ACT I: Chapter Fourteen

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"Open fire!"

*gunshots* *gunshots*


"Izmash! Enemy approaching from the left!"

"Got it!"

*machine gune fire*

"Come here you-" *gunshot*


(Epilogue - "It Went Wrong")

(Y/n)'s POV:

James: "So that's how they killed.... I'm sorry to hear that."

It was just a normal day. And our team were heading to the cafeteria for lunch after doing some patrol in Vale.

(Y/n): "Since after that, my life is different. It feels empty without them... Before this, I will be laughing because of their jokes. But now, silence...." I said in sad tone.

Clay: "How about we go for drinks? Maybe tomorrow or tonight?" Clay asked, trying to drop the current topic.

(Y/n): "Sounds great. But not tonight. I got something to take care of. Erik will buy the drinks." I said and winked to Erik.

Erik: "Shit you, (Y/n). Why always me?"

(Y/n): "Because you're rhe one who knows the best dri-" suddenly, I was cut off by someone who hugged me from the back. "Guuuhhhh! Wha-Ruby?!" I looked over my shoulder while raised my left eyebrow.

Ruby: "Hey bro! Miss me? Miss me?" She asked in excitement while looking at me and still, hugging me.

(Y/n): "For the first time, yes." I smirked. She then pulled away.

Erik: "So, you and Ruby are now siblings?" He asked and I nodded.

Ruby: "Where are you guys going? Oh and this is your new members?!"

(Y/n): "Calm down Ruby and yes. This is my new members. The fox faunus is James and the other one is Clay. Guys, this is Ruby, my tiny little sister." I introduced her to them as I ruffled her hair.

Ruby: "Hey! I'm not tiny anymore!" She said while crossing her arms and pouted.

James: "Pleasure to meet you kid." He said and gave a salute

Clay: "Hey there Rubes." He said and simply waved his hand.

Ruby: "Hey guys! Nice to meet you! Are you from the SEALs?! What are your weapons?!" She said in high tone, making Erik, closed his ears. Clay and James laughed while I chuckled.

(Y/n): "Sorry guys, she is a weapons freak. Anyway, let's go to the cafeteria. I'm starving tho...." I said when my stomach make a growling sound. We walked into the cafeteria and all students turned their eyes towards us. We grabbed our food and we sit with the rest of team RWBY and JNPR.

(Y/n): "Mind if we join you guys?" I asked and they all said no. I sat between Ruby and Blake. She smiled at me and I smiled at her back. I turned my attentiom towards team JNPR. "I'm sorry if we didn't formally meet. Let me introduce myself. The name is (Y/n) and this is my team, Erik, James and Clay." As I said that, they greeted them.

Jaune: "Nice to meet you. I'm Jaune Arc and this is my team." He pointed at the red coloured hair girl. "This is Pyrrha Nikos."

Pyrrha: "Hello~" she said and waved her hand.

Jaune: "Nora Valkryie."

Nora: "I'm Nora! And I love pancakes!" She said in excitement and we gave her 'what the fuck' look.

The Operator: (Abused/Neglected Male Reader X RWBY) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now