Chapter 11

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Ryleigh inhaled sharply as she stared into the mirror. Tonight, at midnight, she would turn twenty-three. She had convinced Kristopher to give her tomorrow night off, but she did still have to work the night before. She debated on asking for both nights off but did not want to raise suspicion. I can control my cloak and magic tonight, she reminded herself. I don't have a choice. She was wearing a short jean skirt with a white halter top, her red hair spilled down her back. She ran her hand through her hair, but her nerves caused to her fingers to tangle within the knots. She exhaled and slowly untangled her hand from her hair.

She gripped the edge of the porcelain sink in front of her and closed her eyes. She had gained better control over her magic since the encounter with Adam, over one week ago. She forced herself to control her magic; she was going to be consistently accessing it like that for the rest of her life, she could not be a walking bomb waiting to destroy whoever came into her path. She shuddered briefly at the remembrance of the sound of Kristopher's flesh being eaten away by her magic. If I allow my magic to control my body, I could kill people, she thought. And if that happens, the cloak falls away, and the vampires can come kill me.

Ryleigh opened her eyes and released the porcelain crutch to splash water on her face. Bailey wanted to spend tonight and tomorrow night with Ryleigh, but Ryleigh had convinced her not to. It was not safe for Bailey to be around Ryleigh at the start of the crystallization of her powers. Bailey had begun practicing the cloaking spell in increments as well, much to Ryleigh's relief. Ryleigh only allowed herself a few weeks to practice it; if Bailey can master it within the next two years, there was more hope for Bailey's survival than Ryleigh's. And Bailey's survival is all that really matters, Ryleigh thought.

Ryleigh had confided in Bailey about the kiss with Kristopher. Understandably, Bailey advised against pursuing anything further; her argument had been that, for all that they knew, Kristopher could be the vampire that would end up killing Ryleigh. Ryleigh sighed and shut the water off in the sink. She felt like she was lying to him every single day, not revealing who she truly was. She knew that if she did, he would not hesitate to kill her, and she would let him. She had developed strong enough feelings to Kristopher that she would not kill him in defense, and that was terrifying. She had never felt so strongly toward someone before, to where she would rather die than kill the threat.

Ryleigh exited the bathroom of the club and sighed. There was still twenty minutes to opening, allowing her to bask in the silence. Silence of the club anyway, she thought bitterly. Her mind continuously made noise, so much so that she was barely sleeping because of it. Part of the reason I need tomorrow off, she thought. I'll need to rest. She walked over to the bar and rounded behind it to the coffee pot. She poured a cup of black coffee and exited the bar. Alisha had gone to the stockroom at the realization of low quantities of vodka, but Ryleigh knew that she would not mind her presence. Alisha insisted on keeping coffee brewed, if not for the employees than for the patrons.

"The night hasn't even started yet, pet," Kristopher said. Ryleigh smiled and turned to face him. His blonde hair had been messed atop his head, his dark black suit brightening the auburn fire in his eyes. She nodded and took a sip of her coffee. "I haven't been sleeping much lately."

"Why not?"

"Just a lot on my mind."

"Ryleigh, if this is about the office," Kristopher spoke softly. His hand cupped her cheek gently. "It doesn't have to happen again. I know it's not...ideal."

"It's not that," she whispered. "I mean it is, but not because of what you think. Us being who we are isn't bothering me as much as I thought it would."

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