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Azalea's outfit:

Chapter Forty-Four🦊 Echo House 🦊

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Chapter Forty-Four
🦊 Echo House 🦊

Azalea stood in between Allison and Scott in the animal clinic while Deaton talks to Argent over the phone, "Did you have any trouble with Ikeda?" Argent asked. "Only minor. The white wolf was exactly where you said it would be. But we have two problems, now. First the lichen is not a cure- it'll wear off in a matter of days." Deaton explained.

"But, while it does work, the Oni won't go after Stiles, right?"

"I hope. Eichen House has an unusual history. It might not be all that safe for the Oni there, as well. I checked with your contacts in Japan. The Yakuz boss you saw killed by the Oni never found the scroll." Deaton said making them look at him confused, "What scroll?" Azalea asked and Deaton looked up at her. "A Shugendo scroll. The Shugendo scroll were the ascetic mystics of Japan."

"The scroll had information on how to exorcise a Nogitsune."

"So we need to find that scroll?" Scott asked and Deaton nodded, "Exactly. And, I did get a name of the man who last purchased it- Kincaid." Deaton said. "He was with Katashi. He's the guy who met with Isaac to buy the gun." Allison said making them all look at her, "Sounds like Katashi wanted the scroll for himself." Deaton said

"But Stilinski already told me nothing like it was found among his things... And a paranoid like Katashi would keep it close. Probably on him at all times."

"What does a Shugendo scroll look like?" Allison asked and Deaton got up and pulled out something that looked like a scroll you'd see in a medieval movie. "Something like this." He said handing the scroll to Allison, "Do they come in different sizes?" She asked. "Any size."

"Then I think I know where it might be."


"My father said all of the Katashi is being moved to a federal lockup by armored car tonight- probably within the next few hours." Allison explained to Scott and the twins as they walked over to Azalea and Lydia in Argent's office. "We're going to rob an armored car?" Ethan asked in shock. "Well..." Azalea trailed off, glancing over at Lydia. "We're going to try." Lydia said.

"This is a really bad plan." Scott said after they went over the plan and Azalea looked at him in offense, "It's not that bad." She said making all the guys raise their eyebrows at her. "It's not that good!" Ethan said making her sigh and roll her eyes. "None of us knows the route they're going to take. If Allison can get one of her dad's GPS trackers on the armored car, then we can follow it. So, when it gets here-" Azalea explained and Aiden cut her off, "We attack em?"

"No. Your bikes will be in the middle of the road, looking like you guys got into an accident. And, when the driver gets out to help-" Lydia explained and Aiden cut her off, "We attack em." He said. "No!" All the girls said at the same time, "You'll distract him, and Scott will break open the back door." Azalea said and Scott signed softly.

"...I hope."

"And you'll get Katashi's finger." Lydia said making Ethan's eyes widen, "It's not his actual finger, is it?" He asked and Azalea let out a deep sigh as she gave the twins a dirty. "I've met a lot of stupid people in my life. A lot. And yet, you two take the top." She said making then frown at her, "You are so out of our league." Lydia scoffed.

"Why aren't we just going to Stilinski for help?" Ethan asked and Scott sighed, "Because, if he gets caught, then it's the Sheriff tampering with federal evidence." He said and they all glanced around at each other until Allison spoke up.

"Guys, this is going to work. We can do this. We're losing Stiles... My dad's in jail for murder... We need to do this." Allison said and they nodded.


"You're up." Allison said and Kira nodded and ran over to the armored car. When she got over there she placed the GPS tracker and looked back at them smiling but then a door to the building opened making her hide. Parrish walked over to the passenger side and opened the door only to pull his gun out quickly making Azalea, Scott and Allison watch in confusion as he walked around the car.

He stood in front if the back doors, looking around until suddenly the back doors and someone jumped out and grabbed Parrish, slamming his head into the car. "You didn't say he was that big." Azalea mumbled when she saw the guy who had attacked Parrish, "Who the hell is that?" Scott asked.

"That's Kincaid."

Kincaid pulled the silver finger prosthetic out as Scott, Allison and Azalea walked up to him, "We need that finger." Scott said making Kincaid raise his eyebrows looking over at them. "Why should I give it to you?" He asked. "There's a briefcase in there with one hundred and fifty thousand in it." Allison said, her crossbow trained on him as he chuckled, "The scroll inside this prosthetic finger is worth three million." He said, pocketing it.

"Give me the finger." Scott said making Azalea look at him with her eyebrows raised in amusement and he sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. "...You know what I mean." He said and she chuckled.

Suddenly Kira jumped onto Kincaid's, but didn't even phase him as he just grabbed her off him and through her to the side. "I guess negotiations are over." He said, flashing his blue eyes and canines and letting out a loud growl. Kira went to attack him but he grabbed her throat making her groan before throwing her aside again.

He swiped at Allison making her fall into the brick wall. Azalea walked up and he swung at her but she ducked making him miss. He went to swipe at her again but her eyes flashed her smokey grey-silver and he started groaning in pain as he lowered to his knees.

He groaned slightly before starting to get up, fighting against her magic making her look at him shocked. He growled at her as if her magic had little effect on him, probably due to his size. He suddenly grabbed her arms before throwing her back making her back slam against the armored car making her groan as she lowered to the ground.

Scott ran up and threw a few punches at Kincaid but he barely even flinched. He grabbed Scotts arms, growling at him before head butting him making Scott stumble back, he punched Scott to the ground then kicked him making Scott breath out in pain as Kincaid crouched down next to him. "You have the eyes of an Alpha... but where's the strength?"

"Up here." Ethan said making him turn to see the twins on the stairs. The twins jumped down to attack, apparently Kincaid didn't except to fight two ex-alpha twins, cause they were definitely getting more punches in then he was. Kira quickly got up and ran over to Azalea, helping her up.

"Ethan, Aiden, stop!" Scott yelled making the twins freeze. "You want him to come after us?" Aiden asked, "Scott, we've seen guys like this. Trust us- he's dangerous." Ethan said. "So are we. And he looks smart enough to remember that." Scott said and Azalea stepped up and took the silver prosthetic out of Kincaid's pocket, handing it over to Scott.

He grabbed his and turned it upside down in his hand letting a tiny scroll fall out. "We're here to save a life... not end one." Scott said glancing down at Kincaid before dropping the prosthetic.


"There isn't much here, unfortunately..." Deaton said looking down at the scroll. "Does it say anything?" Scott asked. "My Japanese isn't great... But, it appears to say that one method of expelling a Nogitsune is to change the body of the host." Deaton said and Scott and Azalea glanced at each other. "Change the body?" Scott asked.

"Which begs the question... How do we change Stiles' body?" Deaton asked and Azalea closed her eyes and sighed softly before looking back at them, "...By turning him into a Werewolf." She said.

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