Chapter 12

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A/N: Thank you for 950 reads. Sorry, it took me so long to write this but I finally started school.

Gillys P.O.V

I spin around in my dress and take a glance over at Kayla and AG to make sure they didn't see that. Kayla is doing all the makeup and AG is doing our hair. Right now Kayla is doing AG's makeup. I am next for makeup. She did a good job of AG.

I go over and Kayla starts on my makeup while AG works on my hair

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I go over and Kayla starts on my makeup while AG works on my hair. AG asks "Can I  dye your hair more purple?" I turn around and look at her with wide eyes. "No," I exclaim. When they finish I go and look in the mirror.

 When they finish I go and look in the mirror

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I gasp and tell them "I love it, thank you, thank you, thank you

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I gasp and tell them "I love it, thank you, thank you, thank you." They smile and Kayla sits in front of AG so AG can do her hair. When AG finishes they look at each other and burst out laughing. Ever since we got all fancy they seem to know something I don't.

 Ever since we got all fancy they seem to know something I don't

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Then they both look at me and burst out laughing again. I look down at my outfit and don't see anything wrong. I look at them sideways and they copy me. Then I ask "What is wrong with yall? Chop chop or we are going to be late." They laugh again and through her laughter, Kayla says "You have to do our hair and makeup because we can't do ourselves." Oh, that's what they are laughing at. That makes sense I am horrible at makeup and am only ok at hair. I'm a problem solver though so after thinking for a couple of minutes I come up with a solution.

"Why don't Kayla do your hair AG and AG you do Kayla's makeup. I know yall are ok at those but I am horrible at both. C'mon, What do yall say?" I ask They look at each other then at me then back at each other. They nod at the same time. This is getting freaky. AG sits in front of Kayla and Kayla starts to work on her hair. When she finishes AG looks beautiful.

Then AG turns around and starts on Kayla's makeup

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Then AG turns around and starts on Kayla's makeup. Kayla manages to sit still the whole time though. She ends up like this.

We all rush to our dressers and pull out accessories

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We all rush to our dressers and pull out accessories. I pull out my purple-tinted slippers that Dad made. He sent them to me today along with a pair of every color of the rainbow. I then grab an Amythest necklace and set of earrings. I put all of it on and turn to see my friends doing the same but in their color.

Then we head to Maxine, Kayla and Jocelyn's room.

Devins P.O.V

Ughh, It is time for detention. From what I've heard Blackbeard will have us sword fight. Bleh. I drag my slippers on the way to detention. Once I am in the class the door magicly seals shut. I walk on and see that we are on a deck of a ship and it looks like we are outside. "Ay Lasse. Welcome aboard me ship." A voice startles me. I blink and turn around. There is none there.

Heath would love this. Logan would hate this. Sasha and Raina would scream at this. I am going to do this. Hehe, I look around and see kids attacking each other with swords. "Grab ye a sword and fight." The same voice says. I head to the pile of swords and ask "Can these do any harm?" The voice says again "Naw matey, I don't want me mates to be hurt be me swords."

A pirate swings down and jumps beside me. I jump. It is Blackbeard. "You are paired with me matey here." He says in his crusty voice. Another pirate jumps down beside me. I don't jump this time. Blackbeard throws me a sword and his matey grabs asword. I catch my word and when Blackbeard yells fight I thrust it towards his matey. 

"What's your name?" I ask. "You can call me Petey." He answers. "So, Petey how long have you been with Blackbeard?" I ask as I lunge. He dogdes and returns the lunge that cuts my dress. Suprisingly I don't get cut. It doesn't even hurt. I laugh it off and Petey lunges again which I quickly dogde. "Three years now." Petey says to answer my question that I asked. The bell sound that it is time to leave. I wave to Petey and meet Tessa outside of the door. 

"What happened to your dress?" she exclaims. "Oh it's just a little cut." I answer brushing it off. "Did you get hurt?" Tessa asks. "No, Blackbeard enchanted the swords so no one can get cut with them." I reply and walk off.

A/N: Guys go listen to ASMR Weekly, I did that while writing this and I had no writers block whatsoever. I am so happy.

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