ACT I: Chapter Eleven

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Taiyang's POV:

Nothing to do much for today. So, I walked to the living room and decides to watch the TV. As I sat on my couch, my scroll vibrate. I opened it and I received a message from Ozpin. I open it and it said, "I found him" with a file attached to it. I opened it and my eyes widen when I saw (Y/n), my little boy that had grown up, and he's wearing military outfit?! I grabbed my stuff and rushed to Beacon to meet him.

(Y/n)'s POV:

I woke up at 6:00 a.m and doing my normal routine. I jogged around the academy about 4 rounds and do a little workout which was consisted of 100 pushups, 100 situps and 1 hour of plank. I looked at my watch and it was 7:30 a.m. I jogged back to my room. Erik will be discharged from infirmary and I think that I'll go and meet him after the class. After taking a shower, I wear my multicam combat shirt and pant. Luckily that I don't have to wear the uniform. I put on my OD Green baseball cap and my mask and headed to the cafeteria for breakfast. But as I exit my room, I saw a face that I've always wanted to see for a long time..... it was..

(Y/n): "B-Blake?"

Blake's POV:

I woke up earlier than the rest. I got out from my bed and decided to take a walk for a bit before the class. I exit the room and when I was about to close the door, I heard someone called my name.

???: "B-Blake?" I looked at the person and it's a guy who wears the military outfit and, skull mask?! Wait... skull mask... that's him! It's..

Blake: "(Y-(Y/n)?!" I ran to him and hugged.

(Y/n)'s POV:

Based on my experience, I can tell that she was happy to see me again. She ran to me and gave me a hug which I'm gladly returned the hug.

(Y/n): "Ohh my oum. I never knew that we could meet again.

Blake: "Same as me!" Then, we broke the hug. "So, how's life treat you?" I pulled off my mask , revealing my face to talk with her.

(Y/n): "Well, so far so good, except...." my expression turned to sadness and I looked down.

Blake: "(Y/n)? Why?"

(Y/n): "It's my-" Then, I was interrupted.

???: "What's going on?" I looked at the door and saw, Yang. Her face turned in shocked when she saw my face.

Yang: "(Y-(Y/n), is that you?" She asked as she approached me.

(Y/n): "Yes it's me, and who are you?" She definitely shocked when she heard this.

Yang: "It-It's Yang... Don't you remember me, brother?"

(Y/n): "Cut the chatter, Yang. I'm not your brother anymore." Blake's eyes widen up when she knew about this.

Blake: "What's going on?"

(Y/n): "Why don't you ask them?" I replied coldly. Yang began to cry.

Yang: "(Y-(Y/n) *sniff* where have you been? We-We *sniff* thought you're dead..."

(Y/n): "Oh yeah? That's good." Annnddddd another one came out from the room. And guess who?

???: "Hey, wha- Yang? Why are you crying?!" Yang pointed her finger at me. Her face turned into shock expression and began to tear up.

???: "B-Big brother?!"

(Y/n): "Not your big brother anymore, Ruby."

Ruby: "B-But why? Why you *sobs* ran away?"

(Y/n): "I ran away because, I couldn't live in the hell anymore. I can't take it anymore.I thought that I would have a better life but, it turns out that I was wrong."

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