Bad Dreams

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Evelyn's P.O.V

I rushed over to Stiles "this is not good" I whispered looking around frantically "what do we do?" Stiles asked staring out at Scott, his leg bouncing up and down "I don't know Stiles" I held my head in my hands as I watched the game. Scott growled at a boy on the other team, he shook with fear passing Scott the ball.

"Did the other team just give us the ball?" Coach asked in disbelief, I stood up crossing my arms over my chest nervously "yes Coach I believe they did" I replied quickly. The timer was running out and Scott had the ball, players on the other team were running towards him "come on Scott, you can do it" I mumbled to myself over and over again, I could hear Alison whispering a similar thing. Scott's head perked up as he stared in our direction, his breathing slowed.

He threw the ball straight into the net "Yes!! Scott, I knew you could do it" I yelled, jumping up and down. Scott threw off his gloves and ran towards the changing room, I stood up to follow him when Stiles grabbed my hand and pulled me down "my dads on the phone it's about Derek" I sat back as Mr Stilinski hung the phone up and turned to us, with a sad look.

We ran into the changing room to see Alison and Scott kissing, when they finally broke away Alison turned to leave "Hey guys" she smiled awkwardly as she left the changing room. I turned to look at Scott who had a dreamy look on his face "I kissed her" he whispered in a dazed "we saw that" Stiles replied bluntly "she kissed me" he stated again. I chuckled snapping fingers in front of his face "we saw that too, you know what? we'll talk to you later" I tried to brush off but Scott grabbed my arm "what's wrong?"

I looked at Stiles then back at Scott "well my dad just got off the phone to the man who did the fiber analysis on both halves of the body and it came back that the cause of death was an animal" Stiles explained slowly, I crossed my arms over my chest "so?" Scott snapped staring glancing between us.

"What he means Scott is that the cause of death was animal, Derek's not an animal which means Derek let out of jail" I spelled it out to him, Scott's face dropped "and this is a real kick in the ass. Stiles dad identified the body and her name was Laura Hale" I continued, I felt sick knowing we accused Derek of killing his sister " Hale" Scott asked in disbelief "Derek's sister"


I decided to head straight home, I've had enough of today. Lydia was staying at Jacksons tonight and Mom was working late, so I just made some hot chocolate and headed for my room. I opened my door with my free hand and felt around for the light switch and turned it on.

Turning around I jumped at the sight of Derek almost spilling my drink everywhere "what the hell are you doing here?" I spat placing my cup down "how did you know?" I stared at him with my brows raise "what are you talking about?" he rolled his eyes and stood up so he was towering over me "in the car, how did you know it wasn't me?" I stood there for a moment trying to find an answer "I just had a feeling, I felt sadness and anger radiating off of you. And I guess I kinda owed you"

Derek stared down at me with a look I couldn't place "you owed me?" he asked stepping back, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I nodded "yeah, because you stopped the hunter from hurting Scott, and because you stopped me from possibly hurting someone at the party" I told him avoiding his gaze. The corner of his mouth twitched up "well then we're even".


I ran through the woods, picking my red dress up so I can move quicker "come on Derek I'm winning" I laughed as I avoided the trees gracefully "maybe I want you to win" a voice whispered behind me sending a shiver down my spine "that's cheating Derek" I scowled as he appeared in front of me, a rare smile on his lips "I never said I played fair Evelyn" I stepped back as he continued to step forward, he stared at me with a gleam of pride and protectiveness

I smirked as my back hit the railing of the Hale house "I caught you" I felt his breath against my neck as he placed his hand on my chest above my heart, he lifted the small silver pendant that peacefully laid between my breasts "you can never take this off" I stared down at the three spirals that connected in the center. I looked up and gasped as Derek's lips captured mine and his hands slipped my dress up to my thighs as he lifted me on to the railings.

I woke up covered in sweat with my heart pounding against my chest, I took a deep breath. Did I seriously just dream that "it didn't happen" I repeated to myself again, I walked into my bathroom and turned the shower on. Hoping to wash away that dream, I cringed stepping under the hot water.

I walked along the hall with Scott and Stiles "so you had a bad dream too?" I asked Scott nervously "yeah I was on the bus with Alison and we began to make out then I killed her, what was yours about?" he asked turning to look at me, my face heated up and my eyes widened slightly "you don't want to know but I woke up covered in sweat and I've never had a dream that felt that real before" I stated vaguely as I walked ahead avoiding more questions "I have but it usually ends with Lydia and I" I spun around hitting Stiles on the back of the head "you're an ass" I said before walking away.

I sat between Danny and Jackson at lunch, Scott explained everything he managed to find out about the driver that was attacked on the bus and he thinks Derek might be able to help him. "So what are we doing tomorrow night" we all turned to Lydia with questioning looks, "you said that you and Scott are hanging out so whatever we're doing needs to be fun," she said playing with her salad.

Alison and Scott shared a look "Evelyn you could go with Matt" Lydia chirped looking over at Matt with a smile "umm no I can't I'm helping Stiles study. Maybe some other time" I lied smoothly. Matt just smiled up at me with hope, Stiles turned to look at me "you ar-" I elbowed him hard under the table "I mean yeah she is".

"Why am I here?" I asked we stood outside Derek's house "because we need to remember what happened last night" I sign feeling nervous about seeing Derek after my dream, come on Evelyn get your self together.

"I know you can hear me" Scott growled lowly. Derek opened the door and stepped out in front of us "I know we played a part in you getting arrested and I'm sorry. I don't what happened to your sister but we need your help" Scott apologized before explaining his dream to Derek. I remained quiet and just listened to all the details "did you have the same dream?" Derek asked snapping me out of my thoughts. He and Scott looked down at my expectantly while waiting for my reply.

"No" I stuttered out, my face heating up. Derek eyed me "do you think it actually happened?" he pressed "you tell me" I slapped my hand over my mouth instantly and shook my head, Derek just stared down at me. Scott stepped forward "can you help me?" he pleaded, Derek rolled his eyes "I can help you but It's not going to come free," he told him lowly, I shook my head "of course it isn't, he needs your help and your bargaining with him" I spat raising my brow at him. Derek just glared down at me.

"What do you want?" Scott asked in defeat "you'll find out, but right now I'm going to give you what you want. Go back to the scene and let you senses remember for you" Scott nodded slowly and started to walk down the porch steps. I gave Derek one last glare before following behind.

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