Chapter 10

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Ok so as the in formation earlier sachi will be kirito's main girl because some of the readers requested and i greed.
Well so read, sit and relax but most of all enjoy the chapter.

After izuku and the others talk to kibaou of how they gonna fight the boss they group went to a meeting.
"ok we have 3 days to prepare for our needs. So what are we gonna do?" izuku ask his friends.
"well why don't we split our group to 3." kirito said.

"well who's going to be group to each other?" izuku asked this whike the others decide how to split them.
"well we can play a short game to decide who's in a group." *smirking*mina said this because she wants to see how will the other girls will fight to be grouped with izuku. "so what game should we play." ask asuna readying herself for the game. "we will play spin the dagger. Its like a spin the battle but with a dagger." said mina. "so how can we know the groups." asked sachi in a shy tone. "the first 3 that the dagger point will be group 1 and the second 3 will be the group 2 and the remaning 2 will be paired to each other. Good." mina said while the others nod in aggreement.

(i'm gonna skip the game so we can go to the preparing)

"ok the group will be me, eijira and denka in group 1 and asuna, koharu and mina in group 2 and kirito and sachi paired with each other." izuku said. "oh come why didn't we group with deku!?"koharu whined. "well i did want to be paired with kirito but the dagger chose it for us." mina said disappointed because she didn't paired with the guy she intrested to.

Kirito scene:

So while me and sachi are walking the plaza we meet her party. "oh hey sachi, how you doing, and is that your boyfriend?" the boy said teasing sachi.
Well kirito being kirito he doesn't care what others say and just introduce himself. "Hi, i'm kirito and i'm sachi partner" kirito said. Sachi's friend is shocked "p-partner?" all of ask. Then sachi finally decided to speak. "*blushing hard" Ah no, w-we j-just paired by our friends to level up for the boss raid" "WOW! You two joining the boss raid. We tried to join but they didn't accept us and said 'you are to weak to join the boss raid' that was he said." the boy said sadden because he remembered the harh words of the man.

"well it's, why don't you come with us to train so that the bext boss you can try and join again!?"kirito said encouraging the players.
After the training and gathering materials kirito and sachi is walking home sachi is thinking of something.
'wow, i didn' t know that kirito san is so kind he even give them some of his materials just to rise their spirit up' but she was cut off of her thought when kirito speak. "your comrade is all good people, it's a good thing that kibaou didn't accept their request." kirito is happy that his new found friend will not be put in danger. "you know kirito san, the first time i met you i thought that your the kind of person that will always tease you and mocked you but i was wrong. Your kind, sweet and gentle when you know it's thw right thing to do. I like it." sachi said not realizing what she said.

Kirito is happy that someone appreciated him other than his family  be ever sence kirito is young he always in izuku's side so the other kid said bad words to him.


Kirito is walking home early so that he can watch over izuku but the kids conered him and said "why don't you just quit school and continue being a slave to that quirkless freak" the kid said and started attacking him.

End of flashback:
(sorry if it's short)

After kirito told sachi this sachi then hug kirito. "don't worry we're here for you, I'm here for you." sachi said.

Timeskip 3 days later

"WE'RE GOING TO DEFEAT THAT BOSS AND WE'RE GOING TO GO HOME ALIVE!!.."kibaou shouts running to the floor boss.

" so this is it huh? "kirito said to izuku.

" well we just need to defeat the boss and go back" izuku said.

All the players entee the boss room waiting to appear. Then they saw the boss holding a big sword and a shield, and they notice that the boss had a second sword behind its back. "ATTACK.....!!" kibaou yelled and the players attack the boss in differant direction up, down, left, right all diraction. And when the boss heath reach 40 % started to throw his sword and shield.

The players is curious of what the boss doing. Then suddenly the boss use the sword behind its back and the patern suddenly become random.
"why did the boss suddenly attack on random direction?" kibaou said while shaking. "its like a passive that when its life reach 40% it will change weapon but the pattern stay the same." izuku said leaving the other players curious of how he know so mucha about the boss.

"kirito you need to take the girls away from here" izuku said while running towards the boss. But he didn't know that denka and asuna followed him.
"we will help you."izuku just agree cause he knows there's nothing he can do about it."ok, i lure him to me and two with the support of others attack its blind spot." the plan is going good until it reach 15% it started to jump around and almost kill anybody but what triggered izuku to awaken his quirk is asuna and denka about to get hit with 20% HP.

Izuku is panicking and he didn't even notice that the people around him is moving so slow. But izuku doesn't care about that now what's more important is he have to save them.

Asuna and denka is shocked when izuku suddenly appeared in front of them in a blink of an eye" izu h-h-how did you do that" "i'll explain later you need to get away and heal your self."
Asuna and denka run away from the boss. "so you tried to kill my love ones
Your gonna pay for it." izuku then dash to the boss and hit it in different direction. The other player can't believe what they're seeing. 'how is that possible a this player might be a cheater.' kibaou thought to himself.

Izuku is going for his last attack. Then he shouts." WIND SLAASSSHH" The wind then slash tge head of the boss before it disappear into a million pieces of glass.

Asuna and denka run to izuku hugging him and scolding him for being reckless. "why did you fight it alone what if it hides more tricks what will you do?" asuna said while crying denka, koharu and eijira can't even form any words to say.

"hey bro, how did you become so strong and fast?" ask kirito but before izuku can answer he was called by kibaou.

"HEY you DEKU! Hom can you be so strong and faster and why did you know so many about the boss?" kibaou ask izuku and jealous that izuku get the kill bonus."so you play as a beta but how can you explain the strength you have?" the other players said.

"yes i am a beta and my strength it doesn't concern you" izuku said that cause he too doesn't know what's happening.

"HIS A CHEATER...!!" Shout the player with kibaou. "so his a beta and a cheater. Then his a beater." kibaou said while the other players is cheering for kibaou."so if your not a cheater why don't you give us the bonus." kibaou said while smirking.

Asuna is angry. "this guy i will kill him." but izuku stop her and walk to the middleof the crowd. "so what if i'm a beta and a cheater i don't care what you say. So if you want the boss level then don't run in the middle of the fight." izuku said glaring at kibaou.

After the boss raid izuku is recieving so many stares but he doesn't care about that. What he care is that he save his love ones and they survived the boss raid.

Ok so thats for chapter 10 and the next chapter is about the incedent where sachi supposed to die.

And i know that the story is not that good but thank you for reading this until now

Who do you want to be yui's parent.
I ask because kirito and asuna is not together in this fic so just comment in this chapter, the deadline until yui is revealed in the book.

I don't own MHA and SAO so bye

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