Chapter 4

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A/N: Thanks for the 100 reads.

Gilly's P.O.V.

As we walk in our room, we see three mirrors, three closets, three wardrobes/bookshelves, three nightstands, a lamp on each nightstand, three beds, our trunks, a window in between two of the bed and a chandelier in the middle of the room. At once I go and open the window to try to get rid of the smell.

Then I sit down on the bed closest to the window and open my trunk. I pull out all the books and put all of them except for Royal Academy Rules, I put on my nightstand on the fact that I am still reading it, on my bookshelf across from my bed. Next, I pull out my undergarments, fold them, and put them in my wardrobe. My hair supplies, jewelry, and tiaras are the next thing out. They all go into my wardrobe. Out comes my diary, parchment paper, quills, and pens, I put them on my desk. My shoes and makeup are the next things in my trunk to come out and they are placed at the bottom of my wardrobe. My first trunk is finally finished, and I dive into my second trunk. The only thing that is in my second trunk is my gowns so I carefully take the gowns out one at a time and hang them up in the closet farthest from the door. Once I finish unpacking that trunk, I go to my bag that holds my family portrait, comfortable clothes, radishes, my wand, and macaroni necklace. I put my Picture on my desk, my comfy clothes in the middle drawer of my wardrobe, my bag of radishes go in the back of my huge walk-in closet, My macaroni necklace goes with the rest of my jewelry and my wand goes on my nightstand.

I look around the room as I finish up to see Kayla has her stuff in the same places as me and that AG has not finished putting her stuff up yet. Right as AG finishes our LIW's come bursting through the door with paper in one hand and a quill in one hand. Elizabeth walks over to me and asks" Would you like one pillow or are you going to go all 'Princess and the Pea' on me and opt for a dozen?" Around I hear Maxine ask for a dozen and AG politely accepts one and I say back to Elizabeth" I will take three if that is OK" Elizabeth hands me three pillows and I put them on the bed so if I put my head down it will not fall in between any of the pillows.

Devin's P.O.V.

I open the door and see two canopy beds, two dressers, two mirrors, two nightstands, two closets, a poster board, a big window opposite the door, and star streamers hanging from the ceiling.

I go to the window and look out. We have a really good view from here I think then over to the bed closest to the window and ask Tessa "Can this be my bed?" She smiles, nods, and says"This one is mine anyways." While pointing to the bed closest to the door.

I put my trunks on my bed and start to unpack my things while Tessa is standing over my shoulder and drooling over all my stuff. 

The first things that I unpack are my family portrait, my fairy lights, streamers, and my creature care kit. I look around and decide to put my family portrait on top of my dresser. I turn to Tessa and ask "Is it okay if I hang up these fairy lights and streamers on our ceiling along with the beautiful streamers?" While blushing Tessa answers" That would be okay if you wanted to." I nod and together we hang up the fairy lights and streamers. Then I look at my CCK* and decide to put it in the top drawer of my wardrobe. I turn around to my trunks and sigh as I see the next thing in my trunks are my dresses Mama wouldn't let me leave without. I pull out all five dresses, let Tessa admire them then hang them up in my closet where I find a light blue dress, red and white stockings, and black dress shoes. The next thing that comes out is My tiara that my Mama insisted me on packing and I just shove it in the bottom drawer of my wardrobe hoping I will never have to see it again.

Now I move on to my second trunk and pull out my hairbrush, hair spray, and the bows that I chose and will probably wear never. All of them except for the bows, which go in the bottom drawer with my tiara, go in the middle drawer. Then I get my PJs, silk blue with white laced sheets and pillowcases, and my favorite pillow with a picture of my bearded dragon on it. I put them all on my bed then make my bed while Tessa watches me closely. Next, I bring out my bathroom accessories and put them on my nightstand. Finally, I pull out my note-taking things and place them on my nightstand. I put my trunks in my closet and then flop down on my new bed exhausted.

A/N: Sorry for the really short chapter but I just have writers block write now.

Update: * Anyone know what CCK means? I have no clue why I wrote it and now I can't figure out what it means.

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