Cheek kisses

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Evelyn's P.O.V

He's dead.

He killed him.

The Alpha killed Derek.

"He's going to break through that door Scott" I cried pushing up against the door "I know, we need something to keep it closed" he growled out as the Alpha smashed against the door again. Scott and I were strong, but not strong enough to hold him back "guys I have an idea" Stiles smashed into the glass box on the wall which contained a steel ax, I scooted over as he slid it in between the handles. The Alpha pounded against the door once more before it went completely silent, I glanced at Scott before stepping away from the door "do you think he left?" Stiles mumbled as we backed away from the entrance. Suddenly the Alpha broke through the side windows landing on his feet infront of us "shit run!!"

My heart hammered against my chest as I fell against the wall in the girl's locker room, Scott and Stiles had run in a different direction. I needed to find them, my body shook as I pulled myself up using the benches "just breath Evelyn" I placed my hands over my chest as I concentrated on slowing my heart. I'm sure the entire state would hear it, I yanked the door open and I stuck my head out, the corridor was empty.

I held my breath and listened closely "where are they? Scott said that she was here" I stopped dead in my tracks, what the fuck is Lydia and Jackson doing here? I took off down the corridor running towards the voices, I took a sharp left and collied with a hard body. I fell back hitting the floor with a loud thud, I glance up to see the Alpha standing above me with his teeth bared at me.

I scrambled back up to my feet and stepped back, making sure it was following me I took off in the opposite direction, leading him away from Lydia. I ran down the south halls towards the main fire escape, I could hear his paws pounding against the floor behind me "come on" I panted out as the exit came into sight, I reached out towards the door but just as my fingers brushed the cold metal, the Alpha pounced and knocked me into the wall, my head collided hard with the fire extinguisher. Everything went black.


My head hurt, like really hurt. Was I dead?

Opening my eyes, I winced at the pain in my head It was a dull but throbbing ache. I stared up at the ceiling to see rusty wooden panels, this wasn't school or my bedroom. I groaned pulling myself to sit up, but a hand reached out and pushed me back down "stay still" a familiar voice warned. Maybe I was dreaming, I'm probably still knocked out in the school corridor. God, I hope not....

I felt something cold dab against my head, I brought my hand up to feel the damage but my hand came down on someone else's, my head stung slightly as I lifted it to see who it was. My heart raced as I stared at him, his green eyes finding mine "you were dead" I whispered out. Derek pressed the wet cloth back to my head gently "I'm here now, he didn't kill me" he replied quietly. He removed the cloth from my head and I sat up "what happened? is everyone okay? my sister was there" I gushed rushing to stand up.

Derek grabbed my arms steadying me and pushing me back to sit back down "Evelyn careful, Scott got them all out safely. The Alpha hit you really hard, it'll take a while to heal" he explained sitting on the broken wood opposite me, his knees bumping mine "well now what do we do?" I huffed squeezing my eyes shut to ease the ache in my skull "well I'm actually a wanted criminal" Derek stated calmly, my eyes shot open "I'm sorry what? what did you do?" I exclaimed snapping at him.

"Scott told the cops that I'm the killer" I stared at him wide-eyed "but you didn't, right?" he rolled his eyes at me and stood up "obviously I haven't killed anyone, It's the Alpha" I nodded leaning back and signed. I listened to the woods around us, the wind hitting the trees and rustling the leaves, it was soothing. I looked over at Derek who had his back to me, I could hear his heart racing against his chest "are you okay?" I whispered as his heartbeat spiked.

Do I make Derek Hale nervous?

He turned back to look at me over his shoulder "I'm fine, come on I should take you home" he grumbled. I pushed myself off the table and on to my feet "Ok, thank you for helping me" Derek nodded ad he led me out to his car.

Derek pulled up outside my house "thanks again" I mumbled unclipping my seat belt "be safe and don't do anything stupid" he warned. I rolled my eyes and nodded "see you around Derek" I said and without thinking I leaned across and placed a kiss on his cheek.


Scott took another sharp turn as the tires on Derek's car screeched "come on, Scott their right behind us" Stiles panicked from the back seat, I turned to see the black Range Rover a few meters behind us "Scott I don't think you grasp the idea of a car chase" I snapped pulling off my coat and throwing it into the back sea "If I crash Derek's car he'll kill me" Scott exclaimed, I grabbed the wheel as we narrowly missed another car "If they catch us, They'll kill us Scott" I snarled.

We crossed a small bridge that led us down an alley "where is he?" Scott cured as we sped round yet another corner. Gunshots rang out hitting the side of the car "Evelyn open your door now" Scott yelled as the car came to a halt, I threw my door open and Derek quickly got in slamming the door shut "go now" he screamed at Scott, I shuffled back so I was practically in Stiles's lap.

"Damn it, I had him" Derek spat out hitting the roof of the car, I jumped at his outburst "who? the alpha?" Scott asked in disbelief, his eyes on the road "he was right in front of me until the fucking cops turned up" Derek gritted out. Stiles pushed me forward so I was between Scott and Derek "their just doing their jobs" Stiles snapped, his head on my shoulder so he can see. Derek glared at him before glancing at me "how did you find him?" Scott asked ignoring Stiles.

Derek looked out the window ignoring Scott's question "come on! can't you just trust us this once? all of us" Stiles exclaimed poking his head over my shoulder to look at Derek. I giggled as Derek glared at Stiles "or just these two I'll be back here minding my business" he said shrinking back in to the back seat.

I moved over so my body was fully between the two front seats "before my sister disappeared she had two leads, one was a guy named Adrian Harris and the other was this" Derek reached into his back pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper, I gasped taking it from him "what is it?" Scott asked. I held the paper up to him "do you recognize it?" Derek asked me, I nodded handing it back to him "I've seen it on a necklace" I replied slumping back avoiding his gaze. "Alison's necklace" Scott continued, his hands tightening around the wheel. "You need to get a hold of that necklace" Derek concluded staring at Scott "and how do you expect me to do that?"

After Scott dropped me off, I showered and changed into a pair of shorts, and one of Stile's old shirts. He gave me a load of shirts he'd outgrown to paint in but I ended up using some as pajamas, he'd a good friend. I sank into my bed signed "how's your head?" I literally screamed and jumped out of my bed. Derek stood against the window a cocky smirk on his face.

My face flushed red with anger "are you trying to kill me? or send me into cardiac rest? what the fuck Derek? " I cursed loudly, luckily no one was home. Derek crossed his arms over his chest "I just wanted to check in and see if you've healed" he explained as his eyes wandered down my body taking in my choice of clothing "we have a front door, Derek, you could use it. Just because you're wanted doesn't mean you need to sneak around like a criminal" I fumed sitting back down on the bed.

"My heads fine" I answered after a moment of silence "I gathered as much" Derek mused as he glanced around my room his eyes finding mine again "Scott will get the necklace and then hopefully we can get this whole thing sorted" I reassured crossing my legs as I got comfortable. Derek didn't reply so I continued "what are you going to do when the Alpha's gone? will you be staying in Becan Hills?" I asked, he smirked slightly "I haven't decided yet, I have more reasons to stay than I do to leave" he explained crossing his arms over his chest, I noticed the way his muscles flexed across his broad chest. I looked away quickly hoping he didn't catch me checking him out, but by the wide smirk on his face, I think he definitely caught me.

"So what are your reasons to stay?" He looked away from me and chuckled but he didn't reply "Are w still playing the 'I don't trust you' game I thought we were past that" I mocked and pouted at him. Derek rolled his eyes at me but I could see the small smile on his lips "Evelyn you're probably the only person I trust"

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