Chapter 10

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"I don't understand" Was the only thing that Edward was able to say.

Bella leaned away and finally turned towards the others around them.

"I believe everyone should be here for this" Carlisle told her and Bella agreed. As soon as he said those words, the rest of the family appeared one by one while Bella stood up from the ground and sat on the empty chair behind her.

They were all standing, spread out all over the living room, all looking at her expectantly. She was put on the hotspot now while Edward remained on the ground, staring at her, with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"Carlisle, it seems your family has a lot of interesting things going on." Tanya commented while her sisters agreed.

"Well, a lot has happened indeed" Carlisle had to agree.

"Explain" Rosalie demanded from Bella in a clipped tone.

"What's going on?" Esme asked as confused as everyone.

"Is this what you were trying to tell me?" Alice eyed her and Bella was only able to nod.

"Who...are you?" Jasper spoke.

"I'm Isabella Swan" She replied.

"Wait... now, you just got us confused. I thought you just said that you weren't Bella?" Emmett scratched his head.

"Well..." Bella started to explain. "The body that you are looking at right now..." She gestured towards herself. "... is the Bella that you have known and left." The last part she added pointedly.

"But inside..." She pointed at her heart. "Is another person. I'm not the Bella Swan that you know... I am still Isabella Swan but I'm an Isabella Swan thirty-five years from now."

They all looked at her like she had grown two heads.

"So, you're from the future?" Jasper clarified like being told that someone was from the future was something that they normally hear all the time.


"Carlisle?" Esme turned to her husband for confirmation and Carlisle nodded.

"It's true" Bella was actually glad that she had told Carlisle first. Having the patriarch of the family to back her claim up would be an easier way of convincing all of them.

"Are you sure you're not just hallucinating?" Rosalie asked, still skeptical and not believing her at all.

"I wish I was" she replied dryly.

"Okay... that's just... unreal. You can't blame us for not believing that you're from the future. And that's coming from a vampire" Kate commented.

"How is that even possible?" It was Eleazar who spoke this time and it was clear that he was more curious about the idea of the time travelling aspect than her being there herself.

"Remember when I asked if you've encountered a vampire that can manipulate time? Well, I kind 'a met one and he accidentally transported me back here. Not my physical body at least but my essence, my soul... or whatever you want to call it got transferred to my younger and very much human self"

"That's impossible! There's no such thing as a vampire who can send you back in time!" Irina exclaimed in disbelief.

"It's unheard of yes, but it's definitely not impossible and the fact that I've met one in the future means that he exists."

"Wait... hold on... you said, your "human self". Does that mean that you're one of us in the future?!" Emmett asked excitedly.

"If you're asking if I'm a vampire in the future then yes I am... or I was?" She added, unsure. Out of the corner of her eye, Bella noticed Rosalie's expression changing and knowing Rosalie and her desires, she had an idea what could be going on in her mind.

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