Chapter 15

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Bella couldn't believe her luck. Not only was Helena willing to help her, but she had also invited them to her home so they could discuss what was going on. it seems Bella had found a kindred spirit with the woman who was also mated to a vampire.

Helena was first apprehensive after meeting them when her shift ended and saw that there were two more vampires with Bella but after being reassured that they were animal drinkers, much to Helena's surprise, and paired with Alice's bubbly personally, she soon warmed up to them.

"Make yourself comfortable." Helena told her guests after letting them inside her home. They had followed her from their car to her house that was just outside of town when Helena's shift at the diner ended.

The one-story house was small, but it was enough for someone like Helena that was living alone. There was a small garden that they passed by before they entered the house and the small living space extended towards the kitchen and was just separated by a wooden countertop.

Helena excused herself and went into a room that Bella could only assume was the main bedroom and while waiting for their host to return, she seated herself on the sofa with Alice beside her. Edward and Jasper stayed standing in the corner.

Bella let her eyes roam around her surroundings. There was a fireplace to her right where the boys were standing and on her left was a bookshelf that had a few books and some picture frames with pictures of a young girl that looked to be Helena in her earlier years.

The house maybe small but it was cozy, and Bella could see herself living in this kind of house, just her and Jasper.

"Sorry about the space..." Helena apologized when she returned, replacing her uniform with a simple shirt and faded jeans. She made herself comfortable on the seat across Bella and the rest.

"No, don't be... your house is lovely" Alice responded sincerely and that got a genuine smile from Helena. She looked around and smiled fondly.

"My Aunt and Uncle left this home for me five years ago when they died. I've been taking care of it ever since. It's the least that I could do after they took care of me when my parents died when I was young." She explained.

"I'm sorry..."

"It's okay... That was already a long time ago."

"Don't you get lonely being out here all alone?" Bella asked curiously.

"Nah... I'm used to it... and besides... the location is perfect for me who prefers to be alone and when you have a vampire as a boyfriend, you don't want nosy neighbors seeing anything that might endanger his secret." She smiled and the others couldn't help but nod in agreement.

"So..." Helena clapped her hands on her knees and changed the topic.

"You're twenty-five years from the future..." She looked at Bella. "And... you're vegetarian vampires." She turned towards the rest of her audience.

Bella nodded.

"I didn't know that there is such a thing as vampires who doesn't drink from humans. Caleb was so sure that there was no other way for him to survive without having to kill. He always felt guilty that he had to drink human blood when the woman he loves was a human. It's good to know that he has an option now. I'm pretty sure he'll want to try it out." Helena told them hopefully.

"Our family is more than happy to help with the transition if he asks." Alice offered and Helena thanked her.

"You don't seem to be fazed by all of this" Bella observed. It was amazing how Helena was taking it all in stride.

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