Chapter 7

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When Alice returned at night, she had two suitcases in tow and a scheduled flight early in the morning at Seattle airport.

Charlie insisted then that he'd be taking the girls to the airport so Alice didn't have to leave Carlisle's car somewhere else.

The trio left early in the morning to catch their flight and Bella sat beside Charlie from the driver's seat and Alice at the back with a mischievous look on her face.

"What are you snickering about Alice?" Bella eyed her from the rear view mirror and Alice giggled.

"Nothing, I've never ridden at the back of a police car before. Emmett would be jealous." Charlie frowned while Bella only rolled her eyes.

"First thing you do when you land is to call me, you got that? I need to know that you landed safely" Charlie changed the subject right away.

"You got it Dad"

"And Alice? Will your family be picking you up from the airport?"

"Yes Charlie. They'll be waiting for us when we arrive. "Bella tried to hide her uneasiness. The possibility of meeting Jasper sooner was so high and Bella already anticipated that it would be Jasper who would be meeting them. Oh, she wished it was going to be just Emmett or Carlisle, or maybe even Esme? But with Alice with her, who better than to greet them when they arrive, than her mate.

"You okay Bells?" Charlie looked at her, there was hope in his eyes that she was going to change her mind but that wasn't going to happen. She was doing this so she had to keep herself strong and make sure that she doesn't make a fool out of herself, the moment that she sees Jasper.

She had been thinking if this piece of information was something she would share with the rest of the Cullen's or if she'll just let them assume that her being from the future, that she was still Edward's mate but could she pull it off when even now, she was already longing to see this version of her mate? She decided that she'll cross the bridge when she gets there.

"I'll be fine. What will you be doing while I'm away? "Bella changed the topic and Charlie stared at the road and sighed.

"I'll probably drop by the reservation more often. Keep Sue and the kids company"

Bella nodded.

"You do that. They'll appreciate it. "Bella didn't want to say anything more, in case she might say something prematurely about Charlie and Sue's relationship in the future. That was something that shouldn't even be brought up now, with Harry's death still raw.

The rest of the ride, they spent in silence and when it was time for their flight to depart, Alice and Bella gave Charlie a hug, not before warning the girls to be careful and reminding them for the millionth time to call him when they arrive.

Alice had first class seats reserved for both of them and Bella found herself at ease with the accommodations.

Bella had been in one too many flights in her vampire life that she was used to the accommodations, whether it was in commercial flights or from private planes chartered by the Cullen's or by the Volturi.

As comfortable as she was in the flight, her nerves was a different story. Bella was still thinking of the prospect of seeing Jasper again. So to keep herself distracted, she brought along her music player and spent the rest of the flight listening to music. She had found a CD with Edwards's handwriting on it and was curious as to what was inside.

When the first few keys of the piano filled her headset, she immediately recognized Edwards's composition. Edward's skill at composition has always been at par with the world's best musicians and Bella and Jasper had been given the opportunity to be gifted with such music on their wedding day when Edward composed a wonderful music that tells the story of a lost soldier and his mate and how they found each other. They have cherished that song and Bella had kept listening to that music ever since. It was too bad though, she couldn't listen to that music now.

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