Winter Formal.

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Evelyn's P.O.V

I saw it.

I saw it all.

The heat surrounds me, burning my skin as though I was actually on fire. Screams fill my ears and instantly cover them with my hands, hoping to drown out the awful sound. The Hale House was burning to the ground with the family still inside. I stood in front of the pouch watching the horrific scene play out. I try to move my feet, to run in and help but they stay planted to the ground, unable to move. All I could do was watch.

"Look at you"

A voice taunts from my left, I turn with my arms hugged around myself, tears drenching my face.

A younger Kate Argent stood with a cocky smile on her face and a gun in her hand, pointing it at her target. She stands tall while the teenage boy in front of her was on his knees, head down as a sob wreaks through his body. He looks up at her and at that moment, my heart drops to the deepest pits of my stomach as I stare at the familiar forest green eyes.


My voice is non-existent, no sound left my lips as I scream his name, again and again, hoping to spare him. Derek's dark hair sticks to his forehead, his green t-shirt dirtied with charcoal marks "how does it feel Derek? To watch your family burn" she taunts, a wide smile on her face. "You lied!" he growls back, his jaw clenching tightly. Kate giggles and glances back at the burning house "oh sweetie! Of cause I lied. You fall for a hot girl who failed to mention she comes from a long line of werewolf hunters, it's an easy mistake to make."

My chest tightens at her words and my mind begins to buzz as the scene around me begins to fade. Kate started the fire, she killed Derek's family.


I jolted up, my body colliding with Scott's "hey, I 've got you. You're okay" he cooed, embracing me tightly.

"Did you see it?"

My voice was barely above a whisper. Scott nodded, pulling away from me "the fire? yeah, I saw it" he confirmed rubbing my back soothingly. Tears ran down my cheeks as I pulled away for look up at him "Kate Argent started the fire, Scott. Allison's aunt killed Derek's family. She locked them in the basement and set the house on fire" I cried as their screams still echoed in my head. Scott's eyes widen as his face pales "He's going after Kate and everyone else who played a part in the fire".


"Alison when you said we had to make a pit stop before we went shopping, I didn't think you meant a hike in the woods" Lydia complains as we step over yet another log. Alison just shakes her head at Lydia as she led us into a clearing surrounded by trees. "Oh Lydia before I forget, Jackson asked me to the winter formal. Just as friends but I just wanted to make sure you're okay with it?"

My eyes widen as I glance between my sister and friend, Lydia stiffens and nods her head slightly "sure as long as it's just friends" she bites out. Alison smirks and tilts her head "well it's not like I'm going to take him into the coach's office during lacrosse practice and make out with him or anything."

I choke on my saliva as Lydia's eyes widen "you made out with Scott?" I cough out, Alison nods her head and crosses her arms over her chest. Lydia giggles nervously "about that, I knew there was something I forgot to tell you" she stutters out. Alison just ignores her and loads her bow with a new arrowhead "what kind of arrow is that?" I ask, reaching out to touch it.

"Careful!" Alison exclaims protectively pulling the bow arrow away from me "I have no idea what it does, that's why we're here." She aims for the tree up ahead, the arrow shoots through the air and hits the center of the trunk perfectly before bursting into flames. I have to cover my eyes as they begin to burn "wow" I grit out, blinking a few times before looking back at the arrow,

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2022 ⏰

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