was combed back neatly, his light brown eyes observing the humans on the dance floor. Grayson sat on the adjoining couch, his ash blonde hair tousled as his grey eyes shifted to the DJ table. The two men cradled their own drinks as Kristopher raised his whiskey to his lips for another sip. Liam was three hundred and ten years old, while Grayson was two hundred and fifty, the baby of the group.

"I can't believe that your manager hired a witch as a DJ," Grayson said.

"It's not like he could have known," Liam said with slight exasperation. "He is just human, after all."

"At least she is rather appealing to look at," Grayson grinned.

"She's a witch," Kristopher spoke.

"Doesn't mean I can't appreciate her from a distance," Grayson shrugged.

Kristopher simply nodded and burned his eyes through the railing of the second floor as he watched the DJ. He's not wrong, he thought. The new DJ was beautiful. She looked to be in her early twenties, her breasts bouncing each time she danced as she worked the table. The skinny jeans that she wore with her halter top cupped her bubble of an ass perfectly. Her creamy skin was inviting, and Kristopher's gums ached at the thought of penetrating its flawlessness. "You know," Grayson said slowly. Kristopher's eyes reluctantly shifted from the DJ to his friend. "Not all witches are off limits or trying to kill us, just the Karizma witches."

"If only we knew before trying to fuck it or eat it, that would be great," Liam snorted as he rolled his eyes.

"It's not like we have to wait too much longer," Grayson shrugged. "It's already October. Only two and a half months to go to find out if that pretty, little thing down there is free game."

"You really want to wait two months?" Kristopher quirked an eyebrow.

"Shit, I'm over two hundred years old, Kris. Two months is nothing," Grayson said with a cheesy grin.

"Be that as it may, I can't wait to return home to the States," Liam said. When Kristopher had been tasked with his re-location to Vancouver, Liam and Grayson had agreed to move with him to assist. They had all adjusted to life in Vancouver rather easily. People in Canada really are more trusting, Kristopher thought.

"I don't know, the cuisine here is pretty good," Grayson purred. His eyes flickered to the writing bodies on the dance floor.

"It is easier to hunt here," Kristopher murmured. "The women at home aren't as trusting or as easy to convince. But, fuck, do I miss the chase, the thrill of the catch." Kristopher's fangs proceeded to descend at the thought. He felt blood swirl in his mouth as his fangs pierced his tongue. He growled and rubbed a hand over his face. Jack will be fine if I decide to vacation in the states, he thought. Kristopher did miss the states, but he was still undecided if he would make them home again, or just travel destinations. He had grown to like Vancouver more than he had anticipated.

"Mm," Grayson said as he swallowed his drink, his finger pointing at the DJ table. "Looks like someone is curious about the vampires above her." Kristopher's eyes trailed over to look at the DJ's green ones. Her eyes widened slightly as if she could sense his gaze upon her. She probably can, he reminded himself. He placed his glass on the table and rose to his feet. "I stand corrected," Grayson chuckled. "It must be you that she is curious about. Her body tensed the second that your feet hit the floor." Kristopher smirked and approached the railing of the second floor. He spread his arms against the metal support, displaying his large build as he leaned forward against it. The DJ's green eyes hardened and she tilted her head to the side, very slightly, studying his movements. Kristopher's lips tugged into a playful smirk as he allowed his fangs to display against them, his eyes bright with auburn fire. Her eyes widened in surprise, and she greeted him with her own playful smile.

Kristopher felt his own surprise at her response. Witches typically did not appreciate vampires' antics, they always felt that they were better than the vampires. I suppose it goes both ways, Kristopher thought. His kind felt superior to the witches as well; after all, witches were just humans that had special powers. Vampires were immortal and damn near unkillable. Her eyes slowly shifted back to the DJ table as she changed the song for the patrons. His eyes lingered on her body for a moment. The things I could do to her, he thought with a low growl. He typically did not fantasize about witches, since his duty was to kill the strongest one. But when you find a witch who looks like that, it is damn hard to not picture fucking her brains out, he thought. He rolled his shoulders and turned away from the railing. He returned to his seat on the couch and resumed his patient consumption of his whiskey.

"Didn't you just eat downstairs?" Liam inquired.

"He did," Grayson grinned. "Admit it, the witch is pretty exquisite."

"That she is," Kristopher nodded. "And she smiled at me when I displayed my fangs to her. Color me intrigued by her exquisiteness."

"Well, that is an interesting development," Liam said. "You would think the witch would be repulsed to learn that her employer is a vampire."

"She doesn't know," Kristopher said. "Jack hired her, remember? This is the first time that I've seen her."

"Man, what I would give to be present for your first actual meeting," Grayson said.

Kristopher took another sip of his whiskey and his eyes trailed back to the DJ. His auburn eyes brightened as they caressed her face. Her skin looked so soft, so fragile, so mortal. He felt an odd desire to protect her, but, judging by the potency of the lavender that her magic radiated, he knew that she did not need it. The scent that her magic gave off indicated how strong of a witch she truly was. Most witches barely gave off the lavender since most witches in today's society barely even tapped into the true magic in the universe. But this witch not only tapped into it, she mastered it. He could not remember the last time that he had encountered a witch so strong that was not a Karizma. Vancouver is a safe haven for the supernatural, though, he reminded himself. He had even encountered a few werewolves during his stay. In the states, the supernatural had mastered being chameleons, but he had learned that they shed some layers of their skins in Vancouver, and allowed some parts of their true natures to be known, as known as they could be around the humans.

Kristopher gulped down the last of his drink and closed his eyes. He centered his hearing on the DJ and exhaled slowly. To further add to his surprise, her heartbeat was steady. She was not nervous or scared or angry; her first night of work, with vampires in her vicinity, and she was calm. Kristopher smiled lightly. I like this one, he thought. He felt her magic brush his cheek softly and he opened his eyes again. Calm and bold, he thought. I have to meet this girl now. Most women threw themselves at him, but there was something different about this one. It was as if she was playing a game; not quite cat and mouse, more like hide and seek. He slid his tongue over his fangs in thought. I suppose a game of hide and seek would not be the worst thing to do with a witch. After all, when the Karizma threat has been eliminated, maybe I can do more than just play with this one. 

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