Chapter 15: Part Two

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A/N: I wanna say now that I don't remember how they send the students on from FTRS, so I came up with this: At the end of a 'school year' they hand-select students that are ready to go back to their normal lives. Those kids and their families are invited to a big banquet where they get a medal for being a better person and they 'graduate'.

Devin's POV

I am sitting on my bed when Tessa comes running into our shared room. She looks frantic and I know why. Today is our last day at FTRS. Tessa is graduating on good behavior and my school cycle is over. Tonight our families have been invited to have one last dinner at school with us before we go home.

Both of my parents will be there, and it seems as if Tessa's whole family is coming. I'm very excited to meet her, siblings, parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents (even one great-grandparent). I smile despite myself and pat the bed beside me.

"Wanna tell me what's got your panties in a wad?"(is that the saying) I ask once Tessa settles down. A grin splits across her face, "You'll never believe me," she says and before I get the chance to tell her that, yes, I would believe her, she launches into a story.

"Ok, so I was walking through the hallways, right, like this is my last day here, I wanted just to walk the ground again.

"And Professor Flora comes up to me while I'm walking through one of the gardens and asks me to help lead the ceremony tonight. She told me that I've improved greatly from when I arrived and she thinks this will be a great way for me to showcase the skills I've learned here.

"Of course, I agree and now, guess what, I'm leading the whole graduate ceremony tonight."
Tessa finally stops and sucks in a deep breath, I fight back a laugh. "I'm very proud of you." I hug her. "I'm just worried. What if I mess up?" My shoulder muffles Tessa's voice, but I can still hear her just fine.

I grab her by her shoulders and push her away from me so I can look her in the eyes. "Don't think that. I guarantee you you'll do great. And if you don't then you can 'I told you so' me."

Tessa snorts at that and she's smiling again. Thank goodness, a Tessa meltdown is not what I needed right before graduation. "How about we straighten up and then go ahead and start getting ready for the graduation." Tessa nods and immediately brightens up.

I agreed to let Tessa do my hair and makeup for me in return for help with a homework assignment a few weeks back. I don't 100% regret my decision, but I at least regret it 66%.

~~Time Skip~~

I sit at a table between my mom and dad. Sasha, Riana, Heath, and Logan's families sit nearby. 

The moment I entered the room I could tell exactly what table Tessa's family was at. They took up three whole tables and Tessa looks exactly like all of them. It's kinda crazy how similar they all look.

When we finish, Professor Flora walks on stage, and Tessa trails behind her. Professor Flora clears her throat and the talking dies down some. When it doesn't become completely quiet she raps her knuckles on the podium near the microphone, scaring some people.

"Welcome to our Graduate Ceremony. Tonight we have Tessa Moone-" The rest of Professor Flora's sentence is cut off when Tessa's family all whoop and holler for her. Professor Flora politely waits until they are done and continues as if nothing happened.

"Tessa is an exceptional student and will be graduating tonight. She gets the honor of introducing our graduates. May I present to you, Tessa Mooneater." Professor Flora walks away from the podium and sits in one of the chairs behind it as Tessa stands. Tessa's whole family is cheering for her.

Tessa is wearing a gold rose off-the-shoulder gown with flowers scattered on the hip-poof thing (i have no clue what that is called). Her hair is pulled up in a semi-bun and the hair that hangs down has been curled.

"Hello, I'm Tessa Mooneater(?) and I'm graduating tonight. This past year at Fairy Tale Reform School has taught me a lot about myself, and I've made a lot of friends." At that, Tessa looks at me and smiles. I smile back, encouraging her to go on. "Without further ado let me introduce our graduates."

As Tessa introduces some kids I don't know I smile and sit back in my seat. The past few months have taught me and I've gained a few new friends. I look at the list which tells when who goes when. I'm the first out of my friends to be called, but not the very first person.

When my name is called I stand and walk to the stage. I can feel my gown swishing on my legs and my hair swishing on my shoulders as I walk.

When I reach the stage I shake Professor Flora's hand as she hands me a certificate and I bend my head so Tessa can slide a medal over my hair. I flash Tessa a smile before making my way back to my seat.

Heath is called soon after me, and Logan is called soon after him. After a few more names Riana and Sasha's names are called back to back. I clap when each of my friends walks up the stairs to get their medal.

Tessa is the last person to get a medal and she practically glows when it is placed around her neck.

After Professor Flora says a farewell speech everyone claps and starts to look around for their friends.

I make my way over to Tessa's family and Tessa introduces me to every family member one by one. All of Tessa's family tells her that they're proud of her while she takes me around.

Before I leave Tessa tells me "I guess you were right. I did great." I laugh.

Tessa promises to keep in touch with me and I promise to do the same.

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