Chapter 14

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The sun was already setting when they arrived at their destination and Alice had made sure that, that would be case when she had booked the tickets to their flight. When they left the airport, Alice and Jasper had excused themselves, with Jasper wanting to hunt. After being exposed to the crowd in the plane and having Bella there as well, his eyes had darkened and although there was no danger of him losing control now, they weren't taking any chances, so Edward was left to take Bella to dinner before they head on out towards Helena's location.

"You didn't have to take me to a fancy restaurant. We could have just grabbed something to eat in a drive thru" Bella commented as she sat down opposite Edward inside an Italian restaurant. The place was not so crowded, and they were able to find a secluded spot in the corner of the restaurant where there were less people to disturb them or listen in on their conversation.

"I know. But I want to do this... Even if I know that you're not her... you are still Bella and I just want to give you the best" he explained, and Bella looked at him silently before finally nodding.

"Then in that case... Thank you" she replied, and Edward blinked in surprise.

"Huh... that's a first" he tilted his head in confusion. "You've never been one to accept anything that I give you with that much acceptance.... I noticed that earlier too. The tickets, the wardrobe that you asked Alice to bring for you, and now this... you've always been..."

"Unappreciative?" she finished for him, and Edward shook his head in disagreement. "Just...less enthusiastic"

"You don't have to sugarcoat it. I wasn't the best recipient of gifts as well in my world... but after living with the family for a long time, I grew out of that phase and even if I still prefer less gestures for me, I don't mind the extravagant things anymore" she shrugged.

Their conversation was interrupted when a male waiter came over and took their orders, with Bella noticing the guy paying much closer attention to her than she normally would like.

"Is there anything else that I can get you, miss?" he asked more to Bella after taking her order. He didn't even bother acknowledging that Edward was there at the table just sitting next to her and it was probably due to the fact that he was more interested in her and humans unconsciously shying away from Edward due to their survival instinct, but Bella was still not a fan of attention even until now.

"I'm good... Edward?" Bella asked and the waiter reluctantly turned towards her companion, and she noticed him stiffen at Edward's staring. He was looking at him like he was ready to drain him dry at any moment.

"Nothing for me. Thanks" Edward casually said to the waiter but there was a hidden edge to his tone that made the waiter scurry away from their table after excusing himself.

When they were alone again, Bella couldn't help but shake her head.

"Looks like Bella's admirers doesn't stand a just with you as much as with Jasper." Edward grinned mischievously.

"It's not my fault that their thoughts were screaming inappropriate things. Jasper would agree with me since he can feel anyone that's lusting his mate"

Bella blushed "Lusting is quite an intense word. I don't think I'm that attractive to anyone to warrant a 'lusting'" she laughed nervously, and Edward was the one who shook his head this time.

His grin turned to a smile that was soft and he looked at her fondly.

"Ahhh, you still don't see yourself clearly then." Edward was suddenly looking at her intently. His hands slowly moved up towards her face, but he stopped midair, catching himself.

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