Chapter 15; Part One

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A/N: Happy New Year!

Gilly's POV


Today is our final day at Royal Academy, and everyone has the day off (yay, no classes). There will be a graduation this afternoon, and my parents and siblings will all be there. I've missed my family greatly, and I am excited to see them.

I packed most of my stuff last night, so I wouldn't need to put a lot away today.

Kayla and I are finishing packing as AG skips through the door, smiling. She has a dandelion tucked behind an ear. AG falls onto her bed, dress fanning out below her.

"Someone's in a good mood," Kayla comments before she turns back to her trunk. AG turns over onto her stomach and props her chin in her hands. "I'm just really excited for tonight."

AG hasn't started packing yet, so her stuff is scattered everywhere. Her books are on the floor beside her bed, and she has at least two dresses hung over the back of her desk chair.

"When are you planning on packing?" Kayla asks. She shuts her trunk with a click and turns around to face AG. AG shrugs and hops off her bed, "I guess I could pack now."

~~Time Skip~~

AG stands three spots in front of me, and Hayley stands directly behind me. The two girls in front of me, Carol and Beatrice, are whispering to one another. They both look incredibly nervous, and I can't help but feel a little worried myself. I turn around to see Hayley looking a little green around the gills (not literally).

I give her a smile, and she smiles back, but it doesn't look convincing. "You good?" I ask, and Hayley nods. Hayley is dressed in a pink short-sleeved midi dress. The dress has strawberries stitched into it, and Hayley is wearing a strawberry pin in her hair. "You look wonderful," I promise her, giving her hand a squeeze before turning around.

Oliviana steps through the doors and gently clears her throat to get our attention. The chatting stops imminently, and everyone turns to face her. "Now, if I could get everyone's attention," Oliviana says, "we are about to enter the ballroom. You will enter when your name is called. Understood?" She waits for everyone to nod before slipping back through the door. The hall quickly gets louder with anxious talking between princes and princesses.

Everyone is drowned out when a voice booms throughout the room, "Welcome to the Royal Academy graduation ceremony. We will begin calling out students' names in a moment. We ask that you hold your applause until the end of the ceremony. We also ask that you take no pictures. There will be a picture sent home with every student. Now on with the graduation."

The hall is deathly quiet as the doors to the ballroom open. It seems as if everyone is holding their breath. "Prince Alex Elsher," The first person in line, who I presume to be Alex Elsher, steps forward and walks through the door. The line shuffles forwards a step or two, and everyone cranes their necks to watch. All I can see of Alex is his flaming red hair, hanging past his shoulders and swishing as he walks.

Alex walks onto the stage and shakes hands with Oliviana, and she hands him his certificate. Alex walks off the stage and stands where another line will be created. "Allison Grace," AG starts walking, but she looks nervous. Her hair is in a braid, and she's got on a ruffled ombre gown.

After AG, it is Beatrice and then Carol. I'm up next, and I don't have time to look for my family on the way up. Once I have my certificate and am at the front of the room, I spot my family. Mom, Dad, Felix, Trixie, Han, Hamish, and Anna. I wave at Anna, and she waves back.

Hayley does just fine despite her worrying, and the rest of the ceremony goes without any hiccups.

After the ceremony, I'm bombarded with hugs and questions from my family.

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