Chapter 1

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A/N:   Hi! This is my first time writing anything on Wattpad and I am open for corrections on my grammar. I am also open for suggestions because I do not know where this book is headed but I' know it's going to be kinda long so please bear with me till the end.

Gilly's P.O.V

"Gilly! We got our invitations! How about you?" Maxine yells as she comes barging in my dad's shoe shop with Jax, Kayla, Ollie, Jocelyn, Hayley and AG hot on her tail. I look up from sweeping and nod. Then I say" Yes. I got my invite, but can you all come back when I am finished with my shift? I will be done in 30 minutes." My dad looks over and says" Go ahead. I can finish up by myself. I like to see you hanging out with friends." "You sure?" I ask. "Yes." My dad replies. I head out the shop towards my boot. Maxine asks" Where are you going?" To my boot, to get my invitation. Why?" I respond. We already got your invite for you. Come on and sit on the fountain lets open them all together." Maxine says while waving me over. I sigh but go and sit on the fountain reluctantly. Maxine hands me my envelope and counts down" 3 2 1. OPEN." As she says that we open our envelope and read what's inside. Mine says:

Dear, Gillian Cobbler I am glad to inform you that your new school is Royal Academy

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Dear, Gillian Cobbler I am glad to inform you that your new school is Royal Academy. You and your friends will be taking classes with the royals. You will be given your lady-in-waiting. You are expected to behave like royalty. You will be sharing a room with Kayla Wingtip and Allison Grace. You and all your friends will be arriving by pumpkin carriage.

You will need these things:

~Gowns to wear every day. ~Gowns to wear to balls ~Undergarments ~Tiaras for every occasion. ~Hair supplies: Spray, Brushes, Bows ~Makeup: Lipstick, Blush, Eye shadow, Concealer, and Eyeliner. ~Diary or journal to write down all your experiences. ~Pens to write in your diary or journal with.~Jewelry: Necklaces, Rings, and Bracelets. ~Shoes: Glass Slippers and High heels are fine. ~Compact mirror with LED lights. ~Scrolls, and Quills for note taking.

Reading list:~Royal Academy Rules by Fairy Godmother Olivina ~Beyond the glass slipper: How to Nab a Prince Without the Right Shoes by Cinderella ~Cursed Childhood: How to Avoid Being a Target for Sleeping Curses and Poison Apples by Fairy Godmother Olivinia, forwarded Princess Rose ~Rescue Plans and Other Things a Princess Should Never Leave Her Castle Without by Fairy Godmother Olivina ~Ten Ways to a Happier Imprisonment by Rapunzel ~Mirror Image: Finding the Royal Within by Snow White ~From Rags to Royals: 1,001 Beauty Tips from Princess compiled by Marta Marigold, RA's Official Beautification Expert.

Remember to schedule an appointment with Marta Marigold to make your perfect dress. If you have any other personal items you would wish to bring, please consult Fairy Godmother and Headmistress of Royal Academy, Olivina.

See you in a week ~Headmistress Olivian

I am the first person done and when I finish, I look around at all my friends. Maxine has a big smile on her face and is drooling. AG looks a little annoyed, Hayley, and Ollie kind of look excited. Jax moans, Kayla starts to whine, and Jocelyn is rolling her eyes so much I think they may fall out.

Maxine looks up and seems to see all our down expressions and she says" Why are you all looking down? Aren't you all excited? I am!" We all just shake our heads and sigh. Maxine looks as if she has been slapped. She starts to say" Why aren't you all excited? We get to take classes with royals! You all just don't....." but stops when she starts bawling. She runs away and doesn't look back. 

Devin's P.O.V

There is a knock on my door as I finished up doctoring Demetris' broken wing. "Come in, "I say politely. As the door opens I see my best friends since daycare comes in. Sasha is leading the pack followed by Heath then Raina and last but not least Logan. I smile as I see my friends come in, gesturing to my couch and chairs."What are you all doing here today" I say. Raina rolls her eyes as if I should know this and says "Today is the day we have been waiting for since we entered that writing contest and won, along with a group of commoners." Oh yeah, I remember this now. I tell my friends "I remember but my invitation has not come yet so what are you doing here" Right after I say this my lady-in-waiting Anastasia walks into my room and hands me an envelope"Here you go Devin". I stare at it and then back at my friends then at the envelope again. The envelope is pink and has a ribbon tying it together. I look at my friends one last time for good measure and see a grin grow across Logan's face. I open my envelope with everyone else and open the card I see inside.

 I open my envelope with everyone else and open the card I see inside

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Dear, Devinaria Nile, You are hereby accepted into the school... Fairy Tale Reform School and will start school here in a week prior. You and your group will go here together and do all of your classes together and please do not be afraid that we will curse or harm you because we will not. You will share a dorm room with a girl named Tessa who is in the Royals In Waiting (RWL's)and can show you around. She cannot wait to meet you. You will be allowed to try these extracurricular activities: Fencing, Magic Carpet Racing, Library, Royal In Waiting (RWL's), and Pegasus Flying. You will also attend classes such as History with Professor Wolfington A.K.A The Big Bad Wolf, Group Therapy with Professor Harlow A.K.A The Evil Queen, Care of Magical Creatures with Headmistress Flora A.K.A The Evil Stepmother, Dance with Madame Cleo A.K.A The Sea Witch, From mischief-maker to model citizens (MMC) with Professor Sebastion A.K.A The Beast and Detention with Blackbeard A.K.A Blackbeard. The things you need to bring are Any personal belongings like photos and books. You will also need to bring hair supplies like combs, brushes, hair spray, bows, and mousse. You will also need pajamas and sheets, pillows, and any other things for your bed. Bring a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss. You need to also bring quills and scrolls for note-taking. Also if you want you can bring fairy lights, streamers, wall art, or any other things you want to make your dorm room feel like home. ~Headmistress Flora

I am kinda excited to go here because I have always liked adventure and wanted to ride a Pegasus but my mom won't let me because she is afraid I will fall and hurt myself. I look around the room at the others and see that their smiles are not on their faces anymore but Sasha, Raina, and Heath look mad and Logan looks scared. I ask them "What's the matter guys aren't you up for an adventure? What about you Heath, you like to explore new places think of Fairy Tale Reform School a new place to explore. And you Sasha now you will get to write about all the former villains in our kingdom instead of just the royals, you can tell the world not to be afraid of them because the people who read the Enchantsia Insider believe what you write because they don't know that a fifteen-year-old writes it. And you Raina why should you be sad didn't you read there was an extracurricular called the Royal In Waiting, I'm pretty sure if you explain to them that you are Royalty they will serve you and have fun serving you. Now to you Logan, the letter said they would not hurt us, and none of them is a dragon so you have nothing to be afraid of. Come on team lets do this thing together!"

A/N: Thanks for reading this. I look forward to the comments.

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