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Hey guys.. its me, your beloved writer.

I've been away from Wattpad for a long time and didn't published any new chapter for my stories..

Well.. I'm still alive. But I am super busy with work, relationship, and so on.

I'll go straight to the point. So basically when I'm too busy, I didn't have the will to write a new chapter. Everytime when I got back home from work, I will be too tired to do other stuff....

I have most of my ideas for a new chapter written on my papers but, yeah... I didn't have the motivation to write anymore... I didn't have the motivation to continue this and other stories...

I am regret to inform you, that this story, The Operator and other stories will be discontinued forever.. I am sorry to all my readers... I know that you enjoyed read my stories. I am very grateful. I enjoyed writing too but, some things had to be ended for some reasons... Thank you guys, for all the support that you've shown to me. Thank you for supporting my stories even though it might seem having a weird storyline or bad bad bad grammar...

I am so sorry guys...

Thank you once again...

This story will be discontinued.

Hoping that you guys are in great health and stay safe whenever you are!


The Operator: (Abused/Neglected Male Reader X RWBY) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now