Chapter 9

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Bella woke up the next day, eager to get things over with. She was finally able to tell Carlisle about her and she got to hand it to her adoptive father, no matter how far-fetched her story was, at the end of it all, he believed her.

Of course, he had a hard time believing it right off the bat and Bella had to share some inside knowledge about their family that she wouldn't have known if she hadn't been with them for a long time but she was able to convince him.

Carlisle had listened to everything that she had to say without interrupting and once she was done, he was looking at Bella with new eyes and she knew that Carlisle was going to help her with her goal, not just with finding her way back to her own future but also to help this Bella reunite with her Edward.

At least she knew that if Edward was going to be stubborn, Carlisle was going to be there to ensure that this Bella would be together with her mate.

When Carlisle finally got the hang of the idea that Bella was from the future, his curiosity had finally won out and he had asked her a lot of questions about the status of his family.

Bella didn't really have to worry about the repercussions because, since she was from a different timeline, she doubted that whatever she told him or at least the rest of the family later on, would change her future.

Even though this was an alternate reality, Bella highly doubted that this Bella's story would run its course parallel to hers. This Bella's story and hers was already too different from the beginning anyway.

She was amazed that Carlisle didn't even bother asking about what society looked like in the future or any medical breakthroughs that may have happened. She had asked him then but his only response was that since her future was a different reality and it wasn't really that far away, he doubted that there was going to be much of a difference and as a vampire who has existed for almost half a millennium and a daughter who has visions of the future, he has learned to accept whatever changes the future may hold, in stride.

His only concern was to make sure that his family was still intact and that there were no immediate danger that they would have to face but although Bella had assured them that there was none, they doubted it would be the same for both the worlds that they lived.

She was finally able to tell Carlisle about how she really knew more about the pack and the eventual alliance that they had because of their mutual desire to protect human lives. This made Carlisle hopeful that they will be able to achieve that same alliance in this reality even if it's not just about the alliance but to be able to interact with the tribe without having that look of hatred from the latter.

Bella also told Carlisle about that one tiny detail that made her future different from the reality they were in, and that was about the identity of her mate.

The knowledge had caught Carlisle off guard. Especially with the thought that there exist realities either from the present or from the future that the people they may encounter may be different altogether just like the situation with Bella and her mate but after the initial shock of the news, this prompted him to ask, instead of about the future but about how far the similarities of this timeline and her timeline goes. He wanted to know more about if there were any difference with how his family came to be, Alice and Jasper's entrance into their lives, Bella's own story and everything else. Since Bella was familiar with all of their stories and how the family got together, they were able to exchange stories and compare notes. They then realized that except for the circumstances with the different mates and before Bella had arrived into their lives, everything else was exactly the same.

Unfortunately for Bella, they were both caught up with their discussion that they didn't realize that they had spent far longer time than necessary outside and Carlisle finally had to agree that they needed to go back and she was no longer able to have the talk with Alice.

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