ACT II: Chapter Twenty Two

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A/n: before you asked, yes I changed the title of the chapter since I've ran out of ideas to write the title. By the way, here's a new chapter.

3rd POV:

Location: Atlas Special Operatives Base

The team arrived at the base from their previous mission. As the team and Winter exited the bullhead, they went on their separate ways. Winter went to the intelligence building to give them the intel, while the team went off to a nearest tent that was designated for them. At there, they were greeted by General Ironwood.

Gen. Ironwood: "Good job on getting the mission done." He praised the team.

Sierra: "Welp, nothing we can't handle, right?"

Erik: "Amen to that." He said as he put his rifle on a table and began to striped his equipment off.

(Y/n): "So, what are we going to do next?" He asked the general.

Gen. Ironwood: "We will analyze the intel. Once it done, we will be having a briefing regarding the intel. For now, do as you seem fit. You've earned yourself a rest."

(Y/n): "Yes, sir..." He said.

As the general about to exit the tent, he called (Y/n).

Gen. Ironwood: "Oh, by the way, you have to make a full report about the mission, (Y/n)." As he said that, (Y/n) accidentally dropped his rifle to the ground. He then looked at Gen. Ironwood with a disbelief look.

(Y/n): "Since when I have to make a report?" He questioned.

Gen. Ironwood: "Since now. Send it to my office as soon as possible." With that, he exited the tent.

The others gave (Y/n) a sympathy looks. Clay then approached him and put his hand on his shoulder.

Clay: "The mighty Oum is with you, boss. Good luck with the report."

(Y/n): "Not only Oum,but Erik is also with me. Right, Erik?"

Just as he mentioned Erik's name, Erik walked towards him and put his hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder.

Erik: "You're on your own." He patted his shoulder and walked out from the tent. (Y/n) was completely dumfounded by this before he sharply turned towards Erik.

(Y/n): "YOU OWE ME A DRINK AFTER THIS!" He shouted but ignored by Erik.

One by one exited the tent, leaving (Y/n) alone with a laptop. He then sighed and sat in front of the laptop.

(Y/n): "I guess I'll have to do this....." He then powered on the laptop and began to write a report.

*Little timeskip*

(Y/n) POV:

Phewwhh.... Finally I'm done with the report. I stretched a little bit before I took the report that has 30 pages and exited the tent.

I'm still tired due to the previous mission. If it's not because of the report, I would spent my time on the bed, sleeping until someone interrupted. But then again, orders are orders. I had to get it done.

As I'm making my way to Ironwood's office, my scroll vibrated. I pulled it out from my pocket to check who was calling me. Turns out its my beloved kitty.

(Y/n): "Hello. (Y/n) speaking."

Blake: *on the scroll*: "Hey there!" She greeted joyfully. "How's your day?"

(Y/n): "Pretty tiring day. I thought I could get a nice sleep but I had to write a full report...."

Blake: *on the scroll*: "Awww poor my boy...."

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