Chapter 2

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Bella woke up gasping for air as her lungs felt like a hot iron was shoved on her throat. Her throat was dry and burning and she struggled to breathe. She was lying on the ground, wet and her body was sore.

"Wha - "She started with a hoarse voice and clutched her chest while she struggled to sit up. Bella froze in place as she felt the erratic beating of her heart.

"Oh... I'm alive" she said in almost a whisper. How long had it been since she last felt her heart beating? That was thirty-five years ago and here she was, clearly alive and blood running in her veins.

"Of course, you are! No thanks to your crazy antics! I can't believe you decided to go cliff diving without me Bella!" A male voice spoke beside her and when she turned her body at the sound, she was greeted by the very much youthful appearance of Jacob Black.

"Jake?" She really needed to get her head together. She was starting to get a headache with all the things that was going on at once. She looked at her old friend intently. It had been a while since she had seen Jake after her family left Forks but she had kept in contact with him after all those years.

The last time that she saw Jake, he was very much older and only had eyes for his imprintee, Julie who he had been married for five years. Totally a contrast from the Jacob she was staring at now who was looking at her like she was the most important thing in the world.

"Thank God I arrived just in time! You nearly drowned out there! What were you thinking?!" He chastised her but she could see the panic and worry reflected in his eyes.

Bella merely shrugged while relishing at the idea of having the need to breathe again. She did not really know what had happened and what caused her to jump. Come to think of it, she tried to remember a time when she was human that she cliff dived on her own. There was none. What was going on? Why was she back in La Push with a younger version of Jacob and a human version of her?

She slowly stood up and Jacob was instantly there to steady her when her body started to sway. She couldn't believe that she was human again. Bella wasn't sure if she welcomed the drastic change. She had been used to being a vampire that she was having a hard time adjusting back to her clumsy human self and not to mention, her body was too exhausted from what happened.

"You're in no condition to walk. Here... "Before Bella could ask what he was doing, he lifted her up and was now carrying her. She tried to protest but Jacob was having none of it.

"I'm getting you back to the house to get you dried before you could get sick." Jacob looked up to the sky where dark clouds were starting to form. Looks like a storm was coming.

Bella was having a hard time trying to keep her eyes open. She couldn't even think straight about exactly what happened to her. She barely registered about another male voice talking to Jacob about the pack continuing their patrol and going back to the hospital for Harry. The name was familiar.

Oh. Harry Clearwater. Bella tried hard to think. She was suddenly remembering something from her past. Harry Clearwater had a heart attack and was brought to a hospital but he had died then. She was suddenly getting an idea of the timeline that she was stuck in. Harry had died a few months before her high school graduation. She realized she couldn't tell Jacob this. She couldn't tell him that Harry would have not made it through the night without having to explain to Jacob why she knew it. It wouldn't do anyone any good as well. There was nothing that she or the pack would have been able to do.

Bella kept silent then. Instead, she spent the time trying to remember what where the other things that happened on this timeline. What was it in this past that brought her here? Or was she just brought here in random?

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