First Day

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Evelyn's P.O.V

I stepped out of my car with Lydia following me towards the entrance of the school, Scott and Stiles stood in front of the steps as we approached them. I managed to catch the end of their convocation "......since the birth of Lydia and Evelyn Martin, Hey Lydia" Stiles said waving at us, he was blushing. Lydia walked right by him "hey Lyd I'll catch up with you later" she nodded continuing up the stairs.

I twirled my hair around my finger as Scott told Stiles about the wolf howling and the bites we endured last night "there are no wolves in California" Stiles stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world "we know that idiot but that's what we heard" I exclaimed crossing my arms over my chest "are you going to show me your bite, Scott said it's pretty bad" Stiles asked me reaching towards my shoulder "um no because then I would have to take my top off" I said walking away from him rolling my eyes "exactly" I scoffed entering the school.

I walked down the hall towards my class, greeting a few of my friends along the way. Although Lydia and I had a lot of friends I only really trusted a small handful of people. I stopped midstep when I heard my name, I turned the corner to see Jackson and Matt talking from about 50 feet away. Why the hell can I hear them talking? I scrunched my face up in confusion.

"Come on Jackson, you have to admit Evelyn is amazing and totally hot" Matt told Jackson who was glaring at him "dude that's my girlfriend's sister" Jackson spat as he eyed Matt, who took a step back and nodded his head "yeah you're right man, sorry. But can you at least get me her number" Jackson rolled his eyes walking away.

"Dude you know how he is with Evelyn, she's practically his best friend" Danny informed Matt while rolling his eyes at him "oh come on Danny we know you would totally turn straight for her" Danny hit Matt's arm as they both entered the boy's locker room.

"What are you doing" I jumped when Lydia appeared in front of me "I was just, I was just looking for someone" I stuttered as she eyed me, Lydia nodded and turned to reveal a tall pretty brunette "Allison this is my best friend and twin sister Evelyn, Evelyn this is Allison she's new" I smiled and stuck my hand out to her, which she took "its nice to meet you" she murmured before letting go of my hand "you too" Lydia smiled and grabbed my arm "Jacksons got lacrosse practice and I told him we'd go and watch" I smiled and followed them out to the field.

I sat on the stand in between Allison and Lydia, who were cheering the boys on "who is that" Allison asked her eyes on Scott "don't really know who that is" Lydia replied tilting her head "that's Scott McCall, he's a good friend of mine" I told her smiling in Scott's direction "he's in my English class" she replied, her eyes still on him.

Scott stood in goal just as coach blew the whistle, I clutched my head and bit my tongue to stop myself from screaming out as the noise penetrated my skull. When the whistle stopped I looked up to see Scott with his head in his hands, just like I had. What the hell is going on?

Shaking it off I continued to watch as Scott caught yet another ball effortlessly "he's pretty good" Alison complimented "yeah really good" I added staring at Scott as he caught all the goals. It was Jacksons turn to throw the ball "oh god" I heard Scott whisper from where I was sitting, it that even possible? "you can do it scott" I yelled as Jackson threw the ball in Scott's direction. He caught the ball easily, he looked just about as confused as Jackson did when he caught it.


"I don't know how I did it, it was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball" Scott gushed as we tracked across the muddy puddles "that's not the only weird thing I mean I can hear and smell things" Scott added walking backward to face Stiles and I "yeah me too" I stated stepping over another tree log "hear and smell what kind of things" Stiles pressed clearly not believing us fully "like Matt telling Danny and Jackson that I have a nice ass from 40 feet away" I gagged remembering their conversation at lunch, Stiles just smirked and stepped back "he was right though" I glared at him and slapped his chest "and I can smell that mint Monjo gum in your pocket" Scott said catching my arm before I could hit Stiles again "what I don't have any mi-" Stiles chokes as he pulled out mint gum from his back pocket.

"Okay well you said this all happened with the bite so maybe your infected" Stiles concluded staring at us, I rolled my eyes "or maybe we're both filled with adrenaline before we go into shock" I added crossing my arms over my chest "you know I've heard about this thing before its called lycanthropy" Scott turned to him with worry in his dark eyes "wait is that bad?" Stiles smirked and raised his brows "deadly but only on a full moon" then he howled making me push his chest "there could be something seriously wrong with us" I sneered at him, Stiles held his hands up in defense.

"Yes, your both werewolves..........okay okay I'm kidding" I chose to ignore Stiles as Scott bent down "I swear this is where I saw the body and dropped my inhaler" Scott said to himself, I looked around "we fell down that hill, you must have dropped it here" I said pointing to the slope, I bent down to help Scott look "maybe the killer moved the body" Stiles muttered.

I suddenly felt uneasy, like we were being watched "I hope he left my inhaler those things cost like eighty bucks" I looked up and nearly screamed, a tall man with raven black hair was staring straight back at me "Scott, Stiles" I hissed gaining their attention "what are you doing here uh? this is private property" The man spat stepping closer as he stared us down "sorry man we didn't know" Stiles apologized grabbing my hand "yeah we were just looking for.... Never mind" Scott shook his head, choosing not to tell him.

The man pulled something out of his pocket and tossed it at Scott with unbelievable speed, Scott opened his hand to reveal his inhaler. I looked back up to see the man stepping backwards while his eyes roamed me before he turned and walked away.

"Guys you know who that is right?" Stiles exclaimed, I shook my head and wrapped my arms around myself "No, should we?" Scott asked placing his inhaler in his pocket "That's Derek Hale, remember he's only a few years older than us, he's family died in the house fire like ten years ago" I nodded and turned as we began to walk away "I wonder what he's doing back"...............

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