Chapter 13

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A/N: Thank you for 1K reads! The reason this wasn't published earlier is because Wattpad was blocked on me and I am using a friends computer to write this.

Gillys P.O.V

I walk down the hall with Kayla, AG, Maxine, Jocely, and Hayley.  Jax and Ollie meet us in the hallway. Jax looks at me and asks "Wanna go to the dance with me thief?" I smirk and answer "Isn't a bit too late for that?" He nods and looks at his toes as if he was embarrassed. "Yes," I say to his surprise. Ollie and Kayla are going together. Jocelyn doesn't want to go with anyone. AG and Maxine don't care. I don't know about Hayley but she looks a little disappointed. 

I take Jax's arm as he walks me into the ballroom. Kayla takes Ollies. Maxine, AG, and Hayley stand beside each other. They look so excited it's cute. Jocelyn walks in last with the shadow boy that she is always using nowadays. We are the first ones to get to come in. There is a big line behind us. We bow to the Princesses and Headmistress/Fairy God Mother/Oliviana. We then sit at the tables. Jax on my right side. Kayla on my left with Ollie on her left. Hayley sits down on Jax's right with Jocelyn on her right. AG sits down on Ollies left and Maxine is on AG's left.

Once everyone is seated danishes and teacups filled with fruit punch appear. I grabbed a danish and a cup of fruit punch. Once everyone had grabbed something mini sandwiches appeared with small bowls of chips. I grabbed a sandwich but skipped the chips. I look over at Jax and see that she grabbed chips and two sandwiches. When I look over at Kayla she has a danish and some chips. Ollie on the other hand has his plate piled high with everything. I then look at Hayley and Jocelyn. They both have a sandwich and a danish. AG and Maxine have chips, two sandwiches each, and a danish.

After everyone finishes eating music starts playing. Jax turns to me and asks "May I?" I nod and he brings me to the middle of the ballroom. The first dance is the waltz. I know how to do this because I practiced with Anna all of the time. I end up stepping on Jax's feet about 10 times. Next is an upbeat song. I sway to the music and just be myself.

Devins P.O.V

I meet Sasha, Riana, Heath, and Logan outside of my door. "What are you doing here?" I ask "Well you did ask us to come here." Heath tells me. "I did?" I ask feeling confused. Had I? I mean I am tired and forgetful but am I forgetful enough to forget I invited my friends?

Heath nods and pulls a pink envelope out of his pocket.

Dear Heath, Logan, Riana and Sasha
Today has been a bit rough and I am a stressed. Please meet me at my dorm at 4 this afternoon. We can work on homework and just talk.

I shake my head and motion for them to follow me. As long as their here we might as well work on homework. I open my door expecting to find Tessa but she's not there. I sigh as I flip on the lights.

Suddenly, Tessa, Liam, and Petey jump out from behind furniture. Raina, Sasha, Logan and I scream. Petey and Liam laugh and Tessa smacks them. Heath also laughs but Tessa doesn't smack him.

"Tessa explain this." I demand. "Well, we thought we could suprise you." Tessa says. I smle and laugh. "Thanks, I guess." I sit down on my bed. 

Liam and Petey make their way to Tessa's desk which has food on it, Mini Cupcakes and Tea. I smile and Raina goes over to the food. We all grab some food and sit down and talk and have fun.

A/N: I am so sorry it took me so long to write this.

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